Might not be up your alley, but there's a dude called "Just Background Noise" who does various Morrowind challenge runs. It's neat stuff, but his name is quite accurate. Makes for some great background listening.
Northernlion/The Library of Letourneau, he plays videogames and just kinda does a stream of consciousness thing that often has nothing to do with the game itself. It's entertaining and he has a nice voice.
Lately I've been going through my favorite artists and listening to their music in chronological order.
I hate the "pick something to listen to" phase of music listening, full albums let's me control what im listening to while not needing me to maintain it.
Trackmania gameplay. It's an arcade racing game, purely skill based, no story to follow. Players will play the same track multiple times until they get a good time, that way you don't miss anything important if you look away for a while. Probably not gonna work for you if you're not into the game though.
trackmania has that in common with basically all speedrunning streams/content. super nice to have in the background since it can be repetitive and you can pay attention if they get a good run going :)
and there are people who speedrun probably every game you've ever enjoyed, so there is plenty of options!
i like listening to Lily Simpson videos when i'm doing chores and such. Her videos are often fairly long (meaning i don't need to stop what i am doing to pick another video), easy to take in without having to actually watch with my eyeballs the whole time, and of consistently high quality.
I'm currently going to through the BBC classics ultimate story collection. I also liked the BBC radio 4 rendition of Dorian grey. The radio ones tend to have multiple voices and some special effects. I also loved the blade trilogy by Joe Abercrombie.
If you like sci-fi, I can recommend the children of time and deepness in the sky. Vernor vinge also has a novella in audio format called fast times at Ridgemont high.
I currently have a Baldur's Gate 3 stream running in the background and she's just doing inventory management. My brain can't handle anything more complicated.
Anything from the Simon Whistlerverse, today I found out, brain blaze, casual criminalist, they're all good to have playing in the background, especially when Simon starts ranting.