As a Canadian, the moment tanks roll across the border I'm going feral. This is not the future we were promised in our youth. Sovereignty is non-negotiable.
Might I suggest buying a few cheap drones? If every Canadian had five cheap drones and access to special recipes any occupation would be costly and extremely expensive.
I saw really interesting piece of commentary on this from a guy who studies US politics and military interventions. His point was really simple; the one big takeaway the whole world learned throughout the 2000's and 2010's was that you simply cannot effectively rule a population that does not want to be ruled. The US couldn't do it in Iraq or Afghanistan, with all their firepower and technology and manpower. Even a tiny, tiny fraction of a population choosing resistance is enough to create an unending nightmare for an occupier.
And the difference, the really big difference, was that those countries were an ocean away. A Canadian insurgency wouldn't be US soldiers getting IED'd in Montreal; it would be bombings in the US capitol, in New York, in LA. Canadians look like Americans, dress like Americans, drive the same cars as as Americans, and talk enough like them that the average American would at best think they were from another state; and the two countries are joined by one of the world's longest borders. There is literally nothing that could stop Canadian insurgents from travelling to every single city in the continental US and hitting people right in their homes. It would be "The Troubles" on steroids. And they'd be doing this in a country that gleefully allows people to buy firearms off ebay with no background check or ID.
Imagine what things would have looked like if the Taliban could rock up to the home of any US senator in a pickup with a bunch of AR-15s. They simply do not have the domestic security apparatus to deal with something like that.
If I was single and childless I'd be more than tempted to go fight in Ukraine. That might be the most productive and objectively noble thing anyone could do right now to stop Putin and maybe, by extension, the US.
It’s a very small population, but a very, very large piece of land.
Sounds like the king of clowntown has been looking at a Mercator projection again. It's an easy mistake for people who don't know what they're talking about to make.
I stole this from reddit:
And this interest in Greenland smacks of the game of "Risk", which might be the basis of his foreign policy.
I'm which case, he should mass forces on New Zealand.
The total area of Greenland is 2.1 million km², but where other countries have usable land and maybe some lakes, Greenland has 1.7 million km² of ice. There's some land under there, but much less than you might think:
Topographic map of Greenland (Wikipedia)
The US has 9.1 million km² of actual land, so if we're counting the ice, a quarter is about right.
Looks like it's maybe the size of Florida? Is that about right? I'll go look it up sometime when I have the time time time time time time time time time time time time time time.
A threat of war, sure. But you don't declare war like that clip of "declaring" bankruptcy. Even with all the wars the US has started, the last one declared was in 1942. Until Congress formally declares war, or troops start to move in, it's still just a threat.
That said, it is a threat that everyone should take very seriously.
This is true, but I'm unclear on what the last authorization of force -- that was hastily passed by Congress during whatever crisis or whatever lull between crises preemptively -- authorizes the prezzy to do without a war declaration.
Congress has continually abdicated its position as a co-equal branch of government.
This shit show brought to you be the American voter, who pissed away 80 years of good will and American economic dominance out of sheer stupidity. Make Russia an Empire Again!
I read a reaction from a Greenlandic politician. He was mostly upset about the laugh track that followed Trump saying "incredible people".
Watch the clip again if you didn't notice.
It's perfectly reasonable that they don't want to be addressed like that.
The politician went on to call it an "unacceptable human view".
I agree. The act of the middle school bully doesn't translate into anything remotely strong or respectable. It's just disgusting. It doesn't matter who or what they're talking about, and when presenting themselves by giggles and eye-rolling, they're really only presenting their own insecurity by hiding their disgusting views in the support of a laugh track.
I am from Denmark, which actually colonized Greenland. We have made mistakes and treated them badly in the past for sure, but never like that. We have never laughed in their faces when doing so.
Serious question, if the states did invade somewhere, whether it's Greenland, Canada or Panama, what countries would actually be willing to use military force to stop them?
The danish military. Side note, the USA does their cold weather training in Norway in terrain that local civilians ski/hike recreationally, and in temperatures that are significantly higher than those in Greenland. You are right that there is an exchange of expertise in NATO, but it's the Scandinavians that do the training when it comes to cold weather / mountain warfare. The USA's specialty is urban counterinsurgency and bombing Africans.