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Lazycog Lazycog

I am but a cog in a machine. A lazy one though.

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Posts 6
Comments 77
Lähes kaikista suomalaisista on kerätty arkaluontoisia tietoja aineistoon, jota markkinoidaan tutkijoille ulkomailla
  • Anteeksi kielenkäyttö, mutta voi vittu nyt ihan oikeesti. Eivät sitten ajatelleet mitää kun laittoivat kysymättä lupaa datan jaettavaks.

  • Voyager 1 returning science data again
  • I will just correct you here incase someone thinks its ok not to write good documentation:

    But each time there is a problem, ground teams have come up with a trick to keep the Voyagers going, often referencing binders of fraying blueprints and engineering documents from the spacecraft's design and construction nearly 50 years ago.

    This snippet is from here:

    I recall the original software devs wrote an extensive documentation that has saved NASA numerous times.

    (Have to admit I am still striving for proper documentation writing)

  • A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • Of course not,

    with the new encapsulator all you need is to reconfigure your turbomutator to allow electrostabilizer executable to directly read instructions from your self-hosted AI model.

    Who even uses python to scrab anymore? Install podman dude.

  • OpenGlobus: an Open-Source web map application library to display maps on a globe
  • Ah okay! Atleast the big tech giant gives credit!

  • OpenGlobus: an Open-Source web map application library to display maps on a globe
  • Thanks for the clarification on that rule! And sad to hear that people don't always give OSM the credit it deserves...

  • France's Macron dissolves parliament, calls new elections
  • He might be attempting Rally around the flag effect using the threat of rising far right power to gain more seats for his own party in the French parliament. Probably hoping voters of other parties / dormant voters to rally for the vote.

  • OpenGlobus: an Open-Source web map application library to display maps on a globe
  • I believe that currently it's raster only unfortunately. Hoping that there will be vector tiles in the future!

  • OpenGlobus: an Open-Source web map application library to display maps on a globe GitHub - openglobus/openglobus: TypeScript/JavaScript 3D maps and geospatial data visualization engine library

    TypeScript/JavaScript 3D maps and geospatial data visualization engine library - openglobus/openglobus

    GitHub - openglobus/openglobus: TypeScript/JavaScript 3D maps and geospatial data visualization engine library

    Just wanted to share this since I didn't find anything on lemmy about this. It's a pretty cool open-source project that I got introduced to while investigating a google maps / mapbox open-source alternatives for globe representation on the web.

    Sorry if it doesn't fit into this community - didn't find a better community to post this and the sidebar says "OSM related software" posts are ok.

    Here is a link to their website with examples:

    Happy Pride
  • Genders have recently been acquired by Nestle and they have the monopoly now.

  • Google Admits Its AI Overviews Search Feature Screwed Up
  • Same, I have tried DDG every once in a while but kept going back to google. Now google search doesn't quite give me relevant results anymore and all the AI crap just takes all of their effort to work on search itself.

    Been using DDG for a few weeks now for personal and work related stuff - quite happy with it.

  • modern gamer
  • Apart from just doing dailies instead of playing for fun, that sounds like a very tempting life style right now.

  • Any out there running Windows XP in 2024?
  • Don't know whether you mean that as a joke, but I can tell you it is very real thing world wide still.

  • what has worked for you to stop getting angry thinking about people who hurt you?
  • Didn't know there is a comic version of his meditations, that is cool! Thanks for the tip, have to check that one out.

  • Valta kuuluu kansalle -puolue vaihtaa nimensä [Valta Kuuluu Kristukselle]
  • Tää komedia olis hauska jos ihmiset ei ääneistäis tällaisia tyyppejä eduskuntaan.

  • Anyone else moved from kbin to lemmy?
  • I also use lemmy (voyager app is awesome) but kbin also has an awesome app called Artemis, which got inspired by apollo for reddit.

  • Anyone else moved from kbin to lemmy?
  • Didn't know about this project, thanks for the tip!

  • Anyone else moved from kbin to lemmy?
  • Loved Kbin, but yeah the slow development made me come back to lemmy as well.

  • How does "Splitser" app make money?
  • This could also be it, but startup phase for 10 years? I mean that would be believable if it wasn't for the size of the team.

  • How does "Splitser" app make money?
  • I started thinking about how much they'd actually make with this monetization scheme, but they employ 6 software developers and have a team of 4 in the upper management. The company has been running for 10 years with this single product.

  • How does "Splitser" app make money?
  • Now I really feel stupid, didn't check Play Store... thanks a bunch!

  • How does "Splitser" app make money?

    I had no idea where to ask such a question and I tried to read their terms of use / privacy statements / about us page to find info about how this popular cost splitting app makes money to employ people.

    They don't even accept donations. Sounds very sketchy, but apparently they don't really sell data or even offer this app to businesses. Does anyone know how they make profit?


    Kokemuksia/Tietoa kaasujousellinen näyttövarren kuljettamisesta ulkomaille?

    Nyt olisi tosi spesifi kysymys, jos joltain täällä sattuisi olemaan kokemusta:

    Voiko kaasujousellisen näyttövarren/näyttötelineen kuljettaa lentokoneen ruumassa? Tai voiko vaihtoehtoisesti kuljettaa postissa ulkomaille?

    Ostin aikanaan DELTACO:n ARM-0350 näyttövarsia ja nyt tarvitsisi raahata ne ulkomaille (jos mahdollista), mutta rupesin miettimään tuota kaasujousea. Googlettamalla/Finnairin/Finnavian lähteistä ei löytynyt muuta, kuin että näyttötelineen saa tuoda. Kaasujousista ei ollut mitään infoa.

    Ajattelin soittaa Finnairille, mutta ajattelin kuitenkin täältä kysellä mahdollisia kokemuksia.


    Question about rent deposit in Austria

    I'm sorry if this question doesn't belong here, but couldn't figure out where else to write and this community doesn't have a rule against english posts so decided to ask here:

    Are landlords in Austria required to pay back the rent deposit with interest ? And if so, is the interest rate tied to something specific? Or are all of these things contract specific and the landlord by default is not required to pay back the deposit with interest to the tenant (if the tenant hasn't caused any damage that would allow the landlord to keep the deposit obviously)?

    I tried googling and translating some pages without success, and my German skills are limited to oida gemma zu billa so I thought maybe someone here could help.


    Kaikki Arkisuomen postaukset ei näy

    Tulin käymään /c/arkisuomessa ja huomasin, että täällä on vain yksi postaus (jääteloautoa koskeva postaus), mutta muistelin täällä olevan enemmänkin postauksia.

    Kävin vaihtamassa profiilistani kieleksi "suomi" ja heti alkoi näkyä vanhemmatkin postaukset.

    Lemmyssä/kbinissä on tuo kielivalinta, mutta ymmärtääkseni kaikki postaukset pitäisi näkyä, jos valitsee profiilistaan "undetermined". Osaako joku selittää, miten tuo kielivalinta oikeasti toimii?


    Removing "Releases" and "Packages" section from GitHub repository's page

    Can you not remove "Releases" and "Packages" section from your repository in GitHub?

    There is a gear icon on the repository page "Edit repository details" and it seemingly allows you to remove those sections from the page but they don't do anything. Is it just me / is this limited with a free account or just a bug?

    Couldn't find anything about this by googling. Any answers much appreciated!
