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Mwallerby CelloMike
Posts 41
Comments 160

This is a weird job sometimes....

Got 5 little statuette figures to make this week, making them in maple, roughed out on the CNC and finished by hand


Anyone for some fizzy egg???
  • Such a threatening energy, I love it

  • Anyone for some fizzy egg???

    What is your current wallpaper, be it phone or desktop?
  • Atmospheric shot of Whitby Abbey I took on my honeymoon

  • Whats your stupidest joke?
  • What's brown and sticky?

    A stick

  • Règle
  • Ahhh les petites cellules grises 🧠

  • How did you hurt yourself in a very stupid way?
  • When I was about 4, I was jumping on the sofa, back and forth from one arm to the other (because the middle was lava, obviously)

    Misjudged it and ended up going headfirst off the end into a china cabinet next to it, glass doors and all - I ended up missing the first month of school, 32 stitches and basically half a Glasgow smile to show for it, I'm told it looks very cool

  • Tacos rule
  • "Clarence, I have a slight headache"

    "Me too, Geoffrey"

  • It's a rules' life
  • Conversely, spotted this recently

  • Those who live outside Europe. What are things Europeans are not ready to hear.
  • Europeans: call a game where you kick ball with foot "football"

    Americans: call a game where you throw ball with hands "football"

    One of these makes more sense to me... :p

  • For anyone who grule up in the UK in the 80s or 90s - met a few celebrities today



    Merry Crisis


    Home Alone 2: Lost in Mordor

  • Sometimes more than one 🤮

  • Rule
  • Turns out it's a lot harder to do this with a whale

  • I always use fusion to power my Christmas tree 👌
  • E2E:U, unofficial re release of Enigmatica 2 Expert

  • I always use fusion to power my Christmas tree 👌

  • Why not Zoidberg?


  • Which are you and why is it the snowman

    fridge in the bedroom
  • "Okay honey get inside the cuck fridge"

  • xkcd #3022: Making Tea
  • Went to see Randall doing his book promo and being interviewed by Matt Parker (in the UK) recently and this was his exact position on it

    The audience were not on his side 😆

  • Rule wizard


    Walnut monitor stand I just finished, I love the figure in this one



    "I'm in this picture and I don't like it"


    Mystic autumnal vibes in the Peak District today



    (all the pictures in the slideshow are of tower bridge too)


    This made me so angry, enjoy!


    I think I can live with it, mother


    Let's just say...


    Every rule, we stray further from god

    (NGL it's actually not bad though)


    Just can't get away from sponsored posts smh 🙄


    "The Looping Boat" sculpture, just installed on the Sheffield-Tinsley canal


    Mm-hmm, oui, bien sûr, certainement 👀


    It's called a wedding ring, but surely it should be called a marriage ring

    Like engagement rings denote the engagement... Maybe it's just English being its usual mess
