Somebody's feeding him grandiose ideas about global warming and northern sea routes. Probably some flattering lies about splitting said routes between them and dominating world trade too, once Canada and the EU are out of the way.
To be fair, China has been investing in thawing sea routes for a while, though largely to free themselves from having to pass through the US-controlled South China Sea.
Or, he recognises that arctic and subarctic territories are going to be worth much more in the future because of global warming. Trump is a major scatterbrain but in general it looks like he’s acting impulsively based on pieces of trivia, some of them being correct. Not that I agree with proposed solution to the issue but not everything he does is entirely dumb and those are very rarely inconsistent with his own interests.
It's fucking insane. Even MAGAs didn't vote for this. He just suddenly started talking about taking over Greenland and making Canada a state between the election and the inauguration, and the billionaires are just trying to extract whatever wealth they can out of our government before grandpa drives the car into a ditch.
Trump is making it unsafe for Americans to travel across the globe. Seriously if he keeps making these hostile statements some person with mental health issues will snap and attack American tourists in Denmark.
Easy test, make fun of the usa in front of them. Any Canadian worth their salt will join in (more so now a days), but most americans can not seem to do so without mentioning weird colours and parties.
These Yanks will be putting Canada flag patches on their luggage again.
We need to develop a purity test to weed out the fake Canadians trying to come to our countries and steal our sanity. Somebody give me a shibboleth - something Americans can't pronounce properly but Canadians can.
Escalating into nuclear conflict is a total loss scenario. The first one pressing a button would trigger a chain reaction that would render the planet an irradiated rock. Nobody gains anything.
Nuclear armament is the last hidding place for fragile egos and we would be very fortunate if after this insanity streak there was a complete nuclear global disarmament.
Nuclear weapons are not meant for a nuclear conflict really, they're used as a deterrent, and it works. Look how the world is scared shitless of helping Ukraine directly despite Russian army not being too strong - but Russia has nukes.
Edit: Also see noone wanting a conflict with North Korea.
Nuclear armament has given world unrivalled period of peace.
" chain reaction that would render the planet an irradiated rock. "
Nuclear winter is a lie. Nuclear weapons are not that radioactive. We do not have that many of them. Do not worry, your beloved mankind will survive to do another 100,000 years of genocide, rape, torture, murder, destruction, oppression and all the other things our sacred texts say are fun and good.
I always see photos of him with the fist raised like that. Looks like he chose his own salute. Not surprising at all, but seeing it is still both saddening and maddening
So far nazis have ruined the toothbrush moustache, the swastika, the Gadsen Flag, Pepe (no big loss there), the OK symbol, and are on their way to ruining the US flag since anymore I nearly only ever seen it flown next to a Trump flag.
When I made the thumbs-up sign, my mother said it was "taken over by Trump supporters"... Naw. That's fucking stupid, I don't care what those idiots do.
He wants to be like Hitler so bad, but knows that Americans will not stand for it so he does the close fist instead. In 100 years we will see that the way we see the nazi salute.
This oversimplification is how the world will learn nothing from this. Putin didn't compromise 47 million Americans into voting for fascism.
Major political and economic change is needed. How many times does fascism have to materialize exactly as leftists have predicted before people start reevaluating the economic system that creates Elon Musks.
Are we minions? Really? Like the entire USA doesn't have a way to remove this guy on a technicality at least? be president you must also be 7ft tall or younger than 65y? Must fit thru a 12" wide slot without extruding internal organs? Something! Maybe hair must be exactly 27um thick at the root and this must be measured after a hefty meal.
Like the entire USA doesn’t have a way to remove this guy on a technicality at least?
If the entire US wanted him gone, he wouldn't have taken off to begin with. The problem is that big swaths of the country are absolutely Q-pilled on this guy. They genuinely believe his schtick (thanks, in no small part, to a fully compliant corporate media and a complicit religious movement).
Past that, there's a mushy middle that feels utterly powerless. I'm sitting here on my couch in Houston. I don't have any way to get rid of my shitty mayor, much less my fascist President. The issue isn't finding a technicality. The issue is that bureaucrats in the US aren't seriously interested in doing a coup. Comey/Mueller aren't coming to save anyone. Hell, much of the police state is in the bag for this guy in one way or another. We've got enough Pam Bondis and Tulsi Gabbards and Ken Paxtons and Pete Hegseths and Michael Flynns bouncing around the branches of government that nominally provide national security to buffer out the opposition.
It comes down to the fundamental problem of the American system of governance. We weren't that far off the mark from outright fascism under Reagan or Truman. Trump's crassness and ignominity are not, themselves, sufficient to get him removed from office. He'll get away with trying to seize control of Greenland for the same reason Bush Jr got away with invading Iraq and LBJ got away with invading Vietnam and McKinley got away with invading the Philippines. Because this is who we are as a country. We're a big military that steals shit from the periphery to enrich the elites in our imperial core.
We're an Imperial Power full of violent, invasion-loving thugs, rapists, and looters. We're doing what we've always done.
For 28 billion you could offer it to half the population.
For a few million you could offer it to the correct people/algorithms and convince a majority of the people that it's the other side who's being paid off, and they're coming for the minority (read majority) next.
It would be quite like Trump to completely disregard the consent of the people of Greenland in this exchange while giving them platitudes about how he respects their rights