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gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform
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“Black People Were Just Less Smart Back Then” -Grandma
  • Fair enough, but telling the minority group they should try to outnumber the majority group is not exactly helpful

  • Harris says she 'will not be silent' about humanitarian toll in Gaza

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    Publisher plans massive ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ reprints to meet demand for VP candidate JD Vance's book - ABC News
  • Betsy Rader is an employment lawyer at Betsy Rader Law LLC, located in Chagrin Falls, Ohio

  • Sending Unarmed Responders Instead of Police: What We’ve Learned
  • Being addicted to drugs is not a crime (although I should probably shut up before Thomas and Alito and the rest remember this ruling exists), and I can't believe we'd have weaker civil rights protections for people who are not accused of crimes but just have a health issue

    Moreover, throwing an addict into detox is just a waste - unless they want to be there they're just going to use again as soon as they get out (and since they lost whatever tolerance they were used to having it's more likely to lead to an OD)

  • Gov. Gavin Newsom issues executive order for removal of homeless encampments in California
  • They talk nicer, but in reality

    Personal possessions, including medicines and necessary medical devices, are routinely thrown away. It's a quotidian event that Leilani Farha, the United Nations special rapporteur on adequate housing, described as a "cruelty" that she hasn't seen in other impoverished corners of the world.

    "'The idea that a government would deny people those services ... when they have nowhere else to go suggests a kind of cruelty that is unsurpassed," Farha told Business Insider. "It's an attempt to erase people. Worse than erase — I can only use the word annihilate. It is a denial of someone's humanity.'"


    Under international human rights law, governments are required "to apply the maximum of available resources to upgrading informal settlements" like slums, shanty towns, and homeless encampments.

    "The struggle in the south is to legalize and regularize encampments," she said. "Here, the struggle is simply to be able to create an encampment. In the south, there's sort of a blind eye that has turned. Once an informal settlement is created, it's established. Whereas here, they can't create them."

    In the Bay Area, Farha talked to many people who were temporarily living in an encampment before they were ordered to move by city officials during a "tent sweep."

    "It's damaging because they always have to move," she says. "They're treated like nonentities. Sometimes they say (belongings are) put in storage, but more often they'll dump everyone's possessions into one Dumpster. It's horrible. It's not dignified. The people have nowhere to go. It's illogical. It's tragic."

    Nice words don't change the fact that we're violating international law and abusing vulnerable people, they actually make it a lot worse because a lot more people would recognize what we're doing and be horrified if moderate Dems didn't do this propagandizing bullshit.

  • Sending Unarmed Responders Instead of Police: What We’ve Learned
  • Passed out but not ODing or other medical emergency sounds like sleeping to me for all intents and purposes (like, passing out drunk isn't the same as actual sleep for the person's brain, but for society there's no real difference)

    I'm of the opinion that unless someone is an imminent threat to themselves or someone else we can't be doing involuntary commitments, because a) involuntary commitments are almost always super traumatizing and set the person's journey to mental health backwards a few steps (maybe they get the resources they need from being committed and they leave the facility a few steps ahead, but most often they're just held and medicated for 72 hours and back out on to the street, and either way they're entering the facility worse than they had been if they're being forced into it), b) we just don't have enough beds at these facilities (let alone staff and other rehabilitative resources)

  • Harris is starting to vet potential running mates. Her initial list includes nearly a dozen names
  • I really don't like that Kelly worked with Joe Manchin to attack the environment -

    Out of all the likely names I've seen, Roy Cooper (well liked governor from a swing state) seems like the one with the fewest turds on his record. He made some rough pro-Israel statements in October, but when progressives in his state complained he met with them and started stressing the need to protect Palestinian civilians after that (who had just gone entirely unmentioned in his first statements).

    e; ftr, either way I'm voting for Harris

  • Publisher plans massive ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ reprints to meet demand for VP candidate JD Vance's book - ABC News
  • Fuck JD Vance and his stupid piece of shit book

    From a quick glance at my résumé, you might think me an older, female version of Vance. I was born in Appalachia in the 1960s and grew up in the small city of Newark, Ohio. When I was 9, my parents divorced. My mom became a single mother of four, with only a high school education and little work experience. Life was tough; the five of us lived on $6,000 a year.

