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qevlarr qevlarr
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UK General Election voting megathread
  • I hope you'll enjoy this politicology podcast as much as I do. I've been a Rob Ford fan for years. Here you go:

    Countdown to Extinction

  • Tethered Bottle Caps
  • Have you ever heard about the Exota affair in the Netherlands? In 1969, journalists uncovered the glass bottles of Exota soda were explosion hazards and their scathing TV episode about it drove the company to bankruptcy. It became a whole ordeal after the journalists and broadcaster were sued.

  • Tethered Bottle Caps
  • The bottle cap folds out of the way. If you have it "in your face", it sounds like a skill issue

  • My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • Why is Chase spending money to piss off customers on Xitter?

  • My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • The problem is the tone of the message. Chase isn't giving solid financial advice, here. They're creating a strawman of "bad with money"

  • My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • People know that. They're broke, not dumb

  • My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • They're covering for systemic political issues by blaming it on the individual, essentially covering for poverty wages and other problems related to income distribution. I don't know why they do this, either. But that's why this rubs many people the wrong way.

    People don't get into trouble because of avocado toast but depressed wages, soaring house prices, medical costs, etcetera. What the hell are people supposed to do if the minimum spending to survive is already too much for their meager income?

  • US will remove Gaza aid pier due to weather and may not put it back, officials say
  • Stalling tactic from day 1. "We are doing humanitarian aid, look!" 🙄

  • The Supreme Court just made a massive power grab it will come to regret
  • At the time, it wasn't this widely regarded as a power grab by conservative politicians in the Supreme Court. Not saying it wasn't, but it was not seen as such. It was nowhere near as brazen as what we're seeing today. Confidence was still quite high at the time or at least it returned quickly.

  • What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • Absolutely. I never cared for his political stuff. Get that shit out of here. Just geek out on historic stuff, but please no more misogynist social darwinist garbage...

  • Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • Accepted isn't the right word. I think consumers "voting with their feet" just isn't that relevant when it comes to these issues. This model of thinking works when it's about the product offering. Bad product? Too expensive? Demand dwindles.

    But the issue doesn't directly impact the product offering, consumers won't "vote with their feet" in significant numbers. Worker exploitation? People will still buy cheaper clothes. Oil money dictatorships? Cheap luxury airlines. Privacy invasion? But all my friends are on there. I could go on.

    The self-correcting market model is flawed. For these issues, strong government intervention is needed. It's possible that a competitor comes along and they're able to capture the market, but that will only happen with a superior product offering. But not because of different TOS or whatever people don't consider part of what they're buying.

  • Intense phase of Israel's war with Hamas about to end, Netanyahu says
  • All of Israel is stolen land. They're stealing even more as we speak.

    To answer your question: They will and they have outright killed thousands, tens of thousands of Palestinians. They destroyed schools, hospital, cemeteries, media offices, homes. They are not letting in food in the country, causing a goddamn famine. Everybody has seen it. Everybody knows it's happening.

    You can sod right off if you want a specific number of summary executions before it 'counts' as a genocide. Absolutely abhorrent behavior. I'm blocking your ass right now. Bye.

  • Intense phase of Israel's war with Hamas about to end, Netanyahu says
  • Now you're at genocide denial. I'm done. Fuck that

  • Intense phase of Israel's war with Hamas about to end, Netanyahu says
  • And then the occupation continues. How does that solve anything? There will be another resistance group, of course. Israel already was a pain in the ass for Palestinians before October 7th. They don't see going back to that situation as meaningful progress.

    Nothing about your stance is pragmatic. It doesn't even make logical sense. It's cowardice to give in and the rest of the world can go back to ignoring suffering of the Palestinians. Israel is genociding Palestinians and you're here blaming Hamas??

  • Intense phase of Israel's war with Hamas about to end, Netanyahu says
  • What about national and international pressure on the Netanyahu government?

  • Eindhoven qevlarr

    Step in the Arena STOPT

    Juni 15 & 16 wordt de laatste keer! 😢

    BIJ1 qevlarr

    'Wie geen migranten wil, moet snijden in de economie' - Leo Lucassen ‘Wie geen migranten wil, moet snijden in de economie’ - OneWorld

    Koste wat kost wil de VVD de komst van nareizende asielzoekers beperken. Dat zou de asielcrisis moeten beteugelen. Maar die crisis werd mede door de VVD gecreëerd, zegt historicus Leo Lucassen, die hardnekkige aannames over migratie ontkracht.

    BIJ1 qevlarr

    Miljardenwinsten voor grote bedrijven, consument betaalt rekening: ‘Moeten naar een ander systeem’

    Voedingsmultinationals als Unilever en Heineken zijn tijdens de inflatiecrisis miljardenwinsten blijven boeken. Ook supermarkten leden niet al te veel pijn door de hoge prijzen. Die rekening kwam grotendeels bij de consument te liggen. De ceo’s van grote bedrijven zien verzachtende omstandigheden. ,,In crisistijd laat een bedrijf zijn echte gezicht zien”, stelt hoogleraar Karen Maas.


    Kabinet Rutte IV is gevallen! Kabinet Rutte IV is gevallen! -

    Bronnen: kabinet valt, geen akkoord over asielmaatregelen - []

    Politiek qevlarr

    Kabinet Rutte IV is gevallen! Bronnen: kabinet valt, geen akkoord over asielmaatregelen

    Vanavond werd er een ultieme poging gedaan om een compromis te vinden, maar dat is niet gelukt.

    Bronnen: kabinet valt, geen akkoord over asielmaatregelen -

    BIJ1 qevlarr

    Slavernij en wij - Serie op NPO Start Slavernij en wij gemist? Start met kijken op NPO Start

    Dansen, muziek, gerechten van kaaskorstjes. Maar ook gewaagde vluchtpogingen in kano’s en gewelddadige opstanden. Tot slaaf gemaakten zijn altijd op zoek geweest naar manieren om te ontsnappen aan het systeem, zich te verzetten en hun eigen cultuur te bewaren.

    Eindhoven qevlarr

    Eerste Keti Koti Festival in Eindhoven is nog even wennen, maar smaakt naar meer: ‘Ik geef het zeker een kans’

    BIJ1 qevlarr

    Keti Koti 2023: Ontroering en lof, maar ook kritiek op vergiffenis-toespraak van koning Ontroering en lof, maar ook kritiek op vergiffenis-toespraak van koning

    "Ik voelde de tranen langs mijn wangen glijden", zei voormalig Kamerlid John Leerdam. Ook andere aanwezigen zeiden geraakt te zijn door de woorden van Willem-Alexander.

    Eindhoven qevlarr

    Stroomstoring in centrum van Eindhoven

    Eindhoven qevlarr

    Drie Eindhovense brouwerijen tappen vanaf nu onder één dak uit meer dan 30 vaten

    Eindhovuh de bierste!!!.... Drie brouwerijen tappen vanaf nu onder één dak uit meer dan 30 vaten

    BIJ1 qevlarr Grenzen zijn bullshit. Mensen zouden niet moeten omkomen omdat ze naar een andere plek op aarde gaan

    Sameed Asif van 23 had zijn ouders gesmeekt: laat me alsjeblieft naar Europa gaan. In Pakistan zag hij geen toekomst voor zichzelf. De economie lig...
