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meldrik Meldrik

I am the administrator of "What the Fediverse", which includes:

Posts 114
Comments 865
Why are fake laughs added to sitcoms?
  • That show overused the laugh track, imho.

  • Why are fake laughs added to sitcoms?
  • It’s weird AF, because their conversations is part of the reactions from the audience / laugh track. So when there’s no laugh track, there’s just long, silent pauses between their lines.

  • Mark Meer Wants More People To Play As FemShep In Mass Effect
  • I don’t even remember there being a femshep 😅, but now I have a good excuse to do a play through!

  • Why are fake laughs added to sitcoms?
  • I know that on FRIENDS, they filmed the show with a live audience. They used the audience to figure out if the jokes were funny enough and drew a lot of feedback from them.

    The show definitely also used laugh tracks as well.

    Some shows use an obnoxious amount of laugh tracks though.

  • Germany vs Denmark (Dortmund, 21:00)
  • 2-1 to Denmark! Let’s go!!!

  • Take a gander at this
  • Smart man woman!

  • Active communities promotion thread
  • Pretty sure it was copied from the subreddit, back when the community was created 😅

  • Dejligt vejr, god øl og en god bog. God weekend folkens!
  • Det ser rigtig hyggeligt ud!

  • Active communities promotion thread
  • For those situations where all you can say is wtf?!:

  • EM 2024: Tyskland - Danmark
  • Danmark vinder 2-1.

  • Linux market share passes 4% for first time; macOS dominance declines
  • Because every computer bought by the average human being, has Windows on it.

  • farvestof i sodavand kan have negativ indvirkning på børns aktivitet og koncentrationsevne
  • Har aldrig set den advarsel på en sodavand før, men kan det tænkes at det er fordi sodavanden er fra udlandet? Altså ikke tappet i Danmark?

    Tog lige et kig på en Faxe Kondi Appelsin:

    Den har ikke de E-numre.

  • Det danske talsystem [fixed]
  • "Fems" ligger bare godt i munden.

  • That... didn't go so swell

    Hvordan overlever I varmen?
  • Den video popper altid op på YouTube hver gang det er så varmt 😂

  • Hvordan overlever I varmen?
  • Bor i nybyg, så det er isoleret i hoved og røv. Al varme der slipper ind, kommer ikke ud igen. Skruer som regel helt op for ventilationsanlægget. Det hjælper lidt på det om natten.

  • Hvordan overlever I varmen?
  • Hvert år sidder jeg og kigger på en aircon, men når aldrig at trykke bestil, før det er koldt igen.

    Som regel er det ikke mere end et par uger om året at det er så varmt.

    Går det helt galt, ligger jeg madrassen ud i bilen og tænder for dens aircon 😅

  • Glad I wasn't a stuntman on GoT
  • Look at that dude on the left, doing his best without the flames 😂

  • [Framework laptop] Now available in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden!
  • "Danish keyboard: Out of stock" - Forhelvede da!

  • Guild Wars 2 Summer Sale Begins Today! –

    Take advantage of these fantastic summer sale discounts on our first four expansions.

    Guild Wars 2 Summer Sale Begins Today! –
    0 Play the Spear Beta Event Today! –

    Try out all of the new weapons skills and give us feedback before Janthir Wilds launches.

    Play the Spear Beta Event Today! –
    [Framework laptop] Now available in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden!
  • Endelig! Har ventet så længe, og som indkøber af IT-udstyr på arbejdet, går der nok ikke længe før jeg bestiller 🥹

  • Play the Spear Beta Event Today! –

    Try out all of the new weapons skills and give us feedback before Janthir Wilds launches.

    Play the Spear Beta Event Today! –

    An avalanche of trees??

    WTF why?
  • This time 😅

  • Musik Meldrik

    Kå'så Danmark | Lidt til Lægterne x Go'Morgen P3

    Kå'så Danmark > Kongen af Danmark

    Fotografier og Billeder Meldrik

    Coast of Malta

    1 Spear Factor: Warrior, Thief, and Engineer –

    Your spear skills with have you jabbing, spinning, and skewering in all-new ways!

    Spear Factor: Warrior, Thief, and Engineer –

    Apologies for the downtime

    Dear all users of,

    I am sorry about the unavailability of After doing, what I thought would be a simple update, ended in hours and hours of troubleshooting, trying to get online again.

    Luckily is back up again, however it seems there is issues with uploaded images. Still working on trying to solve that.

    Fotografier og Billeder Meldrik

    Filippinerne, Sydkinesiske Hav

    Billedet er taget fra San Juan i La Union.

    Fotografier og Billeder Meldrik

    Liechtensteinklamm, Østrig

    Fotografier og Billeder Meldrik

    Himmel, hav og sand!

    Fotografier og Billeder Meldrik


    Peertube Meldrik

    A PeerTube instance for gaming?

    I’m thinking of setting up a PeerTube instance for game-related content. A bit like, but for gaming.

    Do you think that it might be of some interest?


    The Original Guild Wars 2 soundtrack, by Jeremy Soule

    The first time I saw the original trailer for Guild Wars 2, I knew I had to play the game, but I also knew that I had to get the soundtrack as well. One of the best things about the original GW2 is its soundtrack and Jeremy Soule overdid himself, once again.

    It wasn't easy getting my hands on the soundtrack though. Back then, all the music composed by Jeremy Soule was sold by DirectSong, which had some uhm issues :D

    It took them about 1 year to ship me the soundtrack, but before that I even managed to email Jeremy Soule himself, "complaining" about not getting the soundtrack I ordered. I didn't expect a reply at all, but he actually did reply. He basically just said that DirectSong had issues with producing the soundtracks, but I just had to be patient. Turns out he was right. I just had to be patient 😅

    I remember there being accusations of DirectSong being scammers, with people not realizing that Jeremy Soule himself founded Directsong 😂

    ! ! !
