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Eldritch Eldritch
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The DNC is the only reason you're not currently enjoying a second-term Sanders and a sane Supreme Court.
  • More than that. Protest voting only works if you're vote is important to them. If you aren't a representative part of a large group of reliable voters or donors. THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT YOUR VOTE. If courting you would help their margin of victory. But might alienate other more reliable voters or donors. THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT YOUR VOTE. If they don't really care about your vote. Then they don't really care about your protest. Then your protest is pointless and counterproductive.

    As cruel and heartless as it sounds. Resources and bandwidth are always limited. They have to put their attention and efforts where they think they will get the best payout. Trying to please a broad swath of fickle unreliable left-leaning voters generally falls outside of the good uses of those limited resources.

    Literally our passive leftist protest voting is meaningless to them. Even if they lose. Meaningless to them. They will spend millions of dollars analyzing trying to figure out why otherwise reliable group didn't vote for them. If they hear that they didn't get leftist vote, they won't bat an eye.

    If we want their attention. If we want their concern. We need to ingratiate ourselves. And make ourselves indisposable to them. We need some primary them. We need to replace them with ourselves. Then they will pay attention. Then they will care. Before we do any of that though. Protest voting and putting the car before the horse and completely useless.

  • The DNC is the only reason you're not currently enjoying a second-term Sanders and a sane Supreme Court.
  • There's nothing to comprehend. They don't understand how things work. And can't commit for any length of time. They want change. But Democrats having to fix Republican damage struggle to do much else. So they figure that they will vote for the opposition. But the opposition always makes things worse. So they vote for Democrats to fix and change things. Democrats start to fix things but they don't do it fast enough so they vote for the opposition. In the opposition makes things worse so they vote for Democrats to fix it and change things. The Democrats fix things as much as they can but they can't change anything so they vote for the opposition etc etc etc.

  • The DNC is the only reason you're not currently enjoying a second-term Sanders and a sane Supreme Court.
  • There are useful tools as well. Like you. Not everyone is paid opposition. But we all know this is your go to strawman when you have no actual response.

  • Fascisemantics
  • Strawmen all you got Linky? You so basic.

  • Fascisemantics
  • I agree. You aren't rebutting anything I said.

    Israel has needed a reckoning since basically day one. America has danced around the fact and played defensive older brother for three quarters of a century. All for a "foothold" in the region.

    And as a long term senator, vice president, and president. Biden is more culpable than many in Congress. But it still is a Congress problem. The executive branch oversees diplomacy, defense, and execution of law under federal authority. Congress writes the laws, approves aid, and cuts the check. Biden can speed it up, and slow it down. He's done both and is crucified regularly from both ends for doing so. All in an effort I'd call overly diplomatic and undeserved on netanyahu's part.

    I got no problem with people expressing disappointment and worse with Biden. I'm not a Democrat. I have no love of the party. I'm not a liberal either. I'm too fringy for most progressives. Fuck the Democrats. But I know, for a fact. January 20th 2025 there's still gonna be a Republican or a Democrat in the whitehouse. And god help us if its a Republican. And by us I mean the world not just Americans. Because things WILL be worse.

    I'm all for primarying every single Democrat in upcoming midterm elections etc with Pro Palestinian candidates for the next 20 years. But if we could stop being useful tools for actual fascists. Practicing self harm. Long enough to not hand the actual fascists control of another branch of government. That'd be great. K' thanks bye

  • Fascisemantics
  • Enabling genocide is bad. Calling enabling, genocide, is also bad. Be better.

    The situation in Palestine has been fucked for decades. It's great to see people finally starting to care. But it's also extremely on brand to see people letting perfect be the enemy of the best we have. In an effort to get the worst possible elected. If you spent half this amount of time railing against the actual fascist people might accidentally think you were American or Genuine. Be better.

  • The Absurdity of the Dump-Biden Uprising
  • Which narrative? They have multiple to cover every outcome.

  • In praising Cornel West and Jill Stein, Trump said the quiet part out loud
  • Way to prove your disingenuousness. I never argued for the status quo. But I understand that when you don't actually have a response to an argument. At least for disingenuous people. You just make stuff up as you just did. I get that you irrationally hate nato. And you can keep irrationally hating nato. Because you will not ever succeed or convince people of your position when you keep making up stufg like this.

