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Don't worry you all we will get him next time đŸ€ž
  • All-you-can-eat-Cheese all day every day?

  • Belgium's sex workers get maternity leave and pensions under world-first law - BBC News
  • It was another woman forcing her to do oral without protection?

    What exactly is so curious about this?

    This is very similar to male judges being hardest on fathers in family court

    A rape victim being told to fuck off because she "can't be raped" is similar to dads being forced to pay alimony? Am I reading this right?

  • Your hobbit is in another castle
  • No, really, I'm being mildly confused as to the relevance over here and I'd be eternally grateful for some help.

  • Belgium's sex workers get maternity leave and pensions under world-first law - BBC News
  • They usually aren't "employed" though, as far as I know, as in having employment contracts. That's the new thing they're doing in Belgium, they're now entitled to a contract that guarantees adherence to labour laws.

  • Your hobbit is in another castle
  • With mild confusion as to the relevance.

  • Incorrect
  • The dystopian part is where it tells you the "correct" answer to a question about personal preference.

  • Joker
  • Because Nick is still holding out for Superman. Also, I don't think he has that certain kind of hyperactivity needed, at least not anymore. His kind of broken mind acting is more Lovecraftian protagonist (who, granted, also might end up in Arkham Asylum).

  • i'm at a loss
  • ... fuck.

  • New powder that captures carbon could be ‘quantum leap’ for industry
  • I am unfortunately old enough to remember being scared of acid rain, I just don't know what exactly is being done in plants about it. But thank you :)

  • Shoppers can be made to feel sorry for single bananas, study finds
  • Must Human males now compete with Klingons too for the elusive female of their own species? Where will it end?! /j

  • New powder that captures carbon could be ‘quantum leap’ for industry
  • Oh. Okay, I know nothing about any of this. Makes me wish the article the article went into more detail even more.

  • ich♿iel
  • VirtuelleBrudiFaust.png :)

  • New powder that captures carbon could be ‘quantum leap’ for industry
  • Huh. I didn't know they used sulphur like that. Interesting!

  • New powder that captures carbon could be ‘quantum leap’ for industry
  • So what exactly does one do with it? How is it applied? The article says it could be used to carbonate drinks after absorbing enough carbon but also to build plants that produce carbon - I don't think they're going to use pieces of a wall to carbonate drinks.

  • ich♿iel
  • Keins. Ich wĂŒrde aber behaupten, dieses spezielle KapitĂ€ns-Maimai ist deutlich breiter bekannt.

    ... Is doch aber auch scheiß egal Mann, ich wollte doch nur auf die gleiche Art sagen, "ey lustig, ich hab gelacht" :)

  • ich♿iel
  • Ähnlich eindeutig wie ein png mit Namen "nochmal Bayern"? :)

  • ich♿iel
  • Gemeint war KapitĂ€n Amerika, der die Anspielung versteht.

  • ich♿iel
  • Man stelle sich vor, Bier dĂŒrften nur die trinken, die beim Brauen geholfen haben.

  • ich♿iel
  • kapitĂ€n.gif