And please don't cut people off in the left lane to pass because you are going 1km/h faster than the person in front of you. Have some awareness of the vehicles around you.
What pisses me off is when I'm trying to go faster than the cars in front of me and there's someone behind me right in my bumper flashing their high beams. Like bro, there's ten fucking cars in front of me that I would gladly pass if they moved out of the way, do you really think I'll move to let you through so there's 11 cars in front of me?
Had a moron in a truck with a huge trailer doing that the other day, there was an opening and he tried to pass me on the right to squeeze between me and the car in front of me even though there was space for his truck only.
I was on the highway, both lanes packed, and I couldn't even see the headlights of the person behind me they were so close to my ass. So I eased off the gas because this is an incredibly dangerous situation and moved over as soon as I could.
Suddenly this asshole who was too impatient to leave a damn foot between our cars has time to dick around, pulling in front of me and slowing way the fuck down. I wait until there is an opening, pull over, and get up to speed with the car in front of me so he can't get in front of me. The lane is packed so they can't get in behind me either and end up several cars behind.
I don't know what the fuck they were hoping for, but I'm sure it wasn't that.
I had a guy do that to me once, I held my speed and he tagged the car ahead of him trying to pull in. I slacked off and let him shoot across my lane and into the median. I went back to have a discussion with the cop when he showed up and the guy had his vehicle impounded and he got a cruiser ride.
Hypothetical: The next lane to the right is going appreciably slower than the left lane. Traffic is dense enough to make it very difficult to get back over if you leave the left lane to allow the person behind you to pass.
Do you still get over and allow them to pass or do you keep moving at the speed you want to but make the person behind you mad?
It’s because it’s not the fast lane, it’s the passing lane. I would suggest everyone needs to stop calling it that and maybe there is a tiny tiny hope people will start realizing it’s true purpose. To some people the speed limit is fast…
I would reword this perhaps, I would say to give it a more nuanced perspective that you shouldn't be in the left lane if you aren't passing and by preventing others from passing you are creating a hazard
I don't understand the drivers in the US for that.
For me I was taught that the only lane that you are driving in is the right lane. That's it! All the other lanes are for overtaking, so if you go on another lane you are supposed to move back to the right just after, even if you have to change lanes again 5s later, even if you are driving above the speed limit.
I'm pissed at people staying in the middle of the highway even though they have space on their right.
Yeah but we're not talking about weaving, we're talking about those selfish bastards that hog the overtaking lane because they're turning left some time in the next 27,000,000 years.
I particularly enjoy this concept when there is only one lane.
Going faster than the speed limit is the most dumbass thing you can do, because you're endangering yourself and others only to be stuck behind a truck in about a minute.
And going at, or lawd forbid below, the speed limit isn't better, because it takes only about a minute for the next dumbass to arrive and start tailgating you.
There is no such thing as "100% safe". Any amount you go faster makes it more dangerous. And as such, there is just absolutely no reason to do so, if you're going to be stuck behind a truck anyways... do you know that? I thought roads, in north America at least, were set on the 85 percentile rule. Measure how fast people are going on a street and set the speed limit to the car at the 85 percentile, rounded.
This sounds like "common wisdom" to justify speeding. And even then, you would never know when the road you are on actually has a correct speed limit and you're endangering everyone. A 5 - 10 mph increase is a lot more dangerous than one may think, because the energy in the system increases quadratic and the reaction time remains constant, it's even dangerous at 5-10 kmh.
Strictly talking about safe speed in relation to other traffic, and no mention of road conditions or other factors, I had it explained to me once that speed limits are safe speeds when you're the only one on the road. When there's one other car, the safest speed is the exact same speed as the other car. You will never hit that car if you're both going the same speed (This also implies/requires safe stopping distances because you slow down with them). That's really the heart of it, whatever minimizes possible interactions with other vehicles keeps you safe. It sounds like a duh statement but its where the conversation should be based around - relative speed not actual speed. Once it's more than just you and another car, the safest speed is the average flow of traffic across all lanes. If it's rush hour and the locals are ALL doing 10-over (it definitely happens), you are being unsafe if you are driving the speed limit in ANY lane specifically because every single car on that highway passes you and each passing is an opportunity for an accident. If/when you have to pass in traffic, always try to pass vehicles no faster than 5mph faster than the other vehicle, any faster and you are the definition of 'he came out of nowhere'. That works in the other direction too - if you aren't comfortable with speeding along with the whole highway, try not to be going less than 5mph under the average speed, posted speed limit be damned.
If you get in the left lane and exactly mimic the speed of the car to the right, blocking people who want to pass, I get extremely angry. You should not be allowed to drive.
When people are talking about this, they’re just talking about highways (expressways in other countries I think), right? On the streets I usually get into the left lane if I need to turn left next regardless of my speed.
Surface streets that rule goes out the window unless there's a median and no turning at all, and even then good luck policing that when people can turn left at intersections
Routinely drive through NM, AZ, CA, OR, UT, NV, ID and WA and I've always seen, left lane for passing. Slower traffic keep right.
This is pretty cute and dry. If you can, move over. WA state has it written that any road with 2 or more lanes travelling in the same direction and left lane is for passing.