I have a new Prius and my parents have a Tesla. I am very happy with my Prius but my dad is always trying to make me feel like I should have bought a Tesla and I made the wrong choice. Now he's scared to visit me in the city because someone might scratch a swastika in his car. So who made the wrong choice again?
There are Model S with over a million, but they also had multiple battery and drive unit replacements.
Meanwhile the OG Prius has a bulletproof engine and a broken battery can easily be repaired in your backyard with very little tools or knowledge required, barely more difficult than changing out a starter battery in an ICE car
Rode in a Prius 5 deep to a wedding reception and was kind of surprised by how much room there was inside ( first gen, I was one of 3 in the back) and the torque was impressive as well.
I still see a lot of them on the road , so the build quality is probably superior to tesla junk
Model 3, looks just generic, the 2023 facelift looks less bad.
Model Y just looks terrible, the facelift makes it even worse.
Model X, just what the fuck? Its like is a long car crashed into s wall in a world with cartoon physics, squishing it.
All Teslas I have seen also have two terrible things in common.
The headlights constantly blind oncomming drivers.
The indicator are WAY too subtle next to the headlights, here in Sweden we have a law that require headlights to be on then the car is on, this means that when I see an oncomming Tesla at a crossing I have to look straight at the headlights and try to notice a slight shift in the white balance, while being blinded at night.
Model 3, looks just generic, the 2023 facelift looks less bad.
Model Y just looks terrible, the facelift makes it even worse.
They all look almost exactly the same. The S I'm more familiar with because it's been around longer and is a noticeably longer car than the other two, but I'm not sure I could even tell the 3 and the Y apart!
I got a used model 3 after we found out he was an asshole but before we knew he was a nazi. I think the 3 looks great, even a little better than the S imo. The X is ridiculous. The only Tesla that's incompatible with a roof rack is an SUV? What a joke.
The headlights constantly blind oncomming drivers.
Yeah. One of the first things I did was disable the auto high beams.
Even without all of that you are better off getting the Prius. It means you don't have to deal with the utter nightmare that is Tesla customer support, It's always worth thinking about what happens when something inevitably goes wrong.
Plus of course you can always take the Prius to a generic mechanic. But they never have pants for Tesla's I don't think Tesla let them out. They are like Apple in that respect.
I don't think customers are responsible for the behavior of a demented CEO. That's meme-driven thinking that can't process the world unless it's simplified to GoodGuys vs BadGuys.
I get that you may be joking, but him being fearful someone may vandalize a vehicle in the city doesn't equate to him making a wrong choice. Imagine Trump starts locking people up for refusing to bow to him and your dad says to you before you go to jail, "well you made the wrong choice."
Now, him helping support a billionaire fascist on the other hand indicates he made a bad choice. Did he buy it cause he is a Musk fan, or cause he likes the features?
An unfortunate truth is that car manufacturers have been able to get away with doing very little. Tesla wouldn't have been as successful as it is initially if other manufacturers had actually implemented descent tech. Simple things like descent quality integrated cameras that record are still missing on almost every other car.
I would have loved a progressive to get elected and regulate the industry more to require car manufactures form some sort of working group to make various components an open standard.
If you bought a Tesla in like 2017 because you wanted an EV and are now just stuck with it because it's a worthless piece of explosive batteries and plastic and nobody wants it, I feel sorry for you. But if you bought a Tesla at any point in the last few years, then yeah, you deserve to be too scared to even leave your house knowing what sort of person you gave money too.
yeah people should stop adding the entire room being interested in random conversations to their fake stories. an entire room of people doesn't even listen to a fucking lecture that they paid for.
disclaimer: I’ve been driving a Leaf for 12 years.
I used to think being snarky was only “powerful” in high school, but since people started living their lives on social media it seems to have become the new alpha-bro thing.
My best friend has spent the past 2 years in Mongolia. He said all the herders there drive Priuses in the winter time when it is too cold to ride their horses. Apparently the Prius is the ultimate off roading vehicle in sub zero temperatures.
Even in the cities, almost everyone drives a Prius or at least something Toyota. Drop a streetview anywhere in UB and it's Prius-land as far as the eye can see. Also tons of them in Caucasus countries. But, weirdly enough, exceedingly rare in Russia. I still wonder why that is.
Like 90% of these types of stories you see on the Internet are little mind fantasies. They imagine that's what would happen if they actually said those things. They never actually did.
I would feel very comfortable betting money that most of the these are complete bullshit or at the very minimum a sharp deviation from what actually happened when they said their little line lol.