    Like Vance, I attended Ohio State University on scholarship, working nights and weekends. I graduated at the top of my class and, again like Vance, attended Yale Law School on a financial-need scholarship. Today, I represent people who’ve been fired illegally from their jobs. And now that I’m running for Congress in Northeast Ohio, I speak often with folks who are trying hard but not making much money.

    A self-described conservative, Vance largely concludes that his family and peers are trapped in poverty due to their own poor choices and negative attitudes. But I take great exception when he makes statements such as: “We spend our way into the poorhouse. We buy giant TVs and iPads. Our children wear nice clothes thanks to high-interest credit cards and payday loans. We purchase homes we don’t need, refinance them for more spending money, and declare bankruptcy. . . . Thrift is inimical to our being.”

    Who is this “we” of whom he speaks? Vance’s statements don’t describe the family in which I grew up, and they don’t describe the families I meet who are struggling to make it in America today. I know that my family lived on $6,000 per year because as children, we sat down with pen and paper to help find a way for us to live on that amount. My mom couldn’t even qualify for a credit card, much less live on credit. She bought our clothes at discount stores.

    Thrift was not inimical to our being; it was the very essence of our being.

    With lines like “We choose not to work when we should be looking for jobs,” Vance’s sweeping stereotypes are shark bait for conservative policymakers. They feed into the mythology that the undeserving poor make bad choices and are to blame for their own poverty, so taxpayer money should not be wasted on programs to help lift people out of poverty. Now these inaccurate and dangerous generalizations have been made required college reading.

    [Bolding added]

    e; fixed link (hopefully)

  • Publisher plans massive ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ reprints to meet demand for VP candidate JD Vance's book - ABC News
  • If Books Could Kill is utterly fantastic, I really wish they did transcripts like the 5-4 podcast Peter's on

  • Citing recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Gov. Gavin Newsom orders state agencies to clear homeless camps and encourages cities to do so Gov. Gavin Newsom orders state agencies to clear homeless camps and encourages cities to do so

    Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order Thursday requiring state agencies to remove homeless encampments in their jurisdictions and urging the state's cities to follow suit.

    Gov. Gavin Newsom orders state agencies to clear homeless camps and encourages cities to do so

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    Sending Unarmed Responders Instead of Police: What We’ve Learned
  • You think people should be involuntarily committed for sleeping on the sidewalk?

  • Books gAlienLifeform

    The Racist, Xenophobic History of “Excited Delirium” - A new book takes on a diagnosis invented to cover up police killings: that men of color are “combusting as a result of their aggressiveness.” The racist, xenophobic history of "excited delirium"

    A diagnosis invented to conceal police killings claims men of color are "combusting as a result of their aggressiveness."

    The racist, xenophobic history of "excited delirium"

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    Roger Stone sentencing proposal change was ‘highly unusual’ but politics didn’t play an improper role, DOJ watchdog says
  • This is basically the Mueller report all over again

    DOJ: Oof, I really do not want to have to prosecute someone the Republicans like because they will make our lives hell in every single way, but this looks pretty bad... Ok, I'm just going to detail every single bad thing, but then just sum it up by saying the evidence doesn't quite establish things beyond any reasonable doubt and everyone can see what they want here.


    Me: ... But, like four attorneys involved in this quit, and Bill Barr got personally involv-

    GOP: Even the dad-gum librul media couldn't find anything on Trump, yee-haw!

    e; y'know sometimes you have to read a sentence after you wrote it several times even to realize it really needed a comma somewhere

  • Roger Stone sentencing proposal change was ‘highly unusual’ but politics didn’t play an improper role, DOJ watchdog says Roger Stone sentencing proposal change was ‘highly unusual’ but politics didn’t play an improper role, DOJ watchdog says | CNN Politics

    The Justice Department’s decision to water down the sentence proposal for Roger Stone, a Donald Trump ally convicted of lying to Congress, was was “highly unusual,” the department’s internal watchdog said Wednesday, but that it did not find evidence that politics played an improper role.

