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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially
  • Maybe Obama should have been charged, just to set the record straight, but likely this wasn't attempted because (1) Trump was too busy grifting to put any weight behind this, (2) all of those killed were on foreign soil, and (3) they were all working with Al Qaeda. This is getting into the realm of whether or not killing an enemy combatant is murder and what really defines an enemy combatant. I'm sure there was also pressure from both sides to specifically not answer these questions.

    Either way I'd rather live in a country where a President gets charged after leaving office as a rule, than live in a country where a President can practically burn everything to the ground and walk away untouched.

  • The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially
  • Direct from the decision (page 31):

    If official conduct for which the President is immune may be scrutinized to help secure his conviction, even on charges that purport to be based only on his unofficial conduct, the “intended effect” of immunity would be defeated.

  • Rachel Maddow Warns That SCOTUS Trump Immunity Decision Is ‘a Death Squad Ruling’ | Video
  • You also missed the part where SCOTUS said official acts can't be admitted as evidence. So what if a President gets $5B from some company so regulators look the other way. A jury would only hear, at best, that a President received money for an act that never occurred.

  • Codeintegrity-ai/mutahunter: Open Source, Language Agnostic LLM-based mutation testing tool
  • This is the kind of AI stuff that really annoys me. Looking at one of the mutation examples I didn't see anything that wouldn't normally be tested by a typical mutation tool. You took a simple, idempotent process and you got an llm to do it slower, less accurately, and using more resources.

    If you wanted to marry the two in a new and possibly useful fashion I would say use an llm to analyze the results of a standard mutation test and give guidance on what issues should be acted upon first. An off-by-one calculation could mean somebody loses a million dollars or it could mean a button is grayed out. Standard mutation tools don't give you that context.

  • Endless loop when attempting login to GitLab
  • No. My connection is about as simple as it gets. I just downloaded and got the site to work immediately with Brave. I'm quite annoyed because I can never use Firefox for more than a day before I run into a site that doesn't load.

  • Endless loop when attempting login to GitLab

    I just pulled down the latest Firefox Dev Edition AppImage and still getting the same result. I try to login to GitLab and I get an endless loop of checking whether I'm human or not. I tried to turn off tracking protection for GitLab and Cloudflare and added both to accept all cookies. In the network tab it eventually shows 403s. Anyone else have this happen or know if I can disable any more safety/privacy features to get it working?

    How to make a month go by as fast as possible other than sleeping
  • I find it hard to contribute to some projects because I don't understand the overall architecture but I think contributing to unit testing is pretty simple. You just need to understand the smallest units of work, not the whole thing.

  • How to make a month go by as fast as possible other than sleeping
  • I've gone through bouts of depression and I know motivation is hard to come by but I think it's difficult to be depressed when you're in the middle of exercising. I know the ask was to make time go by faster and as someone else said certain activities can make your brain take a break. I feel like walking, running, or biking outside is a fairly good way for your muscles to do the thinking but less hamster wheel than going to a gym or exercising at home.

  • Trump loyalists plan to name and shame ‘blacklist’ of federal workers
  • Without a majority in both chambers it seems like we're fucked. Precedent means jack shit to the majority of the SCOTUS so we basically need to codify 50+ years of decisions. Even then we need to claw back some sanity at the state level.

  • How is Minecraft Dungeons?

    Been waiting for it to go on sale and figured my son might like it since he plays Minecraft a lot. Wondering if I gotta watch out for in-game purchases though (can I require password for purchases?) and online interactions (def don't want him chatting with others). It is seems pretty hack and slash but if a lot of reading is involved maybe he's too young for it (6 ½).

    Edit: Sorry, meant to say Dungeons, not Legends.


    Rolling my own immutable distro

    I've looked at a lot of other immutable distros and I might just end up using one of those, but I feel like taking on a bit of a challenge and there's a few things I'm not very keen on with existing solutions (last paragraph is my idea if you want to skip the context).

    Most immutable systems I've seen require a reboot in order to apply system changes. What is this, Windows? Yeah, reboots are quick but restoring my windows and getting back into my groove is not quick. Also, every immutable OS I've seen wants you to opt-in to a rollback. Rarely do I see the full effects of installing a package or altering a config immediately. By the time I notice an issue maybe it's too late to rollback to before the change or maybe I've done a few other things since and I don't want to rollback everything. I would much prefer to make "rolling forward" or persisting changes to be a very conscious process.

    I started messing with BTRFS and I think I've come up with a process that will get me what I want, no matter the distro. Please poke holes in my idea. So I think I can use BTRFS to hold data for the rootfs in three different subvolumes (at minimum): root-A, root-B, root-Z. root-Z is my golden image and it represents what I want root to look like after reboot. root-A and root-B are the active and passive instances of rootfs, but which one is active will flip-flop after every reboot. So if I boot with A, B gets replaced with the contents of Z. In the meantime I can do whatever I want with A. Not sure how I'll update Z (chroot or "promote" the active subvol to be Z) but without an update every reboot is an automatic rollback.



