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Midnight Midnight
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Comments 55 Fight Over Seabed Agency Leadership Turns Nasty

An election over the future of a United Nations-affiliated organization could determine whether the Pacific Ocean floor will soon be mined for metals used in electric vehicles.

Fight Over Seabed Agency Leadership Turns Nasty
0 America, Don’t Succumb to Escapism

Our politics are a shambles, our people divided and distraught. But we must fight the urge to turn away from our nation’s troubles.

America, Don’t Succumb to Escapism
0 How America's 'most powerful lobby' is stifling efforts to reform oil well cleanup in state after state

In New Mexico, oil companies agreed to work with regulators to find a solution to the state’s more than 70,000 unplugged wells. After months of negotiations, the industry turned against the bill it helped shape.

How America's 'most powerful lobby' is stifling efforts to reform oil well cleanup in state after state
0 Sizzling sidewalks, unshaded playgrounds pose risk for surface burns over searing Southwest summer

Sizzling sidewalks and unshaded playgrounds increasingly are posing risks for surface burns as air temperatures reach new highs during the searing summers in Southwest cities like Phoenix and Las Vegas

Sizzling sidewalks, unshaded playgrounds pose risk for surface burns over searing Southwest summer
She exposed how the nation's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail.
  • The investigation, published in a multi-part series in 2022, revealed for the first time how former Gov. Phil Bryant used his office to steer the spending of millions of federal welfare dollars — money intended to help the state’s poorest residents — to benefit his family and friends, including NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre

    The journalist who reports on corruption will be in jail and not those who actually did it.

  • She exposed how the nation's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail.

    "The rabbit's got the gun now," said a lawyer for former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, who is trying to force reporter Anna Wolfe to reveal her sources.

    She exposed how the nation's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail.
    Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome
  • How about we get someone who can win in a swing state so we can avoid Trump? Because right now from the polling it looks like Biden can't.

  • Bombshell Poll on Swing States Spells Disaster for Biden In Every Way
  • I'd vote for a literal corpse with a (D), but there's voters who are somehow undecided or ambivalent about fascism. The fact remains that the polling shows this hurts Biden in required swing states which is extremely concerning.

  • Post-Debate Poll Shows 72% of Voters Say Biden Doesn’t Have Cognitive Health to Keep Serving as President
  • Saying that Biden needs to be replaced is not the same as saying don't vote for whoever is the Democratic candidate. I've been screaming into the void telling people to vote on Lemmy and even I think he needs to be switched out. The post debate polling is that damning.

    If the dems shove it down our throats I'm still voting for him, but there's still a narrow window to get a better candidate and we should take it.

  • Bombshell Poll on Swing States Spells Disaster for Biden In Every Way

    Even several states considered blue may be swing states now after Biden’s debate performance.

    Bombshell Poll on Swing States Spells Disaster for Biden In Every Way

    Cross posted from:

    25 Bombshell Poll on Swing States Spells Disaster for Biden In Every Way

    Even several states considered blue may be swing states now after Biden’s debate performance.

    Bombshell Poll on Swing States Spells Disaster for Biden In Every Way
    0 Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome

    People who have spent time with President Biden over the last few months or so said the lapses appear to have grown more frequent, more pronounced and, after Thursday’s debate, more worrisome.

    Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome
    16 Is This Really How It All Ends?

    Biden’s blackmail strategy relies on you thinking there’s no alternative - even though there is.

    Is This Really How It All Ends?
    7 Ocean acidification turns fish off coral reefs

    A new study of coral reefs in Papua New Guinea shows ocean acidification simplifies coral structure, making crucial habitat less appealing to certain fish species.

    Ocean acidification turns fish off coral reefs
    0 ‘It’s the future of sugar’: new technology feeds Vermont maple syrup boom amid climate crisis

    The season to tap trees is now earlier and longer, but new processes and generations are helping the industry thrive

    ‘It’s the future of sugar’: new technology feeds Vermont maple syrup boom amid climate crisis
    1 Environmental groups decry attempt to delay shipping rules intended to save whales

    A Georgia congressman has proposed a yearslong delay in changes to federal rules meant to protect vanishing whales

    Environmental groups decry attempt to delay shipping rules intended to save whales
    0 Wisconsin Supreme Court to consider whether 175-year-old law bans abortion

    The Wisconsin Supreme Court will consider two challenges to a 175-year-old law that conservatives have interpreted as an abortion ban

    Wisconsin Supreme Court to consider whether 175-year-old law bans abortion
    14 Trump Lawyer Argues Fake Electors Were “Official” Presidential Act

    Donald Trump is already using the Supreme Court immunity ruling exactly how you’d expect.