    Roger Stone sentencing proposal change was ‘highly unusual’ but politics didn’t play an improper role, DOJ watchdog says | CNN Politics

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    Prosecution and defense jointly file motion to seal Tim Herrington's high profile capital murder case in Mississippi ‘Star chamber': Joint motion seeks to seal Tim Herrington’s capital murder case

    The joint motion filed by District Attorney Ben Creekmore and the Sheldon Timothy Herrington Jr.'s defense is very rare, one legal expert says.

    ‘Star chamber': Joint motion seeks to seal Tim Herrington’s capital murder case

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    Private prison operator CoreCivic holds close ties with Tennessee lawmakers as it sidesteps state law Private prison operator holds close ties with lawmakers as it sidesteps state law • Tennessee Lookout

    CoreCivic, a Tennessee-based private prison company, is exploiting a loophole in state law to roll up government contracts.

    Private prison operator holds close ties with lawmakers as it sidesteps state law • Tennessee Lookout

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    Deputy accused of killing Sonya Massey in Springfield was discharged from Army for serious misconduct Deputy accused of killing Sonya Massey in Springfield was discharged from Army for serious misconduct - IPM Newsroom

    Updated with additional reporting about Grayson’s claims to have been discharged honorably and the circumstances of his hire at the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office.  Sean Grayson, the former Sangamon County Sheriff’s deputy now charged with murder in the fatal shooting of Sonya Massey, was previous...

    Deputy accused of killing Sonya Massey in Springfield was discharged from Army for serious misconduct - IPM Newsroom

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    9 Sending Unarmed Responders Instead of Police: What We’ve Learned

    There are more than 100 response teams nationwide, but experts say more research on their impact is needed.

    Sending Unarmed Responders Instead of Police: What We’ve Learned

    tl;dr, we need more time examples and research to say anything authoritative, but anecdotally things look very positive. One excerpt,

    >There have been no known major injuries of any community responder on the job so far, according to experts. And data suggests unarmed responders rarely need to call in police. In Eugene, Oregon, which has operated the Crisis Assistance Helping Out On The Streets (known locally as CAHOOTS) response team since 1989, roughly 1% of their calls end up requiring police backup, according to the organization. Albuquerque responders have asked for police in 1% of calls, as of January. In Denver, the Support Team Assisted Response (STAR) team had never called for police backup due to a safety issue as of July 2022, the most recent data available. In Durham, members of the Holistic Empathetic Assistance Response Team (HEART) reported feeling safe on 99% of calls. > >Many communities are still sending alternative responders to a narrow subset of calls, and debating whether it’s safe to expand their scope. For example, many cities will only send community responders to situations that are outdoors or in public spaces. Programs are also divided on whether disputes between neighbors or within families are a proper place for crisis responders, or calls involving suicidal threats.

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    The Quiet Epidemic of Predators in Uniforms: Systemic failures within policing too often shield police officers from meaningful accountability for sexual abuse of children The Quiet Epidemic of Predators in Uniforms

    Child sex abuse is chronic and widespread, yet justice for survivors is rare.

    The Quiet Epidemic of Predators in Uniforms

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    A Possible Democratic Veep Pick Just Changed His Position On A Key Issue
  • Also, how's he going to vote for legislation in the Senate if he's VP? Unless Dems are willing to ditch the filibuster for this and let him exercise his ability to cast a tie breaker vote in a 50/50 situation this seems like evidence he's planning to remain a Senator.

