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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 3
Comments 700
Münsterländer Platt: Ehrenamtler wollen Dialekt retten
  • Ich frage mich immer ob Dialekt wirklich erhaltenswert ist. Hochdeutsch muss sowieso sein, hätte ich nur den Dialekt meiner Region gelernt würde ich heute damit in viele Probleme laufen, immerhin habe ich die Region schon lange verlassen. Und es ist kein Dialekt, den man einfach so ohne Probleme verstehen würde. Zumindest ich verstehe kein Wort, selbst wenn meine eigenen Eltern ihn ab und an nutzen.

    Ich entsinne mich daran, dass ein Dialekt ähnliche Vorteile bietet, wie es eine weitere Sprache würde. Nur, warum dann nicht direkt eine Sprache lernen, welche im späteren Alltag nützlich sein könnte? Gerade Englisch ist überall und könnte stattdessen mehr gefördert werden.

    Der kulturelle Aspekt ergibt theoretisch noch Sinn, mir ist allerdings noch kein kulturell besonders wertvolles Werk untergekommen, dass in Dialekt verfasst ist. Mag aber auch an mir liegen.

  • tradition stirbt 🥲
  • "Tradition stirbt": Hersteller verwenden kein FCKW mehr in Deodorants

    "Tradition stirbt": Keine Dämmung mehr mit Asbest

    "Tradition stirbt": Frauen dürfen wählen

    Und vieles mehr - alles Dinge die mal üblich waren und dann aus gutem Grund behoben wurden. Selbiges hier, Schritt für Schritt.

  • Breaking News!
  • I surrender, this time around I didn't even know you could shorten William to Bill. Next up someone's telling me Donald is short for Ottobertifurz - honoring his fake german roots.

  • I am so FUCKING INFURIATED that my favorite Souls challenge runner is so neglected by the algorithm.
  • She's incredibly skilled, more than any of the people I actually watch doing something like this. However, I watch these for entertainment and she simply isn't speaking much. I get that you need to concentrate, so do a lot of other people, but they write a script afterwards and speak over their footage - that's painfully missing here.

  • Coming back to a western open world game H:FW after Elden Ring is a massive whiplash
  • I had a similar experience of first finishing the DLC and then going into God of War (2018). While not open world, it's the same type of AAA soup you get from most big studios. There are so many baffling design decisions, I cannot fathom why people love the game so much - the constant barrage of stories and small talk is the most engaging thing in there.

    The combat is utterly boring. Increasing the difficulty only results in spongy enemies. Their move sets are boring at best and annoying at worst. They are all but helpless if you just keep them at a distance and throw your axe.

    Even worse, your godly powers are cutscene only. If you don't want to make your game challanging, at least make a fun power fantasy and Kratos is perfect for that. He kills giant enemies, tears the very ground asunder and moves the heaviest objects imaginable. He even has super healing. None of which are tied to actual combat mechanics.

    Upgrades are meaningless. Early on, you unlock a smith. I got my axe from 5 to 40 damage. Guess what? The very next enemy took the same amount of hits as the same type of enemy did before.

    Traversing is mechanically boring. Climbing just means you gotta follow the yellow markings - press in the right direction or do the indicated button press. You literally cannot fall. Everything else is just walking from combat area to combat area.

    The game throws an endless barrage of puzzles at you, none of which are engaging. They are so watered down, there's barely much more thinking involved than in climbing.

    Even worse, major upgrades are placed in "puzzle" chests. The puzzle? Well, just walk around and rotate your camera for several minutes until you've found all three runes.

    The game basically just feels like a very long cutscene with a lot of padding so you can press some buttons. You can play it just fine, but they removed everything that could make any one system interesting in favor of having nothing in there a player could be stuck at. I like the characters, but I'm better served just watching a cutscene compilation for the second one.

  • Jori in a nutshell:
  • I think of him as a stronger version of Rennala, who I'd call the least fun demigod. Both spam magic and teleport around while summoning crap.

    However, I'd argue the worst fight is the gank fight just before the final boss. It's the only one I'd never even think about trying without doing any summoning myself. I probably could win eventually, but I don't think there's a second of enjoynent to be found here.

  • Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad?
  • I've lived in both regions and both versions are strictly inferior to a potatoe salad based on mustard (+ oil and broth). The vinegar version uses a bit of mustard, but I'm speaking of mustard being the main ingredient. Naturally, I'm hated by both sides.

  • Von der Leyen wirbt für sich mit Verteidigung und E-Fuels
  • Respekt wenn sie schon damit wirbt von der Autoindustrie gekauft zu sein, andere Politiker warten mit solchen Aussagen bis nach der Wahl. E-Fuels sind doch nur der traurige Versuch unsere Autoindustrie am Leben zu erhalten nachdem wir Elektro komplett verkackt haben.

  • Weekly what have you been playing discussion - week of July 7th, 2024
  • Just finished the Elden Ring DLC, which was overall still fun but felt overtuned at times. While I didn't use any summons throughout the base game and initially tried to keep it that way, some bosses simply weren't fun to learn anymore.

    Afterwards I dove into my backlog and started God of War 2018. I had pretty high expectations, given how beloved it is. Honestly, it's fine at best - the combat is boring and the overall design can be summarized as AAA slob. Maybe it does get better, I'm not very far yet.

  • Decks for starting out


    I'm fairly new to Master Duel and didn't play much Yu-Gi-Oh! in general for the past decade - you could say I'm a complete amateur.

    Now, I've done most of the solo mode stuff to get to know some more archetypes and played the current Theme Chronicles event to the point where I got all obtainable gems with the vendread loaner deck. Luckily, the loaner was actually quite good, so I didn't need to build a deck. (Got all gems with a 22:8 win ratio.)

    After all of this, I want to dive into ranked. For the solo mode stuff I've used an Endymion deck, which seems to be rouge at best - and I've only got the bare basics for the deck anyway (pretty much no extra deck). But now I have no clue which deck to go for. I don't know shit about the meta game and even less about the longterm viability of decks, as I don't want to spend all my ressources on building a deck that will banned soon anyway (like, Baronne seems like something that will be banned soon). Or worse, something that is simply unfun to play.

    I don't particually enjoy stun decks and I'm not into all or nothing combo decks ending on a board full of generic boss monsters (looking at the new superheavy stuff). Is there something viable to start building, ideally with a low power version to test the strategy, before commiting to pulling/crafting all cards needed? (like, Mannadium would take all my ressources and it's gamble if I'd like it)


    Got some minor troubles with Godot itself, am I missing settings?

    I'm just starting out with Godot and I've run into some strange or unwanted behaviors. Maybe some of you can help me fix them. I'm currently running Godot on arch linux with x11/i3 as my desktop environment.

    1.) Godot got some really aggressive focus. The editor grabs the focus mid typing in other applications and suddenly I'm tying there. With i3 being a tiling manager, Godot is sometimes passively resized when I resize another window - of course it also immediately gets itself focused and messed the resizing up.

    2.) The focus within Godot is even stranger. I can ctrl c + ctrl v nodes just fine on a freshly opened project. But once I've a clicked a single property in the import or inspector docker, ctrl c + ctrl v will work exclusively there. Even if the import docker is hidden underneath the scene docker where I'm clicking the nodes I want to copy/paste.

    3.) The last one is about using an external editor. Whenever Godot encounters a bug, it will automatically open the script in question. Which is annoying because I use vim for everything and will throw warnings at me, that the file has been changed. I've looked through all editor settings and tried setting vim as my external editor but the behavior persists.


    How would you rank the mainline games you've played?

    Basically, as the title says. I've got the itch to play another dragon quest game and would like to know how well regarded the ones are I didn't play yet compared to the ones I've played. Although I'll probably play IV in preparation for the upcoming DQM game, as I love those, maybe I've got time for two. Anyways, here's my list:

    1. DQ V (DS version)
    • It's got the overall best story thus far and includes monster taming, which I really liked. Overall just one of my favorite games.
    1. DQ VII (PS)
    • I'm oddly fond of VII. I'll acknowledge that it probably is not better than some of the following ones on paper, but it just clicