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BlueEther BlueÆther
Posts 137
Comments 585
Strange lakes in Australia
  • Salt / mineral rich lakes with bio-film?

  • RESULTS - 2024 Instance Census for
  • @[email protected] great write up.

    When you say 'pretty white bunch' you're not wrong, a little surprising. I suspect that it would be true to say "Straight White Male" is the norm.

    Mocking outselves - this might be better in [email protected]

    I have a "Average NZ" That you are very welcome to mock ourselves on if [email protected] doesn't seem to fit

    NZ Sign Language ... I’m all ears.

    I see what you did there

    I somehow think it would have very easy to [semi] ID me through those questions. I was in the in some of the smaller groupings of a few of the questions. I'm surprised at some of the small group size on some of the answers.

  • Stuff I never thought I’d say Sunday
  • no, dont put your finger in there - we have 2 girls

  • We are now running Lemmy 0.19.5
  • Partly this is because of an issue with postgres memory that happened before I started the actual upgrade.

    What's the postgres envs?

  • Want to help our precious nocturnal bugs

    cross-posted from:

    > Want to help our precious nocturnal bugs during Matariki’s longer nights? Turn the lights down low > >

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • come on, clicked through and auto logged in to slashdot...

    but my last comment was (oh shit) 17 years ago

  • Google is killing infinite scroll on search results
  • I suspect it is so that they can place ads / AI at the top of every page

  • Update to 0.19.5 planned for this weekend
  • good luck, now that you have done the hard[er] parts the lemmy update should go easy

  • Pity, really.
  • I must say it felt weird when I had the first of my staff with a 2000 birthdate, that young falla is now an assistant regional branch manager

  • Pity, really.
  • But they must only be like 8 years old. What are they doing down loading warez

  • Google Chrome's Death Of Manifest V2 Has Arrived
  • come on, Brodie is not that bad

    ps (i can't remember whos channel i saw this on) If you have 2 videos with the same content and the same title but one has that style of thumbnail, the one with that style of thumbnail will get promoted by the algorithm. If I remember correctly it was something huge on the engagement

  • Which word came first? Richard, Dick, or Penis?
  • Someone had to be first...

    I'll get mt coat

  • I was explaining to my daughter about the differences between Gimp and Photoshop and saw that Adobe had a page that claimed to compare the two. It never compares the two. It barely mentions Gimp.
  • I was usig both in the early 2000's, at that stage there wasn't too much difference in the UIs. Gimp just seems to have stuck (more or less) with mid 2000's design concepts in the UI

  • Downtime and 0.19.4
  • Just an update on the migration, I never managed to hit the go button last weekend as my daughter banged her head.

    I just completed it today woth lots of pulling of hair.

    Errors encountered:

    postgres-1  | 2024-06-22 02:33:27.732 UTC [288] ERROR:  function name "hot_rank" is not unique
    postgres-1  | 2024-06-22 02:33:27.732 UTC [288] HINT:  Specify the argument list to select the function unambiguously.
    postgres-1  | 2024-06-22 02:33:27.732 UTC [288] STATEMENT:  CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_site_aggregates_1_row_only ON site_aggregates ((TRUE));

    I had two hot_rank functions in the DB, probably from back in the 0.19.0-rc line

    drop FUNCTION hot_rank(numeric, timestamp without time zone) cascade; above to fix, but this was exasperated by psql for some reason not working well so had to be dropped from Docker:

    ubuntu@lemmy:~/Lemmy-Easy-Deploy$ sudo docker exec -t lemmy-easy-deploy-postgres-1 psql -U lemmy -c 'drop FUNCTION hot_rank(numeric, timestamp without time zone) cascade;'

    ----> 'lemmy-ui' is still starting up. Log excerpt:
    lemmy-ui-1  |     at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
    lemmy-ui-1  |   [cause]: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH
    lemmy-ui-1  |       at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1607:16) {
    lemmy-ui-1  |     errno: -113,
    lemmy-ui-1  |     code: 'EHOSTUNREACH',
    lemmy-ui-1  |     syscall: 'connect',
    lemmy-ui-1  |     address: '',
    lemmy-ui-1  |     port: 443
    lemmy-ui-1  |   }
    lemmy-ui-1  | }

    Caddy wasn't starting, although it was being created in the stack, had to manually start it___

  • Expecting
  • what have you done

  • This week in KDE: Plasma 6.1 cleanups
  • Thanks for the hard work

    I can use remot desk tops like nomachine realvnc etc which is nice

    The only problem is that (only once so far) when using NoMachine I ended up with no display on the desktop I was remoted into after the TV went to sleep. To confound the issue it is a VM on proxmox with passed through iGPU

  • Fauci: Trump really believed COVID would “disappear like magic”
  • We hang out next to the Apollo set, just don't tell anyone

  • [Cross post] Canvas in 30 days 👀
  • maybe push the [email protected] a little higher and rotate the kiwi fruit kiwi?

  • Let's Try BSD, Part 1 of 7: Introduction (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD)
  • I have 3 *BSD vms on proxmox, OpnSense and TrueNAS as well as a GhostBSD desktop for 'play'. The TrueNAS started as a bare metal install and is now in it'd 3rd 4th server

    I also have 2 Macs in the house...

    So I guess *BSD is well represented here, looking forward to the read

  • Support BlueÆther

    Downtime and 0.19.4

    Hi all

    Expect intermittent downtime this afternoon as I migrate towards 0.19.4

    1 4 plants in the New Zealand bush you can eat in a survival situation

    Gathering water is a top priority if trapped in the New Zealand bush, but dining on native edible plants can provide additional  energy and sustenance to survive. Words: Mieke Couling You’d be a bit silly to enter the bush unprepared to face unfortunate circumstances, but if you ever do find yoursel...

    4 plants in the New Zealand bush you can eat in a survival situation

    cross-posted from:

    > Stumbled on this and thought it was worth a share. I had no idea you can eat gorse!

    0 A Northland island has a very unusual problem...too many kiwi

    Residents on Moturoa, in Ipipiri, have been forced to relocate the reclusive birds after their population swelled into the hundreds.

    A Northland island has a very unusual problem...too many kiwi

    cross-posted from:

    > > The residents of an island in Northland are grappling with an unusual problem - they have too many kiwi. > > > > Seven kiwi captured near Waitangi, when their bush habitat was about to be cleared for pine forest, were released onto Moturoa island in the 1980s. > > > > Since then, kiwi numbers on the island, near Kerikeri Inlet in the Bay of Islands, have grown into the hundreds - and that has put pressure on the limited habitat and food available for the protected birds. > > > > As a result, 21 kiwi caught on the island were released in Opua State Forest on Friday, easing the island's population boom and boosting kiwi numbers on the mainland at the same time. > > > > The operation would not have been possible even a few years ago but a massive pest control effort in Opua forest, which cloaks the hills behind Paihia, has made the area safe for the flightless birds.


    Ren - His story


    Chance of Aurora tonight? Aurora Australis Forecast. How to see the Southern Lights.

    Aurora Australis Forecast, includes immediate, real time info on Southern Lights viewing

    Aurora Australis Forecast.  How to see the Southern Lights.

    With much of Europe glowing pink will we get to see a good display here in NZ?

    Support BlueÆther

    All bolted back together

    hi all

    many of you on and here at will know about my fall earlier this year.

    well, yesterday i finally got bolted back together with latarjet surgery st stop my shoulder dislocating again and to help stop the ball floating so much in the cup.

    i'll have to be taking it slow for the next few weeks (again) at work. this may mean i have more time to put into this instance - if im feeling up to it.

    maybe we will see some changers here an on my (and wife's) blogs


    Cool short video about unique Archey's Frog Archey's Frog

    Brylie and Nikita investigate the threats to this special creature's survival and travel into the Coromandel Forest to catch up with Dr Ben Bell who is monit...

    Archey's Frog

    cross-posted from:

    > Was just talking about how cool New Zealand's rare frogs are and wanted to share. These frogs evolved to have no ears, so they also have no croaking noises (what's the point if the mates you are trying to attract are deaf) which is unique! > > NB: There probably is a bit of "political" content insofar as some of the people are talking about threats to the frog and opposing its habatat destruction but I think this still belongs in general? > >


    Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 6/4/2023

    Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

    Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

    Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

    So, how’s it going?


    Replace old IBM hardware

    Hi all

    I'm looking to replace my old IBM M3 an M4 servers with something more modern

    Use case:

    • Proxmox:
      • OPNsense
      • TrueNAS
      • Plex/Jellyfin
      • Reverse proxy
      • Web servers for blogs etc
      • QBT
      • Nextcloud
      • IoT/home automation
      • A heap of linux VMs/Containers of odds and ends
      • Docker
        • arr stack
        • Dashboards
      • etc

    Maybe replace the 3/4s dead laptop that is currently driving the lounge TV as well

    I'm looking to hopefully replace the diskshelf at the same time and have a mix of sata and sas drives (I can carry over the HBAs for the sas)

    I've not built a pc for nigh on 15 years so I'm a tad out of the loop.

    From reading it looks like intel may be the best route and I was thinking of something like:

    • Core i5 12400 or Core i5 14400
    • B760M DS3H AX mATX or B660M Pro RS

    I'm open to thoughts and ideas of what id doable

    Edit: The IBM M4 runs E5-2650 v2 and 96GB ram

    The M3 runs dual xeon 5xxx and has about 60BG ram and is only used for testing/play and is seldom powered up

    6 Argentine ant sniffer dog averts potential disaster on Matiu / Somes Island

    A Welsh springer spaniel has saved Matiu / Somes Island from potential disaster after sniffing out an Argentine ant nest on building materials destined for the island's new wharf.

    Argentine ant sniffer dog averts potential disaster on Matiu / Somes Island

    cross-posted from:

    > I didn't actually know they were building a new wharf on Somes, it's great that the island is getting more infrastructure. And great they caught the ants, obviously.


    Name that song

    Credit to @[email protected] for the idea Edit 1:



    Edit 2:

    Thanks for all the guesses, the correct answer was The Sound of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel

    Support BlueÆther

    New host for No Last Name

    We have gone from:

    • 30GB disk space to 150
    • 2 cores to 6
    • 4 GB ram to 12

    Hip hip hooray


    Feeling a bit down Good reasons you’re feeling so tired after the holidays

    Most of us who took some time off over the holidays will be getting back into the swing of things by now. But why are we feeling so tired? Professor Ian Hickie, Co-Director of Health and Policy at The University of Sydney's Brain and Mind Centre says that it is not just Kiwis and Australians th...

    Good reasons you’re feeling so tired after the holidays