  • Mark Kelly now heavy favorite to be Harris’ running mate as he blasts JD Vance on Ukraine
  • Nah, we shouldn't be rewarding anyone who worked with Joe Manchin to attack the environment -

    Out of all the likely names I've seen, NC governor Roy Cooper seems like the strongest

  • New York Times Writer Has Unsurprising Advice For Kamala Harris: Target Trans People
  • Point of clarification - the NYT writer is calling for Harris to take anti-trans positions, Erin Reed (aka ErinInTheMorning) is pointing out how that's bad policy and bad politics

  • New York Times Writer Has Unsurprising Advice For Kamala Harris: Target Trans People

    The New York Times has recently come under fire for anti-transgender articles and disinformation on transgender care.

    New York Times Writer Has Unsurprising Advice For Kamala Harris: Target Trans People

    >Notably, Leonhardt makes a weak case in his advice for Vice President Harris that many will view as unsurprising. The link chosen to support his claim that Democrats are "well to the public’s left" on transgender issues merely directs readers to another New York Times article by Pamela Paul, which has already been fact-checked and found to contain false and misleading information. The Pamela Paul story falls far short of supporting the idea that the public is significantly opposed to transgender issues. > >While some polls show opposition to aspects like sports participation, more recent surveys indicate that the public is against bans on gender-affirming care and does not view transgender issues as particularly salient or worth legislating over. Gallup, Navigator, and the LA Times have all released polls within the last three months showing that the American public views trans issues as a major distraction, opposes forced outing policies, and rejects bans on gender-affirming care for transgender youth. In Gallup’s case, multiple ways of asking about gender-affirming care bans did not affect the result. > >If Vice President Harris wishes to follow advice that will win her elections, listening to Leonhardt may be misguided. Many politicians have previously attempted to run on anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ+ platforms with little success. For instance, Moms for Liberty and Project 1776, organizations promoting fiercely anti-LGBTQ+ and conservative policies, lost 70% of their races in the 2023 school board elections. Similar forces saw anti-trans politicians defeated in Michigan, Virginia, Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and many other swing states.

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    Elon Musk backs down from $45 million a month pledge to Trump, says he doesn’t ‘subscribe to cult of personality’
  • "If we aren't promoting the most skilled people in our society, how am I supposed to figure out where to invest all this money I inherited?"

  • Michigan man kills himself after running over 80-year-old Trump supporter
  • Don't Heather Heyer Trump supporters please, thanks

  • Supreme Court’s Hand-Picked Advocate Argues in Favor of Killing Richard Glossip
  • the appeal to the Supreme Court is not about whether it was a good idea for the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals

    The Supreme Court decides the scope of appeals and can ask for reargument if they think the parties are talking about the wrong issues

    I think that it is in fact true that "Nothing in the Constitution compels a state court to provide a particular measure of deference to a state official’s confession of error."

    "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

    If this travesty counts as a due process of law then the phrase has lost all meaning.

  • Netanyahu to Face Protests and Boycotts in D.C. Visit, Will Meet with Kamala Harris
  • Denying him the photo op by refusing to go to his public event but having a private meeting with him to tell him he's a shithead war criminal who needs to stop interfering in our election (hopefully)

  • Biden Administration officials watered down Kamala Harris' March 3rd Gaza speech before delivery Administration officials watered down Kamala Harris' Gaza speech before delivery

    Three current U.S. officials and a former U.S. official said the National Security Council toned down parts of Harris' widely covered speech. The vice president's office denied it was watered down.

    Administration officials watered down Kamala Harris' Gaza speech before delivery

    A bit old at this point, but I think this article is a great example of what's good and bad about Kamala.

    tl;dr, she wanted to call out Israel more strongly for Palestinian genocide, but Biden's people said no and rewrote her speech, so three anonymous sources (almost certainly Harris staffers) leak this to the press. When Harris is asked on the record she denies all this because she's ultimately a team player who will cover for crappy moderates when she has to, but her initial impulses are good (or, at the very least, better than Biden's).

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    Top Trump adviser says 2024 election ‘not over’ until Inauguration Day Top Trump adviser says 2024 election ‘not over’ until Inauguration Day • Minnesota Reformer

    The assertion from Chris LaCivita at a Politico event is notable given former President Donald Trump’s refusal to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election.

