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Afd Werbung auf "Boost für Lemmy" 🤮

Zumindest schmeißt die Partei ein paar Cent raus um auf einer sehr linken Plattform nutzlose Werbung zu machen

21 Sonderermittler: Trump entging Verurteilung dank seines Wahlsiegs

In knapp einer Woche zieht Donald Trump wieder ins Weiße Haus ein. Nur dieser Umstand bewahrt ihn vor einer Verurteilung wegen Wahlbetrugs - davon ist Sonderermittler Smith in seinem Abschlussbericht überzeugt.

Sonderermittler: Trump entging Verurteilung dank seines Wahlsiegs
[WP] All seems lost when the hero's party falls in battle against the dark lord. That is, until the bard that's been playing their background music steps up.
  • The demon Drol'Nomed stood in his thronroom. Half of the mightiest heroes from the mortal kingdoms were laying dead to his feet, with the other half nearly as injured.
    As Rouge tried to get back up, he and his companions felt a strange dizziness. Casta was the first to put it into words: " The music stopped!". The faint thematic music that played throughout their adventure had stopped. Why had there been music? That didn't make sense.

    Rouge tried to remember where the music came from, but it felt like his thoughts were getting slower whenever he tried to focus on the music. "The bard," Casta exclaimed with a strange dread on her face.
    Yes. A bard joined them a while ago. It was at the beginning of their journey, but Rouge couldn't pinpoint it. They were never fighting or even talking as far as Rouge remembered. They were just standing nearby playing the lute. Rouge tried hard to recollect the name of the bard and why everybody allways ignored their presence, but it felt like he was marching through mud. Each step took more energy than the last.

    Rouge decided that fleeing from the demon had priority. He looked around the battlefield only to see Drol'Nomed frozen in terror.
    " Your Lordship," Drol mumbled. "I did not notice you. If I had known that these mortals belonged to you, I would not have dared to ...". The sentence was cut short as the bard said something. Rouge saw their mouth moving but heard only silence. Seemingly out of nowhere, Drols eyes, ears, and mouth were bleeding, and he fell over motionless.
    "What happened?" Rouge ask, more to himself than to his friends.

    A voice answered. A voice so sweet and perfect that he was sure he would remember it. So familiar as if he had known it his entire life. And yet like nothing he has ever heard.
    "Oh, you poor thing. Have you forgotten? Let me sing you a song of glorious battle so that you remember again how you pierced Drol'Nomeds heart."

  • Wordle 1.304 Monday 01/13/2025

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    What's going on with the trump and Greenland/Canada/Panama
  • It is a political question and therefore impossible to not awnser political

    Trump wants to create a country in which the wealth of the nation is neither dependent on imports from other countries nor on the skilled workers within the nation

    Why would you want that? Because setting up a more authoritarian government, where the government tells you what values, religions, and sexual orientation are acceptable is easier if neither your people nor other more liberal countries can stop you.

    How would you achieve that? See Russia, have little complex labor and more simple or automated production. And rely on natural resources like gas and oil. Annex countries that have oil and gas but no strong military. I would assume both Canada and Greenland have gas reservoirs that are not used out if fears for environmental drawbacks. Trump could than use the fas without having to deal with disasters in his original borders

    Assuming Trump acts logical, this annexation would help his goal while the negative relationships would not affect him strongly after he achieved it.

    Or he just wants it because they said no, and he doesn't realize how much global relationships affect even countries that would prefer to ignore them

  • Dunkle Energie soll eine Täuschung sein, die auf Zeitverzerrung beruht
  • "Die Kernidee der sogenannten Timescape Cosmology stellt die Auswirkungen von Inhomogenitäten und deren Rückwirkungen auf die großskalige Dynamik des Universums in den Vordergrund"

    Ganz abwegig ist das laut Pradler nicht: "Prinzipiell unterscheiden sich aufgrund der Einstein'schen allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie die Expansionseigenschaften und die Zeiterfahrung in den strukturgefüllten Regionen, was zu einer effektiven Beschleunigung führen könnte, wenn man die Dynamik des Universums aus einer globalen Perspektive betrachtet."

    In der Standardkosmologie würde man diese Inhomogenitäten allerdings aus gutem Grund als weitgehend unbedeutend ansehen, stellt der Forscher klar. Hier geht man nicht von Rückwirkungen kleiner Strukturen, im Fachjargon auch Backreaction genannt, aus. "Es wäre außergewöhnlich, wenn Strukturen auf kosmisch vergleichsweise kleinen Skalen die globalen Expansionseigenschaften des Universums derart dramatisch beeinflussen könnten", betont Pradler. "Tatsächlich gibt es detaillierte Arbeiten, die zeigen, dass es in den betrachteten Konstellationen zu keiner nennenswerten Backreaction kommt." Überzogene Behauptung

    "Die Behauptung, dass mit der neuen Studie die Dunkle Energie 'abgeschafft' sei, ist daher überzogen und spiegelt nicht die wissenschaftliche Konsensmeinung wider", sagt Pradler. Es gebe in diesem Fall widersprechende Arbeiten sehr namhafter Fachleute.

