Actually this is legit my headcanon too - I don't think I have any eating related disorder (sure, I can't form patterns & eat at the same time every day, or every day, but that's it), however I do think I know what I need to eat (cravings or whatever lesser cravings are called).
As long as my brain gets to connect the dots between taste and specific nutrients, I think I know what I need to eat.
I have that too! I could go days without eating if I don't make an effort. I even have a personal rule that if I haven't eaten by 2p, I have to stop whatever I'm doing and eat. However, if I exercise, my appetite kicks in, so it's best that I have an exercise regiment if I want to stay eating regular.
My wife has ARFID, and it's so hard on her. That's so interesting that you don't feel hunger, she definitely does but has a very very small list of safe foods she wants.
That's awful. Most people are polite enough not to tell people "hey you're fucking fat" to their face but will pester skinny people with rude jokes and comments allll the time. Doesn't exactly help with body image.
As long as you have a healthy bodyweight, enough muscle mass and eat enough nutrients it’s fine.
People eat way too much and too often anyway. Many people are pre-diabetic without them knowing it. And it’s because they give their body constantly glucose spikes. 3 meals full of carbs and several sugary snacks throughout the day will slowly damage your body since your body doesn’t likely having so much glucose in the bloodstream.
I swear my wife waits till she gets headaches and needs to eat, I always offer to cook but for some reason the migraines are the real decider of when we eat
That, and when you touch raw meat, you have to wash them to avoid cross-contamination. So you're hands are constantly wet then getting dried, the towel gets to wet, and your hands get too dry.
I just don't feel hungry anymore. My stomach is such a constant mess of pain and stress that it's hard to really differentiate a hunger pang or a hunger gurgle from an acid reflux pang or a gas gurgle. I really miss just having a healthy stomach that would let me know when it's time to eat, and when to stop eating.
First 8 months on Ozempic: "Why the hell does my stomach hurt so much? Oh, I haven't eaten for 3 days."
The first couple weeks I had to set an alarm to remind me to eat. 3 years later I wish it still had the appetite suppression. I've thought about Wegovy but I've finally stopped having the Ozempic side effects, and I don't hate myself enough to go through with that again.
Bro I didn’t figure this out til a couple weeks ago.
I have epilepsy and for the longest couldn’t figure out what the trigger was. Turns out I was was skipping dinner a lot so when I would wake up and skip breakfast I would become dehydrated which is what was triggering my seizures.
Crazy part is I’ve been doing that my whole life. I thought it was lack of sleep for a long time til I had a late day seizure. Anyways make sure y’all eat timely 😅
Yeah, me too. I just started on that med, and I found that I have to schedule my meals with reminders and then force myself to eat some of them, or I will go the entire day not remembering/wanting to eat.
As a daily cannabis user, I literally do not get hungry on my own anymore.
But I'm still fat cause all I gotta do is take 8 or 9 rips off the dab rig, and next thing I know I'm raiding the fridge at 3am and cooking up a feast fit for a king.
It's especially annoying when the GF wants to go out to eat. Cause then I gotta sneak out of the restaurant to take a "bathroom break", because she hates weed. Thankfully she's nose blind enough now that she no longer smells the cart on my breath. But she notices when I dab every time, so I leave that shit at home in the balcony closet, which I've converted into a little smoking room so I can take care of my head at night after she goes to bed (Edit: Yes she's aware of the smoking room. I only wait until she's asleep out of consideration cause I hate getting judgemental looks when I walk back into the house stoned off my ass.)
Needless to say, I really gotta take a T-Break. But it's so difficult to do so when you rely on it to eat, sleep, and keep your blood pressure low.
I wouldn't say so, but everyone reacts differently. At least the gummies I buy still leave me with a craving for smoking. It's just not the same for me. Lol
Even more-so because although they last longer, I find that tolerance also kicks in faster.
There's also the lower bioavailability of edibles to factor in. I can get as stoned from as little as 150-200mg of vaped or dabbed concentrate (which is a lot, mind you, cause we're talking about 80-98% pure THC, here; so much so that flower doesn't get me high at all anymore, even if I smoke 3 fatass blunts in a row). With edibles it takes 500-600mg+ for me to feel anything. Edibles are limited to 100mg per package where I live, so I have to buy concentrate and make my own.
So that being said, even though the high lasts longer, it's also weaker and requires me to spend a lot more to switch to edibles. Tolerance also kicks so fast that if I use edibles two days in a row I won't get high the second day, even with a massive 900mg+ dose. Given that 900mg of vaped THC will last me almost an entire week, I only consume edibles on special occasions.