What, if any, cybernetic augmentation would you want for regular life?
I don't have a problem with cybernetic augmentation, I mostly would have a problem with the state of technology companies. I likely wouldn't choose to get any because I would not be able to trust them. However, if I could get any sorta (relatively) basic augmentation, it would be built in headphones. Like to just be able to "hear" music and podcasts and audiobooks. My focus wouldn't even be upgraded hearing or anything.
So do y'all have any similar quality of life augmentations you would want?
As someone with misophonia, this is the one augment that will have me standing in line to be among the first to sign up. I would love nothing more than to be able to mute my girlfriend's annoying birds and their stupid repetitive screaming.
All those features you mentioned, plus the ability to focus my ears on specific sounds while eliminating the rest. Sign me the fuck up.
Improved eye (singular), a second thumb on right hand, internal physical storage, modular left arm with power tool extensions, a nose and jawline that are very clearly technological but don't do anything else, and a set of integrated wheelies
I used to think a future with cyborgs would be pretty cool but personally, I'm not so hot on the idea anymore. The problem is that you would be beholden to whichever corporation or government manufactures and pays for parts. And who is to say that the support for whichever product that you've surgically implanted will be for life, and that you won't end up with useless landfill electronics sewed up inside of you.
Personally I think that if AI was ever made with altruistic purposes, that could fill the role of things like complex calculations and extra memory or a log. And good Augmented Reality could fill the role of interacting directly with entertainment and blocking out the outside world. And maybe one day there would be effective ways of interacting directly with computers through electrodes or even wirelessly. Although who knows how our privacy would be invaded then. There could be literal thought police in that case.
The problem is that the tech will always come from someone else. Imagine integrating this kind of tech into your life on such a deep level and then the person in charge of over seeing and maintaining this tech turns out to be an authoritarian nazi.
A way to monitor and regulate body chemistry or neural action would be nice. Change and directly see my stress and sleepiness levels, regulate pain at will if necessary etc. I think there would be tons of uses for things like that.
A skin that isn't trying to kill itself would be pretty high on my list. Along with parts that are falling apart from old age. But I'm not sure those would be augmentations so much as bug fixes.
Cyber eyes. I have thick glasses and a lot of floaters, so many that I cannot even tell if my glasses are clean or not most of the time.
But naturally they'd need to look natural and be with zoom, infrared, night vision, a camera function and a video playing function (no wireless functions though).
I've thought for many years that the first true cybernetics will be artificial eyes. If they can get self contained optic systems that fit into the eyeball space, it should be trivial to allow them to see a much wider spectrum, plus macro and telephoto. That would be cool. A computer interface for them would be awesome, but I'd have trust issues with that as well.
a HUD would be cool with a bionic eyes I think, so i could 'see' a list of stats. temperature, barometric pressure, direction of sound origin, my to do list, personal vitals like BP and heart rate, I could go on.
that would unfortunately have the same inherent trust issues as any company that made them would surely try to phone home with that data and probably try to insert ads and shit too.
My first thought to since my eyes suck. I'd also like some features attached like zooming, able to change eye colors, maybe see in different light spectrums.
This might sound nuts but, programmable/shifting tattoos.
Like, it could detect elevated levels of cortisol in your blood or increased heart rate and then just gently pulse or warm up to a comforting temperature as a way calm you down or remind you to breathe. Or light up like a custom RGB keyboard, or change colors/holographic effects depending on time of day. Anything really.
A tattoo that works like a sign on the forehead that says "warning: grumpy" that lights up accordingly, would be useful for all of society in my opinion.
A math coprocessor would be nice. Ability to instantly know the answer to equations I see, and ability to do large calculations in my head.
Also, some sort of interface port where I could upload skills or information, matrix-style. And it would have to be a physical port, no fucking way I'd want that available wirelessly.
No time-delay for inputting the numbers, ability to process any calculation (which calculators can't), and no need to carry an actual calculator around.
A brain/computer interface. But like you say, depending on the state of tech companies maybe only as an input (I can manipulate computers without allowing them to send a signal of any kind to me).
It'd just be for stuff like mentally dictating note taking, being able to "Google" my thoughts (probably best to send the output to my phone rather than directly into my brain)
I want this plus perfect memory recall, imagine reading or watching something once and being able to remember it forever and bring that memory back whenever you want
Exoskeletons are almost viable already. Climbing a major hike without breaking a sweat is a real dream for outdoors people
Though number one for me would be personal temperature control. Imagine having the perfect ac everywhere you go. Somehow scifi ignores this idea but that would change everything.
Temp control would be at the top of my list. I don't handle heat well. I think I'm evolutionary primed to chase other mammals across vast frozen tundra. Summers are tough and getting tougher.
Yeah Exoskeletons; My left knee, I fecked that up many years ago and carrying a multi day pack can get sore. Also lt left shoulder, I fecked that up last summer (I think there may be a post or two in my history) and it now has pins in it and is still not right.
On the more extreme probably augmented vision, uv through to ir?
I think its very likely we'll see a fit for you in our lifetimes. It'll be affordable too tho probably still a bit clunky due to battery tech limitations.