  • What If Season 3 Review: Once More, I’m Frustrated That Marvel Ignored This Show’s True Potential


    Rather late: Wordle 1.288 Saturday 28.12.24

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    The original Chess Anarchist


    How is the whole internet full of support for murder

    Short preamble: I am European. Here, people rarely die or go bankrupt from healthcare. They will just get worse treatment and longer waiting times than the richer. So, I definitely lack personal anger and grief.

    But I still don't understand the support for the shooter. Do you want to live in a world of vigilantism, where live and death is decided by whoever is deranged enough to be able to directly take someone's live. That would just end in a brutal police state or complete anarchy where the most violent survive.

    I also don't understand people saying that that ceo was a murderer. For murder you have to plan and wish for the death of an individual. He, at worst, did not care. Why did he specifically deserve to die? People could have decided to use a different insurance or pay for treatment themselves. The ceo of the insurance company is not the one driving up the prices for healthcare. It's pharma companies and their stockholders. So, how much in stocks do you need to have for a death sentence. A million, a thousand a hundred dollars? What about the lawyers defending the patents on drugs? Kill them or just cut off an arm? How do you punish their assistants and interns? What about the scientists that make the drugs. They decided to work for a company that raises prices instead of one that sells cheap biosimilars. Off with their head, I assume? The politicians that allowed this system to flourish surely get a bullet through their head, but what about the people who voted for the status quo instead of protesting? This list could go on and on.

    Murder is not such a heinous act because of the loss of a live. It's because once people start deciding who deserves to die, the spiral goes down lower and lower till it reaches everyone who does not 100% support your cause.

    The ceo was probably an asshole with no regard for human life. But just because he was paid better does not make him more responsible. It is a broken system, and killing one person does nothing. Instead of supporting a murderer go on strike or be nice to your neighbors. Protest for a better system instead of idolizing a poor soul that has been driven to do an understandable but still unforgivable act of violence.


    Rivaling species of aliens have infiltrated earth, disguised as humans, but they are so bad at it, that they are only fooling each other


    Ich arbeite beim Baumarkt, weil ich so gut Mitmenschen umgehen kann

    0 Chaos bei Jochen Schweizer: Beschenkte Person will tatsächlich Erlebnisgutschein einlösen

    Helle Aufregung in der Firmenzentrale der Jochen Schweizer GmbH: Dort hat heute erstmals in der Firmengeschichte tatsächlich ein Kunde versucht, einen Geschenkgutschein einzulösen. Noch sind die anwesenden Mitarbeiter ratlos, wie sie mit ...

    Chaos bei Jochen Schweizer: Beschenkte Person will tatsächlich Erlebnisgutschein einlösen
    4 Vergabe der Fußball-WM 2034: FIFA macht den Weg frei für Saudi-Arabien

    Die FIFA hat der Bewerbung Saudi-Arabiens für die Fußball-WM 2034 in ihrem Prüfbericht auch offiziell grünes Licht gegeben. Die WM biete "großes Potenzial für positive Auswirkungen auf die Menschenrechte", glaubt die FIFA.

    Vergabe der Fußball-WM 2034: FIFA macht den Weg frei für Saudi-Arabien

    FIFA glaubt an "positive Menschenrechtsergebnisse" bei WM in Saudi-Arabien


    Petition: "Wahlprognosen zur Bundestagswahl, Volt separat darstellen " Wahlprognosen zur Bundestagswahl: Volt separat darstellen - Online-Petition

    ARD und ZDF sollen die Partei Volt bei Wahlprognosen mit einem eigenen Balken darstellen, anstatt sie unter 'Sonstige' zu subsumieren.

    Wahlprognosen zur Bundestagswahl: Volt separat darstellen - Online-Petition

    Wordle 1.251 21.11.2024

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    Jens Spahn spricht in der Heute Show von Mehrheiten rechts der Groko

    Ja ich weiß man kann einfach von Selbstüberschätzung ausgehen und sagen er will eine Mehrheit ohne Koalitionspartner, aber für mich klingt das eher als würde er sich die afd als junior Partner wünschen

    6 Nach Trumps Äußerung, er wolle Generäle, wie Hitler sie hatte: Enkel von Stauffenberg meldet sich freiwillig

    Günzburg, Mar-a-Lago (dpo) - Laut ehemaligen Vertrauten soll sich Donald Trump "die Art von Generälen" gewünscht haben, "die auch Hitler hatte". Währe

    Nach Trumps Äußerung, er wolle Generäle, wie Hitler sie hatte: Enkel von Stauffenberg meldet sich freiwillig
    5 US-Wahlkampf: Musk verlost eine Million für eine Unterschrift

    Mit viel Einsatz und viel Geld unterstützt Techmilliardär Musk den Trump-Wahlkampf. Nun will er Bürger belohnen, die seine Petition für Redefreiheit und das Recht, Waffen zu tragen, unterschreiben. Der erste Scheck ist schon übergeben.

    US-Wahlkampf: Musk verlost eine Million für eine Unterschrift
    14 Petition zum Erhalt von 3sat
