Right? I'm not an anti-nuclear person in general (although I think it's becoming mores superfluous as other methods become more efficient), but "thousands of people died and then they built a new city, so don't worry" is so fucking stupid.
(although I think it’s becoming mores superfluous as other methods become more efficient),
Yeah, nuclear power plants are expensive and slow to construct. 20 years ago, hell, 10 years ago, I would've said "Yes, building new plants or making major expansions is still a good idea." Now? Renewables are advancing so fast that it's probably economically unwise to make major investments in nuclear power.
This painting/drawing is from artist Kichisuke Yoshimura, who said of it, “Their clothes ripped to shreds, their skin hanging down. On the riverbank I saw figures that seemed to be from another world. Ghost-like, their hair falling over their faces, their clothes ripped to shreds, their skin hanging. A cluster of these injured persons was moving wordlessly toward the outskirts.”
Not scary: some people were vaporized leaving only a shadow, others badly burned as the painting shows, people were maimed and amputated by the blast, and a big part of the city was blown and burned down. Plus the poor souls who would die horribly from acute radiation poisoning over the following days.
And let's not forget those nuclear weapons were some of the very first ever made. Modern atomic weapons can range from Hiroshima-size to turning a mountain into a radioactive lake range. Thankfully no hydrogen bomb has even been used in anger because that would be a completely different level of horror (and likely the trigger to the end of human civilization).
Many nuclear powers have policies to fire nukes on warning. That means they would shoot back even before the enemy nuke hits them. Shoot when the nukes are confirmed to be incoming.
Republicans love to regularly talk down the World-ending horror that would be using atomic weapons in war. During Bush Jr.'s "war on terror" they were already talking about using bunker-buster nukes and tried to diminish the well-deserved stigma of nuclear weapons.
Renaming them atomic weapons "Musk bombs" sounds hilariously misguided.
John Hersey's book, Hiroshima, which is a book of personal accounts he recorded just one year after the event from six people who were there, is one of the most haunting things you will ever read.
some children where at home after the bomb fell and they said a horrific burnt figure on fours came crawling in and died. It was so burnt black and horrifically melted they thought it was a dog. It was their mother.
absolutely sickening these “men” I wish i could just absolutely take it to these pieces of shit and beat them senseless.
I have an idea Elon - how about we bomb your house with you in it? I'm sure after a while some other people will build another house there and move in, so it's all good, right?
Which was a quiz and if you got the right answer, you get to beat up your millionaire opponents until they aren't millionaires any more. Even getting some weapons.
Elon is like that greasy kid in high school who would correct the History teacher with facts he learned by posting on /pol/. "Actually, the slaves loved being slaves because they got free housing and healthcare."
Can someone please line his shit ass up against the wall already?
There is a reason people call them Weird. Anyone who calls the death of hundreds of thousands of people "not as scary as people think" needs their heads examined. And with those two, I would not mind if that would be perfomed in the autopsy department.
Simply flee the country on a private jet or crawl into your billion-dollar bunker and the blast cannot impact you, what's the problem? It's only going to kill hundreds of thousands of poors, NBD.
Wait, that's the old tech... it's only going to kill millions of poors, NBD.
I'd like to take a moment to share this video about what happens to the human body at different zones of the blast. It's pretty horrific, but simulated.
Wouldn't feel a thing. At minimum the blast would travel at the speed of sound ~343m/s. Nerve conduction velocity is on the range of 120m/s. Your nerves would be vapor before the signal reached its destination.
Big difference between the original atomic bombs he's talking about and current (or even decades-old) thermonuclear weapons. This is just ignorant rambling from someone that wants to be "smart".
Meanwhile, Annie Jacobsen has a recent book on exactly this subject that has been making the rounds these past months. Those two have to be living in a small bubble to not know about this book.
Somebody should let these geniuses know that nuclear weapons are now a thousand times stronger, and there are thousands of times as many spread all over the world.
Plus they’re doing the old people thing where they pretend the past was all great. Plus there’s probably some kind of bigoted/xenophobic undertone, because after all it didn’t happen to the people that matter to them. (Which is very few people honestly)
Ok, so now that's Japan, EU, UK and Brazil that hate elon's guts. He's gonna start to run out of democracies to fuck with, will he move on to dictators or is that friendly fire?
As a nation of one, one of my foreign policy agendas is the eradication of everything Elon Musk stands for.
All my cells voted in favor of this, we are not a house divided.
yeah, yeah, there are people of all kinds in these places, but know that if he attacks your institutions, he is not on your side. Governments have taken notice and are starting to act on it.
If Elon musk goes into nuclear energy I guarantee you, the plant he would make will have a meltdown that would make Fukushima and Chernobyl look tame by comparison.
Ah my mistake. Reading his wikipedia right now, it says, "he transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League university in Philadelphia, where he earned two degrees: a Bachelor of Arts in physics, and a Bachelor of Science in economics from the university's Wharton School." Had no idea Bachelor of Arts in physics was a thing. But economics is Bachelor of Science? What happened there? Is that a mistake? Physics is a hard science.
Nuclear bombs are a problem because it's something just a fucking insane genocide will use. Isn't about it will do a lot of damage it's cos it kills everyone in a big radius WO distinguish if they civilians or army.
It clear most here didn't listen to the steam. There is a lot of bullshit in that stream. But this barely meets the bar.
Trump was on the coal and oil train and Elon was basically trying to convince Trump that nuclear power is not as risky as people make it out to be. He even refuted Trump's claim that the land in Fukushima and other nuclear disasters will be inhabitable for 1000+ years. His example may have been in poor taste, but not like the headlines make it out to be.
P.S. In 2024, is there already not enough material from these two dipshits that the news sites still have to take things out of context for clicks?
Not defending these two unethical bullies in general, but on this particular paragraph they are totally taken out of context. It is obvious that they are not downplaying the atrocities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki but merely stating that nuclear energy is not bad since people are already living there again.
Then they are simply idiots. A nuclear bomb like Hiroshima and Nagasaki are much different than the meltdown in Pripyat. That still has dangerous levels of radiation.
Titans of Nuclear, nuclear energy podcast. If you watched the series Chernobyl, I highly recommend this podcast's five dedicated episodes expanding on the misinformation it contains.