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boo_ Klara

Justa she/her girl in a weird weird world

Speaks: se,en,fr

Queer asf, vegan, GNU fangirl, libertarian socialist

Posts 28
Comments 164
c/[email protected] is full of transphobic trolls
  • Favored is a strong word here imho. Very few people want Biden, it seems to me. Also, in a leftist community, I'd hope the choice between a neoliberal and a fascist would be obvious. I hate neoliberalism as much as the next socialist, but I shudder at the thought of the impact Trump with project 2025 in hand would have on the world.

  • lemmy user(ule)s: "this sign won't stop me because i can't read"
  • It's quite obvious that it's very different to use it as a verb and as a noun to refer to someone.

  • Rule
  • Signs like this make me sad

  • How can I fix this rotation issue?
  • SDDM is still X11 based, no matter which desktop you run with it. I have tried enabling Wayland on it, but it's been... Unstable to say the least.

  • How to force all chromium apps to use wayland, instead of xwayland by default?
  • Spotify is CEF, I think, and it works pretty well.

  • what foss phone OS do you use and why?
  • No OS is perfect, as you likely do have to use a proprietary modem and some proprietary apps, but CalyxOS works well for me on my Fairphone 4. I like the base install being as free as realistically possible on a modern Android phone, especially replacing Google apps with microG. Just don't enable SafetyNet if you don't want it to run (sandboxed) Google blobs. That API is deprecated anyways.

    The experience is smooth, free and I get a repairable phone without having generative """AI""" shoved down my throat. A win on all fronts in my opinion.

  • what foss phone OS do you use and why?
  • Also, SafetyNet is deprecated, and Google has said that app developers shouldn't use it for a long time before that, so I've never had to use it. My experience of a blob-free microG has been really good, and I trust FOSS code a hell of a lot more than sandboxed proprietary code, because I can't be sure what it does with the data I inevitably do provide it.

    MicroG has also been very clear IMO about SafetyNet not being a reimplementation, but rather a sandbox when it was relevant.

  • Rule
  • I remember reading that this is because studios don't compress game assets any more. I'd gladly trade a few seconds load time for reasonable disk usage.

  • Truth rule
  • Also, when I have rain clothes, I love rain, so I think you're on to something.

  • WondLa (2024, showrunner Bobs Gannaway)
  • Ayy, I read the book back in elementary school! Might be time to re-read it as I remember enjoying it.

  • rule
  • Yep, this is the daily routine of a Linux user.

  • A better Lemmy lemonade!
  • lemmy(grad).ml has their own 1000012289

  • Spectrum rule
  • I think the comparison with Lemmy is moot, since Lemmy (or the Fediverse as a whole) isn't owned by one centralized entity. Twitter quite literally has a Nazi as its owner. Sure, progressive people still have tools at their disposal to be able to use Twitter, but I think it makes sense to question why we should use such a platform.

  • Favourite DE
  • I like Sway, it obviously needs a bit of configuration to be useful, but that's partly what I like about it, and using a distro like Guix (Nix configured with Lisp) makes it easy to have the same settings on multiple PCs. Otherwise I like GNOME; it's well supported and has many good apps. Touch/touchpad support is really good as well.

  • also you don't need to worry about this unless you buy a fancy Copilot Plus PC rule
  • Seems to have an ALSA UCM configuration since 2022:

    If I've understood this correctly, it should just work, and PipeWire should understand the interface.

  • also you don't need to worry about this unless you buy a fancy Copilot Plus PC rule
  • If you're interested, I have a good experience with yabridge for running Windows VSTs in Linux-native DAWs. If it's the applications themselves, then I have no experience. I ran the FL Studio demo in Wine for a few minutes but that's essentially the end of my experience, since I have Reaper.

  • Game preservation rule

    [Image Description]: A meme in the style of anti-piracy ads stating the following:

    You wouldn't pirate a game you already paid for to be able to play it again since the company stopped supporting it and no longer sells it


    Going mute when trying to come out? Any tips?

    Hi all! I'm a trans woman who's known since I was a kid. My classmates brought up the topic of being trans once in class, and I remember mentioning my desire to "maybe become a woman when I grow up", as I put it. I can't remember the reaction clearly, but I must've been pretty put off since I didn't attempt to talk about it for quite a while after.

    Fast forward to me being about 14. I get a deep episode of dysphoria and instead of hiding away like I usually would, I go to my mother, entirely pale in the face. We talk a bit in private and the only thing I can get out of my mouth is that I don't feel like a boy. She takes it as me not feeling like I live up to the gender norms and tries to solve that. Meanwhile I can't keep talking. My brain stops producing words at all and I just can't say anything.

    This happens a lot of times over the years every time my mother asks me to buy new clothes for myself, every time the same complete shutdown. I really just want to continue working this out, and I'm in desperate need of new clothes, since I haven't bought any in years. I hate buying men's clothes, but if I continue boy-moding when I go back home, I'd have to buy new ones.

    Thank you for reading this, whoever you are. I'm running on practically no sleep so I apologize if this is wordy, or unclear in any way. I just need to be done with this.


    Death G(rule)ips


    Browser transcoding addon with server?

    I have a laptop with limited decoding capabilities with regards to royalty free formats, which YouTube tends to use, but I do prefer the quality that I get out of av1/vp9 encoded content on YouTube when using those on my home PC over what I get through h264ify.

    What I do have, is a server which runs Jellyfin and can transcode content just fine. Is there any software I could host which could transcode videos I watch with a browser extension via my server?

    Sorry if this is jumbled or unclear but it's something that I would really have a use for, and if feasible, would even write myself.


    Apt-cacher-ng: Cache packages on a local mirror instead of redownloading them

    I set this up a few weeks ago since all my systems, except one Gentoo server, run Debian and I am very happy with it. Should work on all distros using apt (Mint, Ubuntu, etc.) and I've read that dnf may work with it as well.


    Ea Nasirule

    Alt text: A scene out of a Pirates of The Carribean movie consisting of two panels with the top one reading: You are without a doubt the worst Mesopotamian copper merchant I've ever heard of.

    and the bottom one with a picture of an ancient sumerian statue reading: But you HAVE heard of me.