    Top Trump adviser says 2024 election ‘not over’ until Inauguration Day • Minnesota Reformer

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    Oklahoma court rules moms who use medical marijuana while pregnant aren’t breaking the law - The court urged the Legislature to change the law to allow prosecutions for child neglect Oklahoma court rules that moms who use medical marijuana while pregnant aren’t breaking the law

    The Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals urged the Legislature to change the law to allow pregnant medical marijuana card holders to be prosecuted for child neglect.

    Oklahoma court rules that moms who use medical marijuana while pregnant aren’t breaking the law

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    At party's convention, GOP sticks to the message that migrants are dangerous in spite of facts GOP sticks to the message that migrants are dangerous

    In the wake of the attempted assassination, Trump’s campaign messaging continued undeterred, casting immigrants as the source of violence in the United States.

    GOP sticks to the message that migrants are dangerous

    >In the wake of the attempted assassination, Trump’s campaign messaging continued undeterred, casting immigrants as the source of violence in the United States. Yet the shooting that left Trump with an injured ear was allegedly committed by someone who fits the typical profile of perpetrators of targeted violence — a young, white man described by some former classmates as a bullied loner. The suspect Thomas Matthew Crooks was registered to vote in Pennsylvania, and only citizens may register. > >“Targeted violence is often done by angry people who don’t have well thought out narratives but are more impulsive and idiosyncratic,” said Brian Levin, founder of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at CSU San Bernardino. > >He said said most targeted violence is committed by young, white men in their teens and early 20s. Studies show immigrants commit less crime than U.S.-born citizens. > >Using data collected between 2012 and 2018 from the Texas Department of Public Safety, researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens across a number of felony offenses including violent crimes, drug crimes and property crimes. > >A similar study by Alex Nowrasteh at the Libertarian Cato Institute found that undocumented immigrants had a homicide rate 14% below that of native-born citizens. Texas is the only state to keep data on the immigration status of people arrested for specific crimes. > >Ran Abramitzky, a Stanford University professor who helped lead a nationally representative study comparing incarceration rates among immigrants and U.S.-born citizens from 1870 to 2020, recently told The Times that “as a group, immigrants have had lower incarceration rates than the U.S.-born for 150 years.” > >But political fear mongering isn’t responsive to facts, Levin said, which is why the GOP will continue blaming immigrants for violent crime.

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    DOJ attorney who led prosecution of anti-Trump protesters hit with ethics charges for allegedly hiding exculpatory evidence from defendants DOJ attorney who led prosecution of anti-Trump protesters hit with ethics charges

    Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer Kerkhoff Muyskens faces an ethics complaint over her use and handling of videos from Project Veritas in cases against Trump inauguration protesters.

    DOJ attorney who led prosecution of anti-Trump protesters hit with ethics charges

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    Springfield IL deputy indicted; faces three murder charges in killing of Sonya Massey - Body cam footage from the incident will be released to the public on Monday Springfield-area deputy indicted; faces three murder charges in killing of Sonya Massey

    A Sangamon County grand jury returned a five-count indictment against a Sangamon County Sheriff's Deputy in the July 6 fatal shooting of Sonya Massey

    Springfield-area deputy indicted; faces three murder charges in killing of Sonya Massey

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    Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds Mississippi’s Jim Crow-Era Lifetime Voting Ban Court Upholds Mississippi’s Jim Crow-Era Lifetime Voting Ban

    “Imagine if just half of those folks could vote,” says a Mississippi advocate who hoped to defeat his state’s practice of permanent felony disenfranchisement.

    Court Upholds Mississippi’s Jim Crow-Era Lifetime Voting Ban

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    Lawyers Are Already Working On Trump’s Next Coup: If the Republican Party’s lawyers have their way, the next effort to overturn election results will be less violent and more successful Lawyers Are Already Working On Trump’s Next Coup

    If the Republican Party’s lawyers have their way, their voter suppression lawsuits will make the next coup less violent and more successful.

    Lawyers Are Already Working On Trump’s Next Coup

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