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Jestem 19-letnim programistą z Polski. Z przyjemnością porozmawiam na tematy związane z programowanie, elektroniką czy automatyką. Bardzo lubię również naukę oraz filozofię.

Posts 1
Comments 9
Tesla Takeover: protests planned at Tesla stores globally this weekend
  • Tesla should burn down like their cars

  • Based
  • Well yes, but actually yes!

  • ED Other than anorexia
  • I think it’s kinda just us for now but as founder and moderator of the community I say go wild. No need to gate the place. Thanks, I also hope our community at Fedivers will grow! Have a nice day!

  • ED Other than anorexia

    Hi! I recently join to this community, and I have question, does bulimia recovery also agree there? Have anybody expirience with it?

    Some memes just to seed the community.
  • Thanks, it is awesome! Stay safe

  • I'm okay. Everything will be okay.
  • Najgorszą rzeczą jest sytuacja, gdy rozbiłeś ekran telefonu, próbując wyłączyć alarm, a teraz nie ma żadnej metody na wyłączenie alarmu Wrrrr….

  • Was the whole TikTok drama a bait-and-switch to make Trump look good?
  • Yes, I also think that was bait, because ban started few days before begin of Trump term and ban was not really working. It had a lot of bugs, simple VPN could byoass it, "YES, user who logged in ONLY from USA and now loggin from Europ REALLY IS NOT AN AMERICAN NOW!!!". That two things make me to think it was a bait.