That fee is there to remind us that the terrorists won.
180 2 ReplyBased on the flags being waved in the streets of NYC, Texas and California the terrorists are continuing to 'win' in America. UK looking that way too, electing them this week.
18 13 Reply
Of course the U.S. would find a way to charge you for terrorism.
151 1 ReplyCapitalism always wins in America
70 2 ReplyYou say it as if it is a bad thing. Want communism or theocracy?
1 14 ReplyThat's not capitalism.
7 52 Reply
Most places do, they just lump it into the total cost instead of outright telling you.
11 1 Reply
The fee not being $9.11 is really a missed opportunity
91 0 ReplyInflation hit like a plane, or two
42 0 ReplyAlso you could add a $17.76 freedom fee.
35 0 ReplyAnd a 694.20 meme fee
11 0 Reply
Some interesting insights into how much money they collect with that fee and how far it goes to offset the security theater performances.
42 1 ReplyGo look at a BA ticket. I just found out that my round trip flight from the US to Scotland is only $60. Round. Trip. For $60.
Of course there’s $260 in taxes and airport fees and $280 in “carrier surcharges”.
23 0 Replypremium flex~
you know the flight is premium just from the heft it does to your wallet~
12 1 ReplyThose mandatory extra fees are more than I paid for my last Ryanair flight.
6 0 Replyif (canz make profit) then [ do that ]
else ... wtf is this "else" thing?!
5 0 Reply