No matter how much US Republicans and trump mess things up, the USA will still be a better place to live than 90% of the planet, even for the persecuted minorities.
You need to actually take a look at all the QOL statistics available out there. The US is better than, say, Mexico or most 3rd world countries but almost every other Western nation is kicking their ass when it comes to most living metrics.
In this summary it gives inordinate value to purchasing power without consideration for things like needing to pay for healthcare and even still gets ranked 12th overall, and that is almost certain to change if your felon leader starts implementing tariffs for everything.
Personally I was shocked to see Canada below the US because as a Canadian I can say without a doubt that every other Canadian I've ever met would absolutely prefer to live in Canada given the choice. Housing crisis be damned.
The irony of ya'll needing a 'come to jesus' moment to realize how much of a shithole the country has become is real.
I think people tend to vastly underestimate the extreme poverty that is widespread in southern states especially. Very high homeless population with barely any services for them, people living in dilapidated buildings with slumlord landlords, no grocery stores, very high unemployment and wages well below the poverty level being the only jobs around. This is the case in parts of every inner city and many rural towns in the south.
Yeah, because it feasts on the superprofits of the South through systematic underdevelopment and periodic warfare whenever they get to uppity with nationalization or promotion of domestic industry.
It's not even a better place to live than 90% of the planet now. How delusional do you have to be to think that the USA is anywhere near the best place to live 😄
And is that a good standard, a bad standard, or neutral?
Like, no one in a great situation goes, "Well at least I'm not.." That's the type of thing one says when they are trying to cope with a poor situation.
And I'd also argue that the dead minorities would disagree with your assessment, give that they are.. dead.
If you do not live in Louisiana, you should be asking your state to require anyone from Louisiana, or who has visited Louisiana in the last four months, to pass a rapid flu test and rapid covid test before being allowed to enter your state.
Your state should not be made to bear the consequences of idiotic public health decisions made in other states.
Traditionally, you are correct. But nothing matters anymore, so
The doctrine of the right to travel actually encompasses three separate rights, of which two have been notable for the uncertainty of their textual support. The first is the right of a citizen to move freely between states, a right venerable for its longevity, but still lacking a clear doctrinal basis.
Yes, we all do better when we all do better in the long run. But they want to do even more better for themselves now. Because they know how delayed the find out part of them fucking around can be. They'll likely be dead. And it might be their children's problem. But it certainly won't be theirs.
But that's even more confusing. What profit is to be made from a bunch of people getting the flu? It makes people miss work and it kills people. Who is pushing this? Big Nyquil?
i’m getting increasingly convinced by the argument that goes as follows. for the past several decades, the republican party was composed of people who gave tax breaks to all their wealthy friends and fucked over the working class, but those people knew those positions would be wildly unpopular so they used the culture war bullshit as a distraction. and it worked. the culture war bullshit ended up being super popular with their base. but now, their previously young base that bought into that nonsense has grown up, and they have internalized all of it. this generation of republicans fully believes all the nonsense they’ve been fed for the past 40 years. or at the very least, they are competing with people who legitimately believe it, so they need to put on a convincing performance.
If the poors are sick and in medical debt, they're easier to exploit. People who are hungry will accept whatever job provides for them. People who are afraid will let you take away their liberties in exchange for a (false) feeling of security.
Everyone knows the flu only targets republicans and there aren’t massive health disparities among people of color in the south as a whole, but especially among black people, who are nearly 1/3rd of the population of Louisiana. Guess they should have had the good sense to be born somewhere else.
There are plenty of innocent people who will be hurt by this. Yeah, thoughts and prayers for the immuno-compromised who willed be murdered by these fucks. The south isn't fucking a monolith and you treating it like one helps them get away with shit like this