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lattrommi lattrommi

I am Lattrommi. Yes, that one. You've never heard of me? I'm not surprised. It is often said that anything you put on the internet will live there forever. It becomes immortal. I do everything backwards and wrong. I do not live forever, I am always dying. ¿|√∞²|?

Posts 0
Comments 60
Swapping out my Nvida card for AMD. Anything I should know about before hand?
  • There isn't anything you need to know. It's the opposite actually. You can now forget about graphics drivers entirely if you want. Unless it's like, a job or hobby or something.

  • What's an obsolete or incredibly obscure word you think people should know?
  • Questioning a bang.

    My quick and dirty interrobang with her revealed to me how empty inside I was, unlike the outhouse we were in.

  • Why are we training AIs on reddit posts instead of Research Papers? We could be saving the world!
  • I think I read this post wrong.

    I was thinking the sentence "We could be saving the world!" meant 'we' as in humans only.

    No need to be training AI. No need to do anything with AI at all. Humans simply start saving the world. Our Research Papers can train on Reddit. We cannot be training, we are saving the world. Let the Research Papers run a train on Reddit AI. Humanity Saves World.

    No cynical replies please.

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • You still can't do it. this is pointless. have a nice day.

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • You seem to have misunderstood what i said. You fail to address the actual concept i refer to and the attitude with which you do this is not productive. it's insulting, assumptive and hostile.

    are you sure you read my comment correctly? you spouted off about tangential issues in what appears to me, a sort of wild rage. you make an accusation and assumptions about me and how i act. you trash mozillas reaction to the outcry of their addition. you speculate a conspiracy theory about mozilla only trying to get away with stuff and hypothesize about them being ignorant and clueless.

    i get it, you have strong feelings about privacy. you now hate mozilla for thier treachery. this was the final straw that made you jump ship. i'm glad you quickly found a browser that works for you. thanks for the unsolicited endorsement of your personal solution. good to hear that it has absolutely no issues with extensions made for firefox. which librewolf was forked from... so why wouldn't they? is getting in a one way shouting match meant to convince people to convert to another browser?

    my statement was intended as invitation for someone to provide an argument as to how the actual addition to firefox is not privacy respecting, like the actual inner workings of it. not assumptions about its creators or their motives or the method of its introduction or how the nefarious villians behind such great injustice must be burned at the stake. not the far reaching ramifications it might lead to. what is it doing that makes one persons personal privacy specifically affected?

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • I use Mull on my phone. Haven't gotten around to playing with Librewolf but it is on my list of things to do.

    I don't consider the addition to be an anti-privacy feature however. I'd like to see someone change my mind about that.

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • They didn't, just like every other mainstream browser does. It was pretty lame. It was in the change notes but I don't know too many people that read those anymore. Their explanation of the system and the ease to turn it off placated me. I have the feature on and have had it on since the day it was released.

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • Yes, how amusing indeed. Unless you meant to type 'assuming'? Either way, I'm more of a fanboy, not a shill. Shill's get paid. Fanboys just like their product.

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • All the naysayers in these comments read like shills and if they aren't, they really should read how the tracking in question works.

    While it was kinda lame for Mozilla to add it with it already opted-in the way they did, they were still completely open about how it works from the start with a link right next to the feature in settings (the same link pasted above) and it's far less invasive than the other mainstream browsers.

    It can be turned off too, easily. It requires unchecking a checkbox. No jumping through 10 different menus trying to figure out how to turn it off, like a certain other browser does with its monstrous tracking and data collection machine.

    With ublock origin it's also moot, since ublock origin blocks all the ads anyways.

    Call me a fanboy if you want, I wont care. Firefox is still the superior browser in my opinion.

  • Linux middle ground?
  • I'll throw in my vote for Manjaro because while it's not perfect, it hits all of OP's points nicely.

    • arch based
    • hard to break (but not impossible)
    • biased a little towards Gnome but runs KDE and XFCE great too
    • uses a curated rolling release

    The last point is the most important. Rolling release means it updates regularly, so your packages will be mostly up to date. Curated means they do testing in an unstable repository. If an update breaks something, those changes aren't pushed to stable.

    I ended up with it after trying other distros but having trouble with my nVidia card. Manjaro's MHWD tool installed their drivers easily (although slightly confusing with its unnecessary checkboxes) and more recently, I've upgraded to AMD and never had a single issue.

    It's not perfect but almost every issue I've had was located between the keyboard and the chair.

  • As a nurse for many years I still don't get how Heroin addicts or any other street injectable can be done by first time users? Hell there has been a couple time where a vein moves or it blown.
  • usually was about $10 worth of stuff when it was with a trusted friend, if i had a spare clean needle that was worth $5 on its own. If it was a stranger or dealer, it was sometimes as high as $20 worth, again minus $5 for each needle if I had them.

  • As a nurse for many years I still don't get how Heroin addicts or any other street injectable can be done by first time users? Hell there has been a couple time where a vein moves or it blown.
  • I was on it for a few years. Started with snorting. Wound up injecting regularly, eventually. Kind of.

    I preferred other intoxicants. Alcohol, specifically. Doing it drunk, of course is even harder I imagine. I don't even want to think about that.

    I'm terrified of needles. The first time I tried injecting, I fucked it up. Once the needle was stuck in, I passed out, threw up, fell out of my chair and wasted $40 out of $80. Probably in that order. It was just like my first tattoo actually, come to think of it, except the tattoo was $60 and I didn't wake up with a painful lump on my arm from a sub-cutaneous disaster or dried vomit and heroin all over my pants.

    I never tried shooting it myself again. I just closed my eyes and paid someone else do it via parting with some of my supply or providing the needles, since I wasn't afraid of ordering bulk B&D's online.

    Sober from it since mid-2015.

  • Snap out of it
  • this is probably an edge case but I do when i visit family and friends. these trips are short and infrequent enough that a laptop would be an unnecessary expense and i'm not driving through mountainous areas with my tower. none of them use linux. most have aged windows or mac machines. they don't care if i run a live system or puppy linux from a USB drive. i add a handful of appimages i'll use at night or if there's free time. I'm sure there are better ways but it works for me.

  • 23andMe to pay $30 million in genetics data breach settlement
  • To add more possibilities/perspectives to the above:

    The security question I've seen most in my life has probably been "What is your mothers maiden name?" which becomes fairly easy to guess with family history.

    Ancestry information can reveal who is inbred.

    It also can reveal politicians commiting nepotism.

    Geographic location can show if someone lives in a redlined neighborhood or the part of town with all the mansions.

    Simply the fact that an account exists on 23andme's website, implies someone took the test, which indicates they (or someone they know) has disposable income. Enough to pay for such a test (initially I believe it was $400 but I could be wrong) and that also implies they have some form of internet access and that they probably own a smartphone/computer/laptop/some kind of technology they can use to access their account. Thus they could be targeted simply for having potential income/assets above that of poverty level.

    If actual DNA data was comprimised, which I doubt happened but suppose it did, an advanced enough attacker could use that to plant evidence at a crime scene. Who would believe a whistleblower after their DNA was found on a rape victim? Who would vote for a politician whose DNA was found on a murder weapon used to kill dozens of missing persons? They can scream "fake news!" all they want to, once that seed of doubt has been planted, once enough people are made to believe someone is guilty of some atrocity, it is hard to shake that belief. The DNA evidence is there. It was tested by scientists.

    I could come up with more far fetched scenarios too. I made a list of them once because a family member purchased one of the 23andme tests for me to take. They did not understand why I refused to take the test. The reason was because a decade and a half prior, I was charged with a crime. The crime doesn't exist anymore where I live (illegal botany) but at the time it could have been a felony. I did not want to have a felony. Felons had their DNA added to a federal database to assist investigators in finding repeat offenders. I fought hard to ensure I was not convicted with a felony and succeeded by pleading to lesser charges.

    The idea of having my DNA on file with a government agency like the FBI, CIA or NSA terrifies me. A malicious agent could do a lot of damage with it. They could invent threats with it to ensure I comply with their demands. The amount of possible damage they could inflict grows every day with new technology. DNA, gait and facial recognition, geofence data and an AI trained to make deepfakes, in the hands of a shadowy alphabet agency with little oversight, that's fairly unstoppable by a single person. Imagine if anyone could get their hands on that. A disgruntled coworker. An obsessive ex. A hormonal teen child having a temper tantrum.

    I know this is long and extreme in parts. I hope this helps people understand that DNA data is powerful and could be abused in unimaginable ways.

  • Is there any easy way to install a Linux distribution directly to a USB drive?
  • I am using Manjaro as well.

    Are there Debian apps that you want to run but are unable to because Manjaro is Arch-based? I have read that it is not recommended to install programs compiled for Debian, that it is difficult to run them. Using a virtual machine is the recommended way to use them. Asking just in case but I do not think this is what you want.

    Computers can only run one operating system at a time, unless you use virtual machines and hypervisors. Most operating systems are launched after the system uses a bootloader to get the system ready for the operating system. This is usually done by the BIOS/UEFI/firmware starting a bootloader, which then launches the operating system.

    If you want a USB that you can plug into a machine that is already running, that has an active operating system like Manjaro or Windows or whatever, then have it start running Debian, like you would an Appimage or a Windows .exe program saved to a USB, that is not possible except maybe with a virtual machine program like Virtual Box or Qemu.

    USB drives were not intended to be used as drives that run operating systems. It can be done, but it is not simple and can cause a lot of errors.

    What do you need the USB for? If you can explain what you are trying to achieve with more detail, there might be ways to do it differently.

  • Is there any easy way to install a Linux distribution directly to a USB drive?
  • directly onto my USB

    directly without having to reboot to run the installer?

    You use "directly" three times. Remove all instances of the word from your post and reread it. Does the post make sense to you still? Does it have the same meaning?

    I am not trying to be a dick, I want to make sure the word does not have a meaning I am not aware of in this context or if Linux is installable to a USB drive 'indirectly' but that does not make sense to me.

    Can you rephrase what you are trying to do?

  • What nonmurder crime would you commit if all crime was legal for a day?
  • Crime means breaking the law, correct?

    No location is named, so I will assume this refers the laws of physics and reality.

    I would:

    • expand time so that it lasts a near infinite duration, contained entirely within this day of no crime
    • transmute a bunch of the rocks in my apartment into gold
    • alter my DNA to include working wings like a bat, a prehensile tail like a monkey, gills like a salamander, enviromental adaptability like a chameleon that's selective so I can hide these enhancements from others
    • one more enhancement related to a very specific part of the anatomy of a horse or blue whale, or whatever it is people want these days
    • remove all genetic defects of my body, like susceptability to cancer and addictions, grant it full immunity to diseases, put it into a perfect equilibrium with near instantaneous regeneration and longevity and thus allowing my life to last as long as I desire
    • create a star from nothing and collapse it in a way that stores all of its energy into a pocket sized battery with perfect functionality and adaptability that is nearly indestructable
    • hold hands with two chicks at the same time

    It's fun to dream of the impossible.

  • Does Wikipedia really need my donations?
  • I made an account and did a one time donation for $2.50. This removes the website donation banner. As long as I'm logged in, I do not see those messages. I get an email about donating once a year, possibly twice. Infrequently enough to be unsure of how often it has happened. If I ever see the donation banner on the website, I know I am logged out. So I can't answer your query about the corporate aspect but I can say that the heartstring tugging can easily be solved with a one time donation for a small amount. You can do a custom amount for a donation so theoretically it could be for $0.01 or your lowest fiat equivalent.

  • I was gifted an unopened pack of 3.5" floppy disks. What should I do with them? (wrong answers only)
  • just in case someone sticks it in a working drive, add a file to the floppy named


    and add the following to it with a text editor:


    while i doubt it will actually work, if it does, it would be quite hilarious in my opinion. there's probably, hopefully, safeguards that prevent such a thing from working and i likely have the syntax wrong, i haven't used windows in years.

  • i'm 40 years old and just had ALL my teeth extracted in one go. The pain is excruciating. Any tips for pain relief?
  • I was not aware of bathing causing dehydration but I can see how it makes sense. Thanks for the correction!