Stomach acid and digestive enzymes will just deactivate most components. Live vaccines might cause issues (probably wouldn't want to drink the TB vaccine). The post in discussion shows a shocking fundamental misunderstanding about how all of this works though. It is meant for like-minded people who would accept this logic.
"Oral BCG was used in recent clinical studies and it was found that revaccination orally induces circulating cell-mediated immune responses, but does not induce a positive TST in responsive individuals."
It'll probably clog something in your bloodstream. If it's liquified really fine, then the salt concentration will be off. Not sure if one syringe would be enough to cause problems.
It makes me wonder if there are any substances that are safe to inject straight into your tissue that your body would even notice--let alone kill you--if you ingested in the same quantity as an injection. Icky taste aside...
Maybe some compound that is relatively harmless on its own but yields a toxic compound in contact with stomach acid? Blood is slightly alkaline so it would not trigger after an injection and leave time for the kidneys and liver to degrade it. Maybe some cyanogenic glycoside?
Yes, in general if you can safely inject something then you can safely eat it too (it'll taste like shit though). Vaccine won't work that way, but you probably won't even feel any I'll effects beyond the terrible taste.
I'm actually curious if there are any exceptions to this - things you can inject but highly toxic if ingested.
Vaccines are the opposite of healthy, they are specifically made to trigger your immune system. That's why with most vaccines the next day or days people feel like shit, it's like being sick. But the vaccine is much better than getting the disease it's designed for, is perfectly safe and has no permanent effects besides the training it gave the immune system.
Plus most vaccines are perfectly fine to eat, they just won't work that way.
That’s why with most vaccines the next day or days people feel like shit
I have been warned about this for every vaccine I remember taking... other than the occasional sore spot where the injection went, I have never felt any other side effects.
This is anecdotal of course, but I am pretty sure the instances of these mild side effects is less than 10%
Usually I don't really feel any vaccines, maybe a bit less energy the day after.
But one of the covid vaccines (I think the one for omicron) hit me like a ton of bricks, I was passed out on my bed for a good 24 hours and felt like shit for a couple of days. Heard similar from other people. But with another covid shot I felt nothing where my girlfriend had the worst headache for a day.
So it depends as always. One day of being sick is so much better than getting some of the awful diseases I've been vaccinated against.
I felt worse after both the covid and the flu vaccine than i did from getting actual covid, but actual covid lasted longer. It varies a lot by person afaik. Not sure if it's an indicator of how strong ones immune system is or anything.
Plus most vaccines are perfectly fine to eat, they just won’t work that way.
I imagine in alternate universe, Covid vaccine would, for some technological, economical or logistical reason became cheap and abundant like water, and restaurants would serve it as a side drink.
perhaps with something that when injected is inert but when ingested it mixes with the stomach acids and becomes poisonous?
Amygdalin comes to mind, but I'm not sure if it produces cyanide even when not in the stomach/intestine and just in the bloodstream, so obviously do not try it
Breathing pure oxygen can kill you. If you want to preserve your pure bloodlines, it's best to not take vaxs and even better if you get a nitrogen tank and breath just that. It'll clean up the gene pool really fast.
Umm...lard. Why'd the most delicious things always the most unhealthy? Ughh, my mom used to cook with homemade lard when I was a kid (before the time of vegetable oil). The crusty pig skin left over after making the lard is my #1 snack as a kid, always craving that shit. We switched to vegetable oil when I'm about 7 or 8 yo, still miss that shit till today.
Judging by the date this is actually a "true" antivaxxer and not a politically "inspired" Trump loving antivaxxer that only believes that stuff because they were manipulated by right wing media.
Take that as you will I guess lol props to them for "thinking for themselves" I guess? They should just do a little less of it though apparently...
Definitely not. If you had enough volume to fill a spoon, around 15 mL, it would be 30-60 times greater than your typical injected vaccine. Some individuals might have a slight immune reaction (think upset stomach, body aches, etc) to its viral fraction, but those people would likely have a similar reaction to the same vaccine being injected. Many people wouldn't notice anything at all.
There are harmful chemicals in some vegetables. Solanine in potatoes, for example. Not enough to be dangerous though unless you ingest a truly remarkable volume of potato skin. The dose makes the poison, as they say.