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theodewere theodewere

if you voted for Trump you're going to Hell, and this is why.. he looked like the Easy Way to you.. you took the Easy Way, and that's what you go to Hell for, you cowards..

if you're a man and you voted for Trump, you're a Momma's Boy, just like Mike Pence and Bill O'Reilly.. you were coddled..

and i don't give a damn about any of you hellbound assholes.. you can all rot..

momma's boy: (n) a man who's used to getting attention just because he threatens to throw a fit; see cunt

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  • Despair makes young US men more conservative ahead of US election, poll shows
  • that's because "conservatism" and racism are all about fear

  • Gloves should be a requirement to keep in a glove box.
  • aww come on sweetheart, tell me how proud you are that you know the real answer now.. you earned your Captain Internet Badge for the day, son..

  • Margot Robbie explains Applebee's
  • she's pretty cute, she should do movies and stuff

  • Gloves should be a requirement to keep in a glove box.
  • well you're a good looker upper too aren't you dipshit.. i only wrote that out so that i could get you to look up some shit for me.. thank you..

  • Gloves should be a requirement to keep in a glove box.
  • think whatever the fuck you like, my little Thinker

  • Arizona GOP leaders mistakenly leak abortion plan
  • ignorant fucking fascists

  • Gloves should be a requirement to keep in a glove box.
  • tires were a lot less reliable than they are now, and i mean to the point that you really needed to be ready to change a flat every time you drove your car.. they didn't fail all the time, but they failed at a much higher rate and when they did it was usually catastrophic.. modern tires tend to deal with punctures and failure in general a lot better than the inner tube tires used prior to the 80s.. and obviously nobody had a cell phone to call for help..

    so you kept work gloves in there for changing a flat tire

  • Ukraine is ignoring US warnings to end drone operations inside Russia
  • you're obviously a troll.. there haven't been any "warnings", you troll.. the Ukrainians are free to bomb the Kremlin..

  • Ukraine is ignoring US warnings to end drone operations inside Russia
  • they are shoveling Russian propaganda for some reason, like a lot of people do either knowingly or not

  • Ukraine is ignoring US warnings to end drone operations inside Russia
  • this is a fake story, there haven't been any "warnings".. it's pure propaganda being shoveled by the Russians..

  • At least one society is decent enough to take out their antisocial billionaire parasite trash...
  • the actual truth appears to be that she committed an incredible amount of really basic, egregious fraud

  • We have the technology
  • sounds like wife material

  • Biden’s handling of Gaza shakes his support in the Black community
  • last time i checked Biden isn't the President of Gaza.. Biden doesn't "handle" Gaza.. he is "handling" the United States of America the way it should be handled.. fuck Gaza, fuck Israel.. they can all kill each other, that's all they know how to do.. they can take each other back to the Bronze Age if that's what they want, i don't give a fuck..

  • "We want to take care of our family here"
  • he's barely even using that attic above his 5 car garage

  • Trump advisers are plotting to deliberately devalue the dollar if he’s re-elected, report says
  • what you have to do is figure out which one they all hate the most, and then offer the rest of them a cookie to throw Marjorie under the bus as a traitor

  • Making deepfake porn without consent could soon be a crime in England
  • you have a cracked view of jurisprudence.. maybe you look at too much deepfake porn..

  • The US has so much space
  • they say everything is bigger in Texas and that includes Texas

  • political radicals are neither political, nor radical, rather they are always corrupt narcissists.. discuss..

    political radicals are neither political, nor radical, rather they are always corrupt narcissists.. discuss..



    if you voted for Trump, you go out of your way to prove what an ignorant asshole you are, all day long, every day

    if you voted for Trump, you go out of your way to prove what an ignorant asshole you are, all day long, every day


    9 Putin won’t attend Prigozhin funeral, officials say

    Russian President Vladimir Putin does not plan to attend the funeral of former Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, who died in a plane crash last week after leading a short-lived rebellion again…

    Putin won’t attend Prigozhin funeral, officials say

    > > > Russian President Vladimir Putin does not plan to attend the funeral of former Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, who died in a plane crash last week after leading a short-lived rebellion… > >

    Prigozhin was buried by friends in St. Petersburg, where Putin is not welcome perhaps.. his grave is probably going to be a holy site for a lot of angry young Russians..
