Is this a joke? What else could be under that tarp? It even has a little flap for the plug.
I feel my ability to understand satire is being attacked by reality.
And I checked the comments and its a mix of musk riding:
"I don’t understand how people get so easily manipulated into hating someone that has done so much to change our life’s. Elon is great man and is doing great things for our country and uncovering so much corruption and honestly he needs more credit"
or thinking this is a joke:
"That’s not hiding the fact that there’s a swastikar under it"
"I don’t understand how people get so easily manipulated into hating someone that has done so much to change our life’s. Elon is great man and is doing great things for our country and uncovering so much corruption and honestly he needs more credit"
Yeah crazy, this is the first time I have seen one and gone fuck that's stupid large. And at least here in Australia they won't pass our laws so I'm unlikely to ever see one.
The thing just gets worse every time I look towards it hahaha
I’ve never thought of it that way, lol. Tech Bros must just say and do whatever they think will earn them the most praise and money. I think that is why they raised that because it was being marketed as an “ultimate truck” even though when it panned out it was the complete opposite.
Elon has this thing in his mind where the world will turn into some apocalyptic dystopia like that Futurama episode where Fry freezes himself for another 1000 years. That's also why he put a bio attack mode in the Model X.
And now he's doing everything to make sure the world actually turns into that.
They don't exactly prevent breakage either. They actually shatter with just slightly more force than normal vehicle glass, it's just that they take quite a lot more impacts to actually penetrate through them.
The garage only has space for two of my vehicles when empty anyway. Besides, how else are people going to keep tabs on how my project car is going? They need to know when it finally has wheels.
A friend of mine just bought a Toyota tundra and it's too long to fit in his garage. Honestly I never would have thought that'd be something you need to check first.
I wonder if you can apply something adhesive under the tarp and let it just sit overnight. There so many terrible things you can do under a tarp quickly and without anyone even knowing since the cameras are convered up.
I mean if I were foolish enough to buy such an ugly, hideous, disgusting pile of garbage like the cyber “truck”, I’d be too embarrassed to admit it too. But then again, I guess if I were foolish enough to waste that much money, I’d be too foolish to feel shame.
Yeah I'm just imagining the feeling I get when I order a graphic tshirt with something nerdy or funny on it, then I get it and I'm like "I can't wear this shit in public, I'm a grown man! WTF was I thinking?!" but times 100000