I explained Captain Planet to my daughter the other day. She thought it was one of the stupidest things she ever heard. She's right but at the same time, how dare she!
I used to have fun like that until about the time I turned 40 and my blood pressure went through the roof. Now I do all the stuff that first guy said lol
Boy I wish someone would have shared this with me when I was working 2 jobs, struggling to afford rent, raising teenagers, and getting home at 11pm when I had to get up at 6:30am. If I would have just worked a little harder...
I appreciate that you're trying to be helpful, but it feels like telling a depressed person to just eat right and exercise and they'll get over it.
Iv managed to avoid nicotine thus far and I give thanks. (Tbf ibu isn't a daily thing for me either).
Most of my coworkers blaze, but only one other does it before or during work. And then they will ask me how I stay so pleasant in the face of such ass holery. Sure, it took multiple factors to make me a kind and patient person, or at least capable of acting like one, but the reason I can do it from 830 to 415 was the wake and bake. Wake. And. Bake.