The opposite problem is just as annoying. Someone insisting on explaining everything about the movie as it's happening, and causing me to miss dialogue because they won't shut up. I have eyes, I can watch the movie.
I mean, that's literally the first line of dialogue uttered in the movie: Se til helvete å komme dere vekk. Det er ikke en bikkje! Det er en slags ting!
The Thing (2012) really could have used a better title (and less cgi), because it isn't a remake. It's a prequel and tells the entire story of why the Norwegians are shooting at the dog in the beginning of The Thing (1982)
It's obviously not even close to as good as the '82 one, but it's definitely worth a watch. Just keep your expectations in check, not superb but not seriously bad. There're a lot of interesting videos and articles about the making of it, and how it would have been much better without some changes that were made later in its development, so you get some cool, and sad, extra stuff after watching it.
I watched them back to back recently. While the original is a cinematic masterpiece. In the remake/prequel you get to look at Mary Elizabeth Winstead for the whole movie, which is always great.
I mean, that reveal at the end (that it's a prequel) is kinda what made the movie worth it for me. Otherwise, knowing that, it's not nearly as enjoyable experience. But more than likely you can watch for free. So, if you like the original, why not?
Not really. I went to see it back in theatres with a friend, and I remember our agreement was "The Thing influenced Dead Space, and Dead Space influenced 2012 Thing". It's a photocopy of a photocopy. It doesn't have a compelling story to add, and it's not very atmospheric.
My wife likes to talk during the movies(at home), and doesn't like it when I'm too into the movie to respond to her properly. My solution is to only watch movies with her that I have already watched and liked.
That's worse for me. If I haven't seen it, best I can do is try hard and hope I catch all the details myself.
If I have seen it? I can't help but notice that my friends are distracted during the best parts of the movie. Drives me mad. Then later they'll be like eh I guess it was ok. Ok? Ok?! You missed the best parts!
My partner can't concentrate if I talk at all, but talking (insightful/funny, concise comments at appropriate times) is a pretty normal way my friends and I watched movies growing up. Sucks lol, how am I supposed to just sit on that obvious loop hole or horribly ADR'd line for another hour and a half??
she wants to engage with you. you should state your speculations. if you've seen the movie already, just say something utterly outlandish to check if she actually wants to talks to you and not herself