    Trump Lawyer Argues Fake Electors Were “Official” Presidential Act
    45 Beryl strengthens into the earliest Category 5 Atlantic hurricane on record after devastating Windward Islands | CNN

    Hurricane Beryl has strengthened into a Category 5 Atlantic hurricane — the earliest on record — as it powers across the Caribbean after bringing devastation to the Windward Islands, where at least one person is dead.

    Beryl strengthens into the earliest Category 5 Atlantic hurricane on record after devastating Windward Islands | CNN

    Beryl posted here twice in quick succession because its just breaking so many records.

    0 Most marine protection measures are not working – a new, more flexible approach is needed

    Experts have interviewed fishers, tourism operators and recreational sea users in 50 marine protected areas to see how well any negative human impacts are being reduced.

    Most marine protection measures are not working – a new, more flexible approach is needed
    South Carolina implements one of US’s most restrictive public school book bans
  • If a highschool student cannot be instructed on Shakespeare without it being a crime, the law is too far gone to be reasonable in anyway. The same goes for Brave New World and A Handmaid's Tale. There are graphic depictions of sex in many major works of literature and we need to quit pretending teenagers don't know what sex is or that reading about it will indelibly harm them.

  • The theft of the commons
  • Thought this was a good article. If its not on topic enough for the community it can be removed.

  • Circular food systems found to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, require much less agricultural land
  • We are growing alfalfa in the deserts of Arizona with water from aquifers, so it sadly needs to be said.

  • The Great American Poisoning
  • The article might have been well-informed and factual

    Like many substacks purporting to give health information, its a massive link dump filled with unsupported suppositions in between. Reading all the links provided would give much more accurate information.

    In the final paragraphs his insistence that everyone should be keto and not use any form of sunscreen gives away the fact he's a crank.

  • Prosecutors say Alec Baldwin was ‘engaged in horseplay’ with gun before fatal shooting
  • The point of an armorer on set is that they ensure that the guns aren't dangerous. The typical rules about "don't aim at something you don't want to destroy" doesn't apply in a movie because otherwise all the action sequences would look dumb with people firing wildly at the ground. How stupid would it look if John Wick shoots at the floor and blood spurts out of the guys face.

    That said, anyone who hires a scab armorer gets what they pay for and deserve to be prosecuted.

  • Outdoor clothing brands still using ‘forever chemicals’ despite health risk
  • I think its collapse-y as the idea that companies know full well the danger of these chemicals, yet they still sell them in their products perfectly characterizes why were in the situation we are currently.

    That said I had no idea the clothing community existed and I like putting the spotlight on more niche communities so in the future I'll post relevant stuff there instead.

  • Rule
  • 🫡

  • Alabama’s I.V.F. Shield Law Now Faces a Constitutional Challenge
  • As the US slides further towards fascist Christian Nationalism the more common restrictions like this will become.

  • Seaweed farming: a new lifeline for fishers facing declining catches
  • I talked recently with a consultant who specialized in food sovereignty and security work and they didn't see the industry as fully developed as mariculture for muscles and clams. Seafood Processing facilities are wary preparing it for market and prefer to stick to what they know. Allegedly there was only a single grower in my state who was reliably turning a profit without major subsidies. Perhaps its more developed in Europe and this is less applicable.

  • The Perplexing Geography of Abortion Opinion: Abortion bans are unpopular everywhere. So why are some U.S. regions imposing them anyway? The answer goes back centuries.
  • American Nations is probably the worst pop-history books I've had the displeasure of reading. Its chock full of backwards rationalizations, just-so narratives, and glaring misconstructions and omissions.

    Any assessment of modern society based on this author is immediately suspect and we should honestly stop letting him write for any serious publication.

  • Trump Tells Libertarians to Nominate Him, and Mocks Them When They Boo
  • Realistically any Libertarian dedicated enough to show up to a party conference is probably a member of the 1% of the US population that votes for them in general elections.

  • Why Your VPN May Not Be As Secure As It Claims
  • Now when I'm lazy and don't support some standards in my open source projects, I'm just going to say its for security.

  • gotta do it
  • So we're using Bush era torture to justify inaction against fascism? Idk man seems a little weird.

    I get voting isn't enough and half the problem is people often limiting their involvement in society to a ballot once every four years, but I'd really like to prevent The Palestinian Chair from being used on anyone deemed an enemy of the state by a man who is talking about deporting 11 million people.

  • Can I lick it?
  • You can lick pure beryllium just fine. Just don't grind it into a powder and snort it.

  • Instagram Advertises Nonconsensual AI Nude Apps
  • 404 Media is worker owned; you should pay them.

  • Yeah. Sure they will.
  • There are plenty of known religions that share no significant similarity with Sumerian beliefs, ie basically every First Nation/Native American religious system. People have been in the Americas longer than Sumer existed.

    And thats just stuff I'm even vaugely familiar with. I'd wager 0% of Subsaharan African religions, aborigional, and probably most Asian religious beliefs don't have any Sumerian influence.