"Working people are done with performative solidarity," said Rep. Delia C. Ramirez in response. "Either you stand with us against the Republican CR, or you stand with the Musk-Trump authoritarian agenda."
The reason they're still in office is for 30 years the DNC has put protecting incumbents above all else, including beating republicans.
The DNC power structure is pretty much the opposite of a democracy, but we just got our furtherest left chair in over 30 years, and his performance as a state party leader shows his biggest concern is beating Republicans, and he's accomplished that to great success by just not putting the party in-between voters and the progressive candidates they want to vote for.
It's an incredibly low bar, but one Ken Martin easily clears.
Don't hate the (literally a month old) new blood for the failings of the old.
The entire Democratic Party leadership needs to resign and be replaced by people who will actually fight for working Americans.
In November Schumer and the other leaders suffered the worst defeat in party history yet they haven't realized the only thing left for them to do is resign in shame.
Just for the record, this is what democrats always do, and it's why they keep fucking losing.
Democrats would rather have trump than have a social-democratic platform, and it shows every time they have the opportunity to fight him and chose to capitulate instead. The democrats aren't a left-wing party, certainly not now, and arguably not since FDR.
The problem is, both parties serve someone, and it's not the common man. The Republican party is a lot more effective at maintaining the illusion -- look at how many of their constituents consistently vote against their own interests and are proud to do so.
There's people working for Federal agencies RIGHT NOW that have either already been terminated or are on the rocks and they are STILL Trump supporters. They are willing to destroy their own lives just to "own the libs" and it will be interesting to see how far this trend will be taken.
Call your democratic rep and demand that they insist Schumer resign.
(202) 224-3121
At this point, I am Not donating a single dollar more to the party. I won’t vote for a democrat at the top of the ticket and will pick a DSA candidate or green candidate. If the democrats aren’t willing to fight for democracy or strengthen it when they’re in power, I won’t reward them with votes.
Perfect encapsulation of the state of the Dem leadership:
"Chuck Schumer caving and saying he’ll vote for a blank check for Trump and Musk is demonstrative of why Democrats lose," lamented progressive activist and writer Jonathan Cohn. "Voters so often don’t believe what they [Dem leadership] say because they don’t believe what they say."
Schumer is a traitor, capitulator and collaborator.
his response to ice literally kidnapping a man for speech was three paragraphs of "oh yeah totally fuck him hate how fucking Arab he is" before finally saying "but this might be a little bit wrong? uwu" and asking for reasons rather than fucking demanding he be released immediately.
Chuck "blackbagging might be wrong" Schumer. between him and Amy I wonder how much worse a family can get.
Red... Blue... doesn't matter. A bunch of spineless pussies fill congressional seats assuming if they go along with whatever bullshit is presented they'll keep getting their cushy salaries and excellent benefit packages.
Every one of the fuckers needs to be on unemployment.
"The Republican bill is a terrible option," Schumer said in his remarks. "It is deeply partisan. It doesn't address far too many of this country's needs. But I believe allowing Donald Trump to take even much more power via a government shutdown is a far worse option."
I quit. American politics are a circus sideshow full of dancing turds. At this point, let it burn. The side that I vote for won’t even stand up against this shit, so what good is my vote now?
Just a bunch of rich assholes doing whatever they want.
I’m just so disappointed in the fact that there are so many people in this country that actually voted for this shit. How can people sell themselves out like that, just to be able to say, “I owned the libs loool”
Just quitting voting isn’t enough, join a local political group. Worst case scenario, they get radical and you’re too into it so you end up on the news. Best case scenario, they get radical and you’re not into it so you go home and plan your meals for the week.
As we all know there's nothing else to vote for. Please don't look below the first two options on your ballot or voter registration! Or look at the history of political parties in the US!
If Republicans didn't have majority then there wouldn't be any DNC making difficult choices. Not voting for democrats is exactly what caused this problem you're supposedly outraged by.
I've held my nose and voted for the Democrats my entire adult life, including mid-terms. Guess I just gotta take it up the ass like the good rube that I am, since the Democrats don't know how to win.
I say this with no sarcasm whatsoever... Its not like anyone is opposing Trump anyway so what's the point of capitulating and preventing a govt shutdown... There is no point other than bending a fucking knee.
Citing what I saw on Philip DeFranco earlier, apparently in a shutdown the executive branch has a lot of power in terms of what specifics get shutdown and how.
Was news to me considering the shitshow that happens every time the budget needs to be voted on but with all the DOGEness going on makes sense that there's extra caution around this. Still sucks that Dems rolled over so easily.
If the goverment shuts down, the buildings and agencies will be empty, because all government workers will be home. But DOGE and Musk arent government workers, and theyll have unimpeded access to EVERYTHING, with absolutely nobody to observe what they are doing.
It doesn't unlock anything new, it just removes the lion handler from the lion's circus act. Although, that lion handler was a Republican majority and wasn't doing anything anyways.
"You see, Schumer flip flopped on the Neo-Enabling acts because you didn't vote hard enough. This is actually the fault of the mythical leftist that influenced millions of people to not vote, but also are so insignificant we don't need to listen to a single one of them. Anything otherwise would put blame at an unpopular candidate losing a popularity contest."
Are you guys idiots? The republicans are already fucking up the government, cutting left and right without regard to laws and congress. So you want the democrats to shut the government down to protest ... what exactly? How does this help? This basically takes the narrative that fucked up government programs are now the D's fault when the R's are currently 100% in control.
Too many people here are like kids just wanting to break things. I'm pissed too, but shutting down the government would be the stupidest thing Schumer can do right now. The R's don't care if you shut down the government. They'd be happy. They'd then blame all the liberals for social programs that wouldn't be funded and broken things. If you want to negotiate and play hardball, find something they care about and use that. This aint it.
You are actually brain dead and clearly do zero research at all. This budget literally codifies all these bullshit changes into law and allows the president to do whatever the fuck he wants with the budget. It is congress’ responsibility to decide what gets spent where and how. The president can’t just hire a random asshole to make government cuts.
You want to hand him that right on a silver platter for what? Because we’re already fucked and a government shutdown means people don’t get paid? The union that represents the federal workers came out and DENOUNCED this spending bill. The families directly affected by the shutdown want to shutdown the government.
Go read a book or something before coming to the big kids table.
I am almost certain that Schumer is being threatened. Not with political consequences, but with actual violence. Maybe against his family. Blackmail at the very least.
I have no love for the man, and while he is a spineless, contemptible coward, something about his sudden reversal on this just doesn't add up. I think there's more at play here than the normal Democrat fecklessness. Someone got to him in a way that goes beyond the typical backroom dealings. I'm calling shenanigans.
Not a sudden reversal, this is all what he wants. The idea that these corporate Democrats are against what Trump's doing is false. Chuck Schumer is perfectly happy with deregulation. He's perfectly happy with rolling back every bit social quality we've established in the last 100 years. All of them are. Neoliberals are 100% okay with Donald Trump.
Except he previously stated his intent to fight, and the rest of the party is absolutely roasting him right now, including some of the most milquetoast centrist Dems. I don't doubt that he's a neolib, but something is off. If this was in any way in the interests of neolib Dems, more of them would be falling in line with him instead of allying with Berniebros and tankies to light his ass up, something I thought hell would freeze over before I would see.
Nah, something's off. Either the rest of the party suddenly grew a spine and some integrity, or someone got to Schumie. The latter is far more likely.