    All I said was that there are other Bad actors out there. And leaving ourself defenseless and without allies is a bad idea. I'm all for fixing nato. But you are for Banning hammers because someone was killed by one once. Your for throwing babies out with bath water. Because it was dirty. Mutual defense packs are fine and have a place still today. I would like to see the imperialist nature of it done away with. But no one with any sense would trust anything you have to say. Good day.

  • Silvergate Bank didn’t adequately monitor $1 trillion in crypto transactions, SEC says
  • That's literally always been the point of crypto. These headlines are sort of the equivalent of well duh or no s*** sherlock. I've always been rather bemused by the main stream credibility crypto was given due to the grifter hype around it. It was always a bananas concept ripe for abuse.

  • In praising Cornel West and Jill Stein, Trump said the quiet part out loud
  • I am not necessarily a fan of west. But my guess is that he's a victim of his pride and unwittingly / uncritically supporting the worst element around unintentionally.

    But they're absolutely is a third option. Compromat.

  • In praising Cornel West and Jill Stein, Trump said the quiet part out loud
  • Neither Putin or Flynn are tankies. Not even remotely. Putin is realistically fascist. And Flynn is a fascist cheerleader. If my choice was between supporting them or tankies. I would support tankies every single day. And I really don't like tankies or other similar authoritarian types. But they are slightly better than fascists like Putin

  • In praising Cornel West and Jill Stein, Trump said the quiet part out loud
  • No it's not. By abolishing the mutual defense pact of all those different nations it will simply Empower a different group of people. Who are just as bad actors as NATO has traditionally been. And any claim to the contrary is pants on head crazy.

    Are you seriously insisting that Russia who is currently invading ukraine. And China who is poisoning the reefs and fishing spots around their neighbors in order to hurt them while also saber rattling at Taiwan would see the dissolution of NATO and say okay we'll be good people now? Is that seriously what you're implying? I'm not saying they're worse than NATO had traditionally been. They're pretty on par. But let's not act delusionally here.

  • AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling
  • The fact that they didn't take the time to really try to smear him doesn't mean he's hard to smear. There were a lot of accusations that could have gotten a lot of play Propaganda wise. Like him and his wife honeymooning in Russia. That got bare minimal play during the campaign because it was much more handy to keep the Democrats divided. In fact I think it was probably Democrats that pointed that out. But since they don't directly control the messaging machine. And the people who do did not want that message out it didn't get out.

    Just to point this out to you since you seem to not understand. Smears don't have to be true. Often they aren't. All you need to smear someone successfully is a consistent message driven into them.

  • In praising Cornel West and Jill Stein, Trump said the quiet part out loud
  • Only on the accelerationist left. No one is saying NATO is great. That's not an argument that can be made. But it's insane to genuinely believe the world would be better or much different in its absence.

    NATO for all it's sins is a tool. That could be just as easily leveraged for good. That is if we stop self sabotaging. Instead showing some solidarity and working towards coalitions that could actually stand and represent the Common Man against the wealthy.

  • In praising Cornel West and Jill Stein, Trump said the quiet part out loud
  • She runs for president and nothing else.

  • We are a threat to Biden and Israel. We have the power to make them stop. #JoinJill [02:06 | Jun 14 24 | Jill Stein]
  • They were always right wing stooges. Joseph Dejacque would have likely seen Rothbard hung, before ever accepting him as Libertarian. Dejacque participated in the French Revolution, and literally fought against the type of people pretending to be Libertarian today. Jill Stein is just another useful tool of the wealthy.

  • Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • He only has to live long enough to get it done.

  • Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • I'm not advocating for violence. But I'll put it this way. If I ended up on a jury for a murder trial for someone who killed one of the justices that decided for this. I would dedicate my life to nullifying that jury so hard. Not advocating. Just saying.

  • NEW RELEASE: Monolith (Official Video) by Twin Tribes #postpunk #goth

    A fresh single and video off their upcoming third album Pendulum. I can't recommend this Duo from Texas enough. Their previous albums have been extremely solid for me.


    NEW VIDEO/SINGLE: Every Day is Halloween by Creature Feature #postpunk #darkwave #goth

    The greatest show unearthed returns with a brand new single perfectly timed for the season. But who are we kidding. Every day is Halloween.


    NEW VIDEO: Into the Sun by 2Libras #postpunk #darkwave

    The third single off the Seattle Duos debut release. I'm definitely enjoying their sound so far be sure to check out the rest of their content on Bandcamp.


    NEW VIDEO: Midnight Mystery by Dräger #postpunk #synthpop

    A fresh video Single off his upcoming 2024 sophomore release Delusions of Grandeur.


    NEW SINGLE: I Guess by Never Knows Best

    > Cameron Dunbar formed Never Knows Best out of the ashes of his previous solo project, The Blinking Lights. Inspired by classic acts such as: Joy Division, The Cure, and Depeche Mode, as well as modern outfits like Chvrches, and Cold Cave, Dunbar set out to reimagine his sound with an eclectic mix of synthesizers, electronic drum beats, and distorted guitars.


    NEW VIDEO: Closer by Ruebi

    Ruebi Walter, Hamburg fixture who with his brother Reinhold both with connections to iconic post-punk band Pink Turns Blue. Just dropped a brand new video for his track Closer.


    NEW VIDEO: KVB remix of An Idea Of Guilt by Hello Pity #postpunk #darkwave

    A fresh new music video release on YouTube for the KVB's remix of An Idea Of Guilt. Be sure to check both there and Hello Pity's back catalog on bandcamp.


    NEW RELEASE: Tilting at Windmills by Tilting at Windmills #postpunk #poppunk #alternative


    Actually this came out on the fourth. But I'd like this album even if for nothing more than the cover art. Dropping acid and hanging out with muppets. #lifegoals


    NEW ALBUM: Finite Jest by Charm School #postpunk #nowave


    Oi seems someone was a cheeky boy. And put it up live too early. The page is gone for the moment. But should be back Friday. Definitely a good punk vibe on this debut album be sure to check it out.


    NEW EP: Texture Freq - Masochistic Episode #garagerock #postpunk #noiserock 12xu (@[email protected])

    Texture Freq - Masochistic Episode #GaragePunk #NoiseRock #PostPunk #Postcore #Records

    12xu (

    Quick boost of 12XU. And Groschi's synopsis up on his music blog. Be sure to check him out and follow on mastodon. And check out some of the other content he posts.


    NEW SINGLE: Slowdive - skin in the game (Official Visualizer) #postpunk #shoegaze

    From the upcoming album "Everything is Alive" set to come out September 1st. Preorder here if you are so inclined.


    NEW VIDEO: Princess Ugly - Break Every Room (Official Video) #postpunk #ebm #goth

    Nice new video From Portland's Princess Ugly. With a dark heavy goth vibe. Lots more to find and listen to up on their BandCamp page.


    NEW VIDEO: Lathe Of Heaven - Ekpyrosis (Official Video) #punk #postpunk #newwave

    Brand new video By Lathe Of Heaven out of NYC. With a new album Bound by Naked Skies out September 1st 2023.


    Games Without Frontiers: When Peter Gabriel Went Political I New British Canon

    Trash Theory just put out a new video essay on Peter Gabriel who's plenty post punk adjacent. If you haven't seen their videos before. They're absolutely worth a look. Covering a lot of post punk related artists and much more.


    NEW VIDEO: What About Never by Lobsterbomb #postpunk #newwave

    Brand new music video release from the Berlin trio Lobsterbomb. And as usual you can find more from them on Bandcamp.


    NEW VIDEO: Dissolution by Ask The Dust #postpunk #darkwave

    Brand new video for the song Dissolution by the Italian darkwave group Ask The Dust.


    NEW VIDEO: The Skin and the glove by Drab Majesty #postpunk

    A brand new music video release by Drab Majesty up on YouTube. And be sure to check out their discography on Bandcamp. I can't recommend this group strongly enough.


    NEW RELEASE: Cities in Dust, cover by Night Club #darkwave #postpunk

    A brand new single from Mark and Emily. A cover of Siouxie and the Banshees classic cities in dust. Be sure to check out their BandCamp. These two have definitely been one of my favorite darkwave duos of recent years. One of those rare groups where I can listen to pretty much their whole discography on loop. Even their sound track for the short-lived show Moonbeam City was excellent. As well as a fun track on the first Deadpool soundtrack.


    Dreams In Red, by LONGINGS #postpunk

    Sophomore release out of Amherst Mass. Like what I've heard so far. Will have to finish listening through the album soon.
