Girdle. They can be great for making you look a bit less fat, and can do quite a bit if you wear something loose over them, but the man looks like an overstuffed sausage. He's not going to like it, but what he's trying to do there is calling for a corset, which at least would be able to be portrayed as an aesthetic choice, though definitely a fem one even if he goes for the most masculine options out there
I'd agree with you if there weren't unfortunately pictures of him without a shirt on out there in which he looks exactly the same...just a lot more difficult to look at.
But this tracks with the hideous beach picture, are they both AI? Tub of shit man can be shaped like a tub of shit for all I care, but his adds weight to one side or the other regardless.
It's possible he has bas posture or just thinks over extending his torso and thrusting his rib cage out makes him look good because that's what it looks like to me
Yeah he’s rarely filmed from the side with normal lighting when he’s presenting on stage. He’s also wearing coats in press conferences to hide his body, just like his pet president does.
Bingo. I'm surprised more people aren't calling this out. Musk is taking a unhealthy amounts of "youth drugs" and not actually working out. Dude is so obsessed with his image. Just like Trump who's ties and suits don't fit because he forces his tailor to fit to his ego and not his reality.
Body armor typically covers from around the belly button to around the manubrium of the sternum. The reason I don't think the body armor thing is true true is because of the indents just under the breast/nipple area. Unless the vest is reeeally shaped like that, those curves would not show up. I think back to when I was wearing body armor and remember a pretty obvious line on the front portion where there was an obtuse angle formed as the shirt met the stiff portion and cascaded downwards, but no odd curves where the shirt was pulled tight after that, just wrinkles and folds where the fabric was loose.
Now, that being said, if this is super light body armor (and he's probably enough of an idiot to wear a level I vest and think it's enough), those might show up. The oddities on the back of the shirt do make it appear that something is going on underneath. The thick black line where the shirt is folding inwards could be because of the bottom of a vest, as it lies just around the level of the navel, as you'd expect with body armor. Just in front of the left elbow is another dark patch, which could be due to the fabric being pushed outwards around the location where the straps attach.
I think he's an oddly shaped moron, but I do find it really funny how the people who are supposedly all about body positivity and not putting others down are all gung ho about tearing apart the physical attributes of people they despise.
While I'm not in the camp that would make fun of him for his appearance (his existence is already a big enough joke), I think the logic comes from separating shaming people for their body versus attacking someone that you dislike and picking their body as the target. The key difference being in the reason for the body-centered insult; one is tied to hate for different looking people, whereas the other is tied to hating the person and finding something to attack about them.