For vision the possibilities are endless but here the dangers are as well. Obviously the instinct will be augment vision with artificial objects and thats such a slippery slope. Tho I'd just take auto polarized lenses that are comfortable first.
Subdermal armour. Like a flexible, slash-resistant, heatproof mesh under the skin. I work in a kitchen so it'd be nice to be able to ignore those pesky little nicks and burns.
I don't want a pill. I want a full organ integrated into my body that releases hormones responsive to my body's natural rhythms and diet and environment.
I don't care if it's via cybernetic augmentation or a stem-cell grown uterus combo package.
New legs. Not special ones, just new ones that aren't shit. Man that sounds like a downer. I'll take a mechanical hand that doesn't hurt when I forget to take breaks from drawing for 12 hours. And some ocular implant to tell me the name of that person who just waved at me and who clearly knows me.
I can think of other things that sound cool on paper but I've consumed enough media to know that they're VERY bad ideas and not worth it.
Parallel processing. Sometimes when speaking or thinking, something comes to mind which is related but presents a fork. It would be cool to chase both branches
I too wouldn't actually do it because I don't trust corporations that would make this shit. But I've often dreamed of having a "think to text" option, like speech to text but without having to say it out loud. If this existed I'd have a first draft of a novel from all the plotting and imagining scenes and dialogue when I go on walks. It feels much harder to get the juices flowing when I'm at home with my computer.
I also have some trust issues. I'd rather not have spyware built into me.
That said if I could magically wave those problems away, I wouldn't say no to improved senses. Eyes that can see any wavelength from radio to x-rays, with different filters for wavelength and polarization available. Same for ears too.
I have actually considered(but not super seriously) getting a magnet implant so I could detect magnetic fields and current flowing in wires, what do you think the limit of that would be if you took it to an extreme?
Mental augmentations are a bit scarier. For multiple reasons.
Usb in something like my finger so i can connect to any pc and use it with my brain
Robotic limbs, mainly because its kind of a dream of mine to create affordable, diy-capable working prosthetics for people who cant afford them, especially if theyre for children/teens who seemingly double in size every half year.
My wife has Fibromyalgia so I'd love some cybernetic implant to dull her pain. Everything seems to hurt for her and something to block some of that and give some strength back to her hands and muscles would be great
only semi related, but there is some hope for us fibro peeps. There has been a lot of recent discoveries showing the autoimmune pathways of fibro and some of what may cause the issue. and we know for sure it is autoimmune now.
it isnt definitive answers but it IS progress and a heck of a lot more than we have had before!
If it were guaranteed safe, I would get a regulator installed to control level of sleep. Something that could send you to sleep quickly and send a wakeup impulse at a designated time. Sleep quality would be a game changer
If we're going full sci-fi, I want to fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, then go STRAIGHT to REM. ...and actually stay asleep long enough for any of that to mean jack.
Maybe store project-related stuff in a subdirectory of the project repo, and make everyone on the team get that so I can finally read the other guy's code.
I really want some of the existing NFC and LED implants that are available, but I keep putting it off because I’m a bit squeamish about installing it myself and no professional service is near me.
Any kind of material which simulates an organ lining without risk of rejection or loss of attachment. Just that one simple thing, I bet it would save countless lives and reverse so many diseases. On large scale you could patch up pierced body cavities or ruptured organs, on a small scale you could mend cut veins and arteries. It would be perfect for protecting donated organs, implants such as pacemakers, or temporary iron plates and rods.
I believe machine simulated immune cell attachment has formulated some potential materials, but as of right now it's just scifi.
Not in order but I would like to have
Bionic sight
Bionic hearing
Bionic joints
Bionic smell
Bionic sleep regulator
Bionic metabolism regulator
and a bionic muscle regulator
Honestly, I'd go the full cyborg route, like in Ghost in the Shell. This would be my first step toward adjusting my consciousness to existing within and controlling an artificial environment, ultimately aiming for fully uploaded consciousness. I'd want to exist as a cyborg for a couple of decades, then I want to be uploaded into an autonomous space probe with as many sensor types as possible and left to explore the Universe (+/- relativistic speeds, I don't really care). BUT I'd also want the possibility to erase myself, because I most certainly wouldn't want to live forever. At least, not as I see it now. This is the purely sci-fi version.
In the realistic version, a cybernetic eye and a logic co-processor to increase my background process bandwidth. Sure, a brain-computer interface would also be nice, but I somehow suspect I'd get nostalgic for the clackety-clacks and would most likely revert to analog interfacing after a point (for which I'd like that "fingers within fingers" prosthetic from GitS).
Unless, of course, Musk (or any other such) will be handling said cybermods, in which case none, thanks. I'd rather just decay and die as a basic human being than have such people tinker with my bits.
a pair of working wings like a bat, a prehensile tail like a monkey that is strong enough to pick stuff up equally as my arms can, skin like a chameleon that can transition to the color and texture (visually) of my surroundings and regenerative cells like those immortal octopuses.
that's just for regular life, my ultimate fantasy version would have all that but also an improved ass, that sits in an office chair more comfortably so i can write TPS reports more efficiently and with better clarity.