OPs account age is 1 day, this single post and zero comments. Most likely a copy and paste bot, which is hilarious because what are they farming for here? There's no karma!
The problem is society massively rewards lying within limits. Kind of like when you make a resume that explains your one week spring break drunken binge as a "Cultural Exchange Opportunity".
Knock knock "Are there any Mexicans in this house?"
"YES SIR, they're hiding in my basement to escape your search."
Lying to save five bucks at a corporate chain is fine man. Lying to a local business is kind of shitty. Maybe teach kids when lying is acceptable, instead of arbitrarily deciding all lying is bad.
Me, too. But now I kinda regret not going along with it. I don't know, it's a weird mixture of angst with the system and a bit of guilt towards my parents
Dang, your parents had you lie about your age? I know that my parents lied about mine sometimes (which was easy cause I was a tiny kid), but they didn't even want me to know, let alone take part.
Me when I have to throw 'Botttles of incendiary water; dig up cobblestones and throw it at those shit bastards' (sounds a lot smoother and better in german but whatever)
A friend of mine's kid snitched on him when he was in the right. Something similar where 5 and under were free or discounted, and he said to the ticket person she's 5, and she just decided to play a kid game with him. "NOOO DADDDY, I'M 6!" but she actually was 5. He said, no, you're not sweetheart you're 5, and the lady gives him a wink and goes "It's ok, she can be 5 today." He was trying to tell her she actually was 5 and he wasn't trying to cheat them, and she's like "don't worry about it" in a tone that said she was not believing him.
The headline is about missing a "cue" as in failing to respond correctly, but it's misspelled "que" - which happens to be Spanish for "what", which was the basis for my joke using Spanish question marks.
Businesses that give away free drinks and whatnot to cops tend to have more cops around, and if a place is known to have more cops around they tend to get stolen from less.
Legal small bribes. It is why places like Speedway have a button for free police beverage. They want cops to stop by on their breaks so people regularly see cop cars in the parking lot.
Whenever someone from Japan visited us, they were always surprised seeing cops drinking or eating out while in uniform.
With time, I gather this is quite uncommon forbidden in some Asian countries, but I've seen it is pretty normal in Europe as well (wonder if they pay there).
Cops exist exclusively and solely to protect capital; and many businesses owners have deluded themselves into believing they're capitalists. However as they are not and have no real understanding of how that relationship works they try to appease cops instead of demanding them.
In this the Petit Bourgeoisie harms itself and shows it's whole ass; forever setting itself as subservient to police, who are subservient exclusively to the real Bourgeoisie.