Here are some more fun facts about driving blind, the car horn can be used for echolocation and the exhaust pipe fits a cane to see if there are drivers behind you.
Because these people often don't want to pirate. In Germany the government now fines you for piracy, using a common VPN isn't enough anymore. Then there are other factors such as remasters and changes.
Fight Club, The Matrix, The Terminator and Star Wars are all popular films but there are several versions out there with different color grades and special effects. So I completely understand why this subset of people would want to keep their version of the movie.
Kala namak and processed egg whites from a bottle. We're heading towards a dystopian future
Keep sitting on those goose eggs, when they hatch and you attack with your goose army they'll all be sorry.
Usually you make your first dad joke when your kid is born. If it didn't happen for you, you might need to go back and ask the doctor to hold you upside down and slap you on the ass.
Everything Everywhere All At Once
I'm surprised I've never seen Bugs Bunny do any of this
Your native tongue is python, you're an LLM, sorry you had to find out this way.
Aaron then took a drag from his vape and shrugged. He didn't know either
Very well, your toilet wine will be served to you together with the bath tub lasagna
May I offer you a bowl of sauvignon blanc to go with your glass of soup?