And the complete lack of emotion in his voice tells you he's long since stopped worrying about the consequences of his words/actions. He knows his base won't care.
Immediate follow up should have been deafening silence only broken by the journalist clarifying he did say it, and if he's intended to formally retract his accusation. I'm so tired.
A few weeks ago, he was signing some bill, to replace the old bill. And he said the old bill was one of the worst bills he had ever seen, and whomever signed it should be ashamed.
........anyone want to take a guess whose bill it originally was, signed into law in 2020? Anyone want to take a wild guess who should be ashamed?
Do you have any idea how zero fucks anyone in the government gives a shit about being efficient, productive members of the government?
Or do you have any idea what kind of mental gymnastics it would take to teach trump what a repository is? He'd probably be scared of a repository, because he's not used to things going in his asshole.
the people in here saying look how dumb he is can you fucking not fall for this BS please. he was very specific and direct with his language so no amount of Steve urkel "did I do that" shit walks back anything he does. and the public should not let that be the norm.
Pepperidge Farm remembers bush, and that show. it's sort of the same basic premise. the general population glosses over actions of the president as dumb and dismisses them just the same. Bush wasn't an idiot either and should be tried for crimes but would never stick today.
Doublethink is a process of indoctrination in which subjects are expected to simultaneously accept two conflicting beliefs as truth, often at odds with their own memory or sense of reality.
Selective memory. While he probably absolutely does suffer from dementia, he'll say whatever in the moment he thinks will make him seem the least amount of shitty. He frequently fails.
Erase him from news pls, we can't read news from grannies who should have been forced to retire ages to.
At least choose wise old men, possibly a literate one who's got better chance to still have a working memory
It's getting genuinely hard to tell if he's being deliberately duplicitous or just senile. At least when Biden had his senior moments you could tell it was just a senior moment.
Fucking worthless. Every "journalist" in that room should have pressed him on that. It fucking takes 2 seconds to pull up the clip of him saying it or the tweet.
funny, you take something like that right there and project it onto any other presidential figure and it would destroy them - you can't remember what the fuck you said?
You said it in the last week as you can see here. Did you answer the email of what you did in the last week? I guess that means your fired according to the President.
I know someone like this. A lot of the possible dementia-induced-confusion is indistinguishable from the pre-dementia reality-distorting lies and malice, to the point you suspect even they don’t know what’s real anymore.
Trump is a confused, sick old man, with possible dementia. I think they have him take a regiment of various pills that boost him through the day, prolonging the rot happening on the inside. Makes him docile and a good little puppet. We hate him for good reason but its inhumane we let a person like this be president.
Possible dementia? I watched one of his speeches live recently and he randomly jumped backwards almost to the beginning and repeated himself without batting an eye at least twice. The creepy part was the reporters just ignoring it and continuing to ask questions as if nothing had happened.
Yeah he’s just a puppet of the oligarchy, and it’s far too late. His “benefactors” have been sending him instructions on judges to hire, people to promote to his cabinet, executive orders to sign, etc, and he does it all and then spews some nonsense in interviews. Pretty incredible how easy it was to buy the US government.
The funny part though is when the plan starts to fall apart because a party based on distrust can’t function.
I’m sourcing Fox News on purpose here. The Trump puppets are now bickering and it took like a month. The collapse is imminent unless some strong judges stop sending strongly worded letters and what’s left of the congress that cares begins voting unanimously and proposing bills unanimously to block what’s happening.
I don't think this one was dementia. Qt least not primarily. He's used to gaslighting in his personal life, and here he's simply gaslighting the whole world on television. If there's some dementia to this, then that is not to understand that you cannot gaslight a million people at once, because the point of gaslighting is to make its victim think they are going crazy and imagining things.
Though... Can it be that for the MAGA audience this gaslighting does work and they really will believe Trump has never called Zelenskyj a dictator?