Not at all. The difference is that DEI puts race/sex/etc before merit (e.g. hiring the best person of a target demographic you can find rather than the best person in general, which may or may not be the same person) while old fashioned nepotism ignores both merit and demographics entirely and picks based solely on connections with the boss.
In other words, it's even worse but since Trump is generally going to pick mostly white dudes and the occasional white woman MAGA will eat it up.
This is what DEI is claimed to be by the same people who concurrently find kakistrokracy and nepotism acceptable as long as it favors their in-group and as such, perhaps we shouldn't go with their definition on DEI.
Coincidence. Kakos means "bad" in Greek and "kek" is what's displayed to an Alliance character when a Horde character types "lol" in Orcish in World of Warcraft.
Ask yourself... If Putin was President of America and wanted to destroy 200 years of progress, who would he put in charge of the various departments... And then this all makes sense.
I was recently rewatching old wresting so I got to see the education secretary have a tag team match with her husband and kids. Also saw her pretending to be comatose while her husband made out with a young woman. The same husband that wanted to do a storyline in which he is the father of his daughter’s baby
I've always thought he looked like an actual crazy person. Most people in Trump's orbit are likely just pretending to be crazy, but Patel always looks like a cornered animal with a gun.
DEI would not have prevented these hires, as they resulted from nepotism.
I believe we are conflating these two issues and failing to recognize why DEI hiring has some positive effects. By requiring employers to diversify their hiring practices, DEI initiatives inadvertently help combat nepotism, an unforeseen benefit of these policies.
The claim being made by the right is that they have to get rid of DEI to make it more of a meritocracy where people are hired only due to their ability and experience. This clearly shows they give zero shits about a meritocracy.
The problem is OP assumes that they have any kind of shame or that double standards and cognitive dissonance isn't just their natural state at this point.
I’ve always disliked this tactic, claiming that acknowledging one thing means someone doesn’t care about it. While I agree that these people are full of hot air, your comment contributes nothing to the discussion.