I love the fact that it's katakana, a script only used for foreign words, including anglizisms. So in order to make it look exotic, it's a Japanese script, but one that's used by Japanese for exotic words, which is fitting because it's actually an English words. So by making it double exotic, they reveal the fact that it's not exotic at all. Meta.
oh shit, I just now realize that it's supposed to spell "Soul of coffee".
I was super confused about all the weird mixing and just assumed my absolute beginner japanese skills were not good enough for whatever mix use case that was
The cup is using Japanese letters that look somewhat like English letters to spell "Soul of Coffee". The comment is how those letters are read in Japanese.
All us former or present weebs that once learned Hiragana, Katakana, maybe 5 words and phrases, and basically nothing else, understand. (And the people actually speaking Japanese, too)
I've become so averse to this kinda branding to the point where I'd just prefer them to use a translated version I can't read and some tiny English for anything important.
I'm not scared of kanji! If you're gonna lean into Asian languages for your marketing just use the damn languages properly!!!!