Symptoms of the faux illness include ‘Trump-induced general hysteria’ where a person struggles to distinguish between ‘legitimate policy and ‘psychic pathology’
Guys, just steal this and use it to describe deranged Trump idiots. The right wing steals useful words like "fake news" and "groomer" and alters their meanings for political purposes all of the time. This one should be a layup because without reading into it everyone already thinks it's the condition those everyday July 4th cosplay, big truck with tattered flags morons have.
Nah they know about it, let no conservative tell you their Christian. To be Christian is to aspire to be like Christ, very few self proclaimed Christiana can claim that
They only read the clobber verses about killing gay men, and the shitty bits of Paul (much of which wasn’t even written by Paul).
You can tell they don’t even read the Sodom and Gomorrah stuff, because they don’t know about Lot’s daughters getting their dad drunk to rape him, which is like immediately after.
I love how far I had to read before it was clear that it's not what Trump has; it's what people who disagree with him apparently have.
Diseases are often named after their victims...
Also, and this is buried in everything he is doing, but how arrogant do you have to be to assume that every person disagrees with him just because he's Donald Trump, and not because there are valid concerns?
The smug childishness of a grade school bully who got you in trouble after you lost your shit and finally punched back. These assclowns are infuriating.
Psychology and psychiatry as professions unfortunately include people who believe that any deviation from what they personally consider “normal” is illness. There’s a very strong influence from shitstains like Dr Laura and Dr Phil on practitioners, and there are definitely some who’d like to punish political beliefs they disagree with.
This is potentially a legal rather than a medical diagnosis, and if the legal system is sufficiently corrupted, it doesn't matter what doctors think.
Also, in previous instances (Bush-era torture, for example), the medical and psychological professions just went along. Nover underestimate the venality and spinelessness of professional organizations.
Conservatives are wild. I don’t know if they intentionally do it but their behavior is absurd. Obsessed with Obama’s birth certificate, LeTs Go BrAnDoN, and even super whacky shit like QAnon and trying to prove Michelle Obama is a man. They hate “mainstream media” yet Fox News is one of the biggest networks. They’re all about merit yet discount anything AOC says, who’s smart and studied, because she bartended. And now they want to turn the tables, claim they are and have always been normal, and it’s people who disapprove of Trump who are deranged. It makes no sense.
All of that? That's the point. That's exactly how they want us to feel: confused, hurt, isolated. They will gladly say something incredibly hypocritical and then just smile a shit-eating grin when you call them out, because we both know there's nothing that can be done short of violence and that's when they've "won."
But in all honesty, violence actually is an answer, and a proper one to bullshit like this. I don't give a fuck if you could call it assault if someone is literally taunting and threatening me when I haul off and beat their ass.
Do it. Make them scared of violent revolution and reprisals.
I can't believe you all are serious writing this stuff. America will move on after trump. America is going to be fine - as such as it is -. Likewise, everyone is going to be fine. Life in going to carry on.
I get the German doesn't understand, but come on, man. Ain't going to be no Trump dictator. So much bs fear is being pushed. Resist it.
Btw, I got this simply from searching “Biden truck decal”. I got no negative top results searching Trump instead of Biden. In fact, this is the best one I got from adding anti- in front of Trump in the search (with relevant double-standard caption included):
So I just googled "anti-trump car decals" and was given a link to buy anti-maga stickers on Amazon, and when I went to images I got to see some decent ones. But then I saw an article with the same truck in your second picture, stating the driver added another sticker to the back windshield saying "FUCK LOCAL SHERIFF'S NAME AND FUCK YOU FOR VOTING FOR HIM"
But then I saw an article with the same truck in your second picture, stating the driver added another sticker to the back windshield saying "FUCK LOCAL SHERIFF'S NAME AND FUCK YOU FOR VOTING FOR HIM"
When I first heard of TDS I thought it was about his deranged stans and I thought that made sense.
Then I was told it was about all the people who lost their minds because of his election and defined themselves purely oppositionally to him, and I thought that made sense.
Then I observed that it's really just used as a slur against anyone who doesn't like him or his policies, and that makes sense too because that's the ultimate death of every social critique that ends up promulgated by conservatives.
Last month, Elon Musk revived the term and told Fox News host Sean Hannity he used to be “adored by the left” until they were infected with TDS.
From what I remember, it had nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with you calling the experts who successfully rescued a bunch of children trapped in a cave, “pedo guy” along with all your other aggressive tactics to silence critics. Followed by the Twitter purchase.
Trump Derangement Syndrome sounds like it's named after an ailment Trump suffers from, just like how Lou Gehrig's Disease is named after the disease that Lou Gehrig had.
It’s another “every accusation is a confession” - he’s accusing people who hate him of having this, but really it’s the ones who are obsessed with loving him that are deranged.
Not him, but a bunch of other people on his political party.
It does feel a little like an attempt to legitimise it, so that criticisms are flipped off as mental illness, and/or an opportunity for institutionalising/excluding political opponents for much the same reason.
This is their attempt to get around that pesky 1st amendment. Make criticism of the king a "mental disorder", and then you can lock them up involuntarily "for their own protection".
The best thing about someone using the term Trump derangement syndrome unironically is that I know I can just ignore them and nothing of value will be lost.
probably worth noting that their Governor is Tim Walz, the VP candidate from the last election. One of the few Democratic Party members who is in the news constantly for criticism of the current President.
Not that this has a chance to pass because the DFL controls the State Senate and the Governors office, but I be its a political ploy so they can say then need to remove Walz because he is mentally unsound.
I wonder if those who believe in TDS would also believe in Trudeau Derangement Syndrome where one feels compelled to put “F🍁CK TRUDEAU” flags on everything. Realistically these people probably know nothing about Canadian politics though
If you only care when Trump does it, it’s Trump derangement syndrome. Biden pushed forward with many of Trump’s worst policies, and Democrats didn’t have shit to say about it then.
Disagreeing with someone destroying the economy, spending trillions of tax payer dollars, and making enemies of our allies is a mental disorder? But wasting time making bullshit bills like adding to my Rushmore when it's physically impossible is normal behavior. Got it