And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend, I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.
I think you may have a Nebelung instead of standard issue!
Legal ≠ equal to moral or ethical.
Hello and welcome! I didn't see a couple things mentioned that I thought were very helpful to me with the instance choosing, so I just wanted to pass it along...
If you look at your account kinda like an email, all the emails can communicate with each other, just like the instances can communicate. Though, an instance can also block another so thay it can not be seen/interacted with. Like, gmail deciding they will no longer accept yahoomail, for example.
.ml has been blocked by a variety of others, so you may be missing out on some interests elsewhere, that you would enjoy.
I use an app and have a few different accounts, the app lets me just swap my sign in profiles back and forth as I like. Sometimes a server goes down or an update goes bad. Having another account let's you check in on the action, on those who are still up and running while the other gets worked on. You can even use the same name, your @ will just change.
Initial sign up is roughest step really... but not much harder than grabbing a new email!
OK, that was more than a couple, hopefully something was helpful though and helps your experience here!
I came back here to see if there were new additions, since I came across the post early on. I also really enjoy funk, with a favorite being Primus, well, anything Les Claypool really (His stuff with Sean Lennon, much more ...trippy rock?, with Claypool Lennon Delirium, still excellent). They are a really heavy lil corner of the funk/rock spectrum though.
I am def going to check out some bubblegum funk now, it sounds like it should be an opposite spectrum sound experience!
So, thank you for allowing me to suckle on your presence a bit?
I feel for you! The amount of times I've torn my living space apart to find something in an unusual but simple place (Or just never see it again). "It'll be safe here", "I'll never miss it if i put it right here"... Some say our brains have all the information that they haver ever processed. Why does it fight us so hard when we try to retrieve something we know damn well it has the answers to?
Former Buckeye here, I agree with you. So many were positive their vote wouldn't change anything. No amount of encouragement could make them see the power of the large numbers they held.
I hope some type of voting reform can catch on. I think Star, Ranked or anything better, could cause enough curiosity in how it works to encourage more people to register.
My brain is very tickled imagining Calamity Jane riding by with her pocket gun on her bicycle
Prodigy was so much better than I had hoped! I was worried they would be pushed to make so family friendly it would lose some of those "moral discussion" questions I love Trek for. Nope.
Yes! Thank you for all that advice! Where I am at now shows internal jobs available, maybe I should look more at the help desk listings when they come up to start sidleing over. At least then it will be colleague c.s. instead of cold customers.
Special thank you for certs info! Don't think my classes would be getting to that kind of info for quite a while yet (just coming out of all the 101 classes).
Much appreciated!!
As someone in classes now ( at 44, hope it isnt a mistake after so many years of customer service) hoping for a cushy cybersecurity job in the future... can you give some advice on other key terms that might be used on the job searches, or closely related fields? I'm still pretty early on in my learning but trying to look around at what my best niche may be in the future.
Does Voyager need to be listed as an Scp?!
Uhhh, we don't have Literacola
Oh shit! I just got this, heard great things.
Well, if hypothetically, I was forced to vote, and thn for only one of these 2 parties only... well, I'm not a rich white guy, I'm not racist, misogynistic, don't believe sharpies change weather... and, I don't want to find out just how close he would be to starting the next Nazi party. That narrows my options down a bit.
I think they're talking about the "Lemmy Gold"
which I totally stile from someone else btw
Lmao! Moved to Ohio for a bit. Met someone from Michigan, who then totally hated on me for being a Buckeye, was totally baffled at the time. Glad to see it's still going. I've always assumed, sports?
Looks like a reflection of the sign in the parking lot behind the photographer
Not sure if you got anything to work yet but I found some alternate ways here
Had to scroll a bit and this is still a lil out dated:
....and up again. Now, have any food? That was exhausting and I need my energy to go again.
Borgk' Borgk' Borgk'
A cartoon poster of the Swedish Chef from The Muppets assimilated as a Borg from Star Trek. The Swedish Chef has a Borg eye and a robotic double mixer arm. Text on the poster says "SMORGAS' BORG RESISTANCE IS HERDY FLERPTY FLOOPIN'"
It's healthy to take a break from the internet they say...
Oh, it'll still be there. What,are you afraid you're gonna miss something?