    Image composition node/library/checkpoint

    This stuff moves so fast I really can't keep up and a lot of the research posted here goes a bit over my head. I'm looking for something that doesn't seem too out of the question given things like CLIPSeg. Is there some tool or library out there that will accept an image and a prompt and then generate a mask within the image that generally corresponds to the prompt?

    For example, if I had a picture of an empty park and gave the prompt "little girl flying a kite" I should get back a mask vaguely in the shape of a child with a sort of blob mask in the sky for the kite. Of course from there I could use the mask to inpaint those things. I would really like to be able to layer an image kind of like Photoshop so it's not all-or-nothing and focus on one element at a time. I could do the masking manually but of course we all want fewer steps in our workflows.


    What's something you wish would "come back" but you feel like you're the only one that cares?

    Couple of things for me.

    One is tiny croutons. I don't see them anywhere anymore. They taste the same but it's kind of a pain sometimes to keep the big ones on your fork. The small ones were a little more satisfying to snack on too.

    Second is Blue Nehi. Never met anyone else that's tried or heard of it. Damn it was good though. Big Blue is kinda similar but those always taste under carbonated.


    Am I using devDependencies wrong or is everyone bad at explaining it?

    Official docs say it's for > Packages that are only needed for local development and testing.

    Umm, okay. Not 100% clear there. Some articles mention things like ESLint or Jest (k, I'm onboard there) but others mention Babel or WebPack. I get that you don't need WebPack libraries to be loaded in the browser but how the hell do you bundle up your code without it? When you use npm ci or npm install you'll get all dependencies but isn't it good practice (in a CICD environment) to use --omit=dev or --only=prod?


    [Help] I favorited some comments -- how the heck do I find them?

    Do I have to do some special search query? My favorites tab shows posts only.


    Did air travel get (gasp) easier?

    I just went through airport security and was quite surprised how easy it was (relatively speaking). Didn't have to go through a body scanner, didn't have to separate liquids, didn't have to take out my laptop, and my boarding pass wasn't even scanned. Did some rules change? Is their thoroughness related to terrorist threat levels?


    Long term solution to Roomba not charging?

    I've seen FAQs and troubleshooting pages that say clean the contacts with alcohol, and that works, but I seriously have to do that every time I run it. The only other thing that will work is jamming something under the Roomba to lean it onto the charging contacts. Is it a crappy base? Are there any diy tricks to give the base better contact?


    Anyone attempt a Switch battery replacement?

    My son dropped his Switch Lite in the toilet and the battery life seems worse than before. I'm thinking of doing the replacement myself but I'm curious how hard it is or if there are gotchas. I've replaced "non-replacable" batteries in phones before and I usually break some plastic tabs or (one time) pierce the battery. I'm totally fine taking it to a shop if it's moderate to hard.


    Is n-to-n sharing a bad idea?

    What I mean by n-to-n sharing is that I have all of my devices sharing the same folder with every other device. This has definitely been a bit of a pain to set up and manage (moreso because a few machines use Docker so they're basically double-NAT'd). My biggest concern is having conflicts out the wazoo and losing data. The most important thing to me is my KeePass vault.

    Title Gore BrianTheeBiscuiteer Harris: ‘Ridiculous’ to have to say slavery had no benefits

    Vice President Kamala Harris is doubling down on her rebuke of new Florida education guidelines that call for the teaching of how enslaved people benefited from slavery.  In an interview&…

    Harris: ‘Ridiculous’ to have to say slavery had no benefits

    I had to read like half the article to be sure she wasn't saying that slavery having no benefits is "ridiculous".


    GitHub Gist: SD model downloader

    Amidst all the SDXL stuff I'm sure this will get overlooked but I've been trying to share more of my gens and my code instead of keeping it all to myself.

    I made a downloader for models. Now that I'm posting it I do kinda of wonder how useful it is but at one point I thought it was a great idea. I suppose I didn't like the idea of not being able to wipe the installation and start fresh with minimal effort (or if I one day have a new main for SD stuff).

    Anyway, here it is as a Gist:


    Spoiler tag not working?

    Just tried using it for the first time. I wrote some text, highlighted it, then hit the spoiler button. What I saw was this:

    Don't show this

    pretty_women BrianTheeBiscuiteer

    Rosabell Laurenti Sellers


    5yo waking us up in the middle of the night

    When he was still in diapers but old enough to sleep in a normal bed we had a child lock on his door to keep him out of trouble. We took off the safety knob soon after he started using the potty (that was over a year ago). It didn't happen immediately but slowly and moreso over the last few weeks he's coming into our room at 10p, 12a, or even 3a. It's usually stuff like a "monster in the closet", "I'm out of water", "I can't find my stuffed animal", or "my music box turned off". Telling him things like "turn on your light and see what's there", "monsters don't exist", or "the bathroom is open and you can refill your cup" he'll eventually have the same problem and wake us up again.

    Is this just a phase he'll grow out of or is there a better way to help him solve more of these problems on his own?
