I'm intrigued by the proposition implied in "step aside girls, the alpha males are back". Why are we telling the girls to step aside? Don't alpha males like girls?
"The alpha males are back". So, by that phrase alone, suggests that the alpha males were removed from their place of power. But if they were removed from their place of power, were they really the alpha males to begin with?
Hmmmmmm. The mind wonders. But hopefully not for too long, since this is stupid. It's all stupid. None of this matters. I hope he hits a pothole, and breaks his axel. Then he can yell at his government for not fixing the pothole, and the government can tell him that taxes were lowered during the trump years, and now the city doesn't have as large of a budget for all those city services.....like filling potholes.
I do remember Benghazi. It's the event Republicans spent years trying to find something illegal about at a huge waste of my tax dollars and were never able to.
While I hate that those stickers of Calvin are bastardizing Watterson's work without permission, they are a great way to identify douchebags who've never read a C&H comic in their lives.
Of course the rest of the stuff in this particular image give it away too.
Molon labe, commonly translated as, "come and take them." Referencing the (likely apocryphal) story of King Leonidas saying this to Xerxes when he demanded they give up their arms. The Persian army then rolling over the Spartans easily. Gun nuts find this story inspiring for some reason.
Gun nuts find this story inspiring for some reason.
The reason being that they are uneducated morons that don't even read Greek, so someone had to tell them what it said too. But I'm guessing the person who asked here didn't then say, "I'm-a put that on my truck!"
Someone should let this guy know Sparta's only strategy was a hoplite army that they couldn't field well. But by vehicle alone he looks like a "one solution" type.
Honestly, the empathetic part of me really feels bad for the guy because he's clearly being influenced by fear, but the logical side of me says that guy isn't gonna get the mental help he needs with Trump's healthcare plan anyway.
What's that sandwiched between "Good riddance" and "stop aside girls"? It looks like the guns are supposed to spell something, but I can't figure out what.
Not sure if this was a lead into a joke or honest question, Im slow to some nuance when its just in text.
Looks like "Coexist". Probably making fun of the similar decals spelled with religious symbols.
This person squirms rigidly in bed and grinds his teeth at night, every goddamned miserable night.
This person also viscerally, aggressively refuses to seek qualified mental and emotional care.
This is a clear example of what murdoch and limbaugh and infowars and breitbart and all that word-salad excrement does to the mind, what they push society towards.