It makes them uncomfortable to talk about it. Or acknowledge it's lingering effects. It's much more uncomfortable for the people suffering the lingering effects. But that's not what's important./s
Still doing it / going to significantly ramp it up. Think those immigrants are ever getting out of the camps? Nah, they'll just be free labor now. As will plenty of Americans.
Didn't you hear? The past was always better, and Now is always the low ebb in the decline of our civilization until we return to the values that made yesterday great.
If the past is somehow to blame for the problems of today, that might mean there was something wrong with the past. If that's the case, then maybe other things from the past have problems, including things that I like or benefit me personally, or that changing would imply a lot of big scary changes that I'm not ready for.
That's why attempts to talk about little mistakes from the past like chattel slavery, indigenous genocide, phillipino genocide or endemic discrimination and institutionalized racism are just attempts by bad people to tear down perfection and keep us from returning to a simpler, better time where those mistakes never happened.
This doesn’t have to be controversial, just read the confederate state’s declarations of succession. The cause of the civil war isn’t open for interpretation. The people who succeeded litterally wrote down and formally publicized their reasons.
none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization
I can't believe the US is about to let illiberal "Christo" tyrants win without a fight. Should do as Jon Stewart said, play on their level and just don't confirm the votes.
Trump doesn't qualify for president, per the 14th amendment. I'm kind of pissed that the fucking constitution is being treated as novel law and not the foundation for our laws.
But that is in an amendment so it only has to be followed 3/5ths of the way.
I'm actually really surprised we didn't have a new lawsuit about his ability to take the oath of office. Not that it will actually matter but these Trump sycophants should have to state publication they don't care what the law says.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
They barely teach about it as it is. My daughter's social studies textbook had page after page about Marbury v. Madison and two paragraphs about Harriet Tumbman.
Harriet Tubman was a great hero, but she did not shape society. Marbury v. Madison established judicial review, which allows the SC to strike down laws as unconstitutional. That's massive. Brown v. Board of Education or Roe v. Wade rely on that.
Judicial review has been adopted by republics around the world (though not all). Writing as a European, I believe it's a greatly underappreciated US contribution to global culture and the cause of democracy and human rights.
Recently watched a drunk history episode about spies, one of the segments featured Harriet Tubman. Absolutely worth a watch, you can find it on YouTube free.
Did you know she was Americas first female military leader? I didn’t till I saw that! And I got a half decent education where they didn’t gloss over slavery (helps I grew up in NY).
Ever see those stupid laws like “don’t ride a horse on a Sunday?” Or look at when “vagrancy” laws were passed, or differences in sentencing between crack and coke.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Look at prison rates and racial backgrounds in the south. Look at how felonies are used to disenfranchise. Look at the war on drugs.
In his 6min 1A speech the week after winning he’s going off about censorship and social media moderation. He asked Republican legislators to send retain your records letters to the universities in their states. He then said he was going to pull funding from all universities guilty of censorship/moderation not just going forward, but in the past as well.
He had a bit about never using the “labels” misinformation and disinformation going forward. It’s unclear if that piece is included in that threat to universities.
“Let’s say.. they just decide … ‘Oh, we’re gonna get rid of…history,” Kilmeade posed. “We got new history. This is America built off the backs of slaves on stolen land, and that curriculum comes in.”
“We don’t send them money,” Trump responded. “We would save half of our budget.”
So.. Wait. I heard about the controversy with CRT, but what's this? Are they really saying native Americans were treated fairly and slavery wasn't a big part of the southern economy??
There isn't Just One Source article. It's been nearly 4 years worth of articles. Across many different publications. Look up anything where conservatives mention woke. They use it as a code word. In context to mean either addressing issues of racial oppression and disparity. Or gender discrimination. Sometimes both in the same usage.
This is just a continuation of the current indoctrination system. For example, they don't teach about the founding slavers either. Everything is a whitewash.
A culture that is founded on racist delusions and fantasies is not capable of teaching accurate history.
What are you talking about? The world sees the USA's exploitation of slaves as being HUGELY beneficial to their development. That's not anyone's problem with it?
Chattel slavery in the US was absolutely enormously beneficial to a tiny sliver of uppercrust slaveholding assholes who got rich on the backs of their exploited human "property". Fuck yes it was beneficial to these assholes. There's an argument to be made that this is a big part of the reason why chattel slavery in the US lasted as long as it did -- because it made (some people) a lot of money either directly by owning a plantation or indirectly by buying the cheap textiles and other good that came from those plantations
Why the fuck am I even bothering writing this to some rando on the internet
Why? The repugs have been nothing but a constant clown show for the last 20 years. Its only going to get more ludicrously insane now that there are more of them on the rolls
Those of you with some knowledge and basic video capabilities might consider doubling down on youtube, and using your channel to pimp other video platforms like peertube in case of youtube censorship.
Every corp will bend the knee, advertisers flocking back to twitter like some Mafia deal. Google is already facing antitrust laws so I'm sure they're willing to do what they can to get out of the shitter. Be mirroring your content regardless. And this goes further to services like Google photos, storage is relatively cheap.
They are probably still getting funds if they teach how positive and helpful slavery was to the victims, and how important slavery was for businesses to be profitable for the owners.
He spoke about how the 1776 project to be mandatory in schools and any schools that teach 1619 project or critical race theory to be defunded and sanctioned. Those are just examples and evidence.