Canada's population is 40 million. This would add 80ish (edit:) million more people to that. So, it's not Canada annexing the blue states, it's the blues states seceding and then annexing Canada to achieve territorial contiguity.
No annexing. The blue states join with Canada to establish a union of states. We could call it "United States" or something, or idk, I'm not good with names.
Gotta warn you though, seems the only nice piece of nature you'll get is on the border with BC and they did a real number on the environment in the north.
But you guys can probably actually fix it rather than celebrate CO2 like what these close are doing now with provincial legislature.
Oh man, I would love to see this happen. Republicans in Texas would be frothing at the mouth to see California gone, right up until they had to start paying for all the other republican states that can’t manage to support themselves.
I'm hearing a "cringe" here, though I've heard quite a few "based"s (no consesus as is tradition for leftist discourse) ... I think "based" is winning?
Yep, this is originally a righty post. That's why I'm so confused that it's actually kind of based. The rough consensus here is that it's based, so we have bi-partisan support. Let's get this on the Congress floor!
That really is difficult! Id suggest to just let the 'United States of Canada' vote on it after the next 'Jesusland' election. But I'm not from the US so I'm in no position to give a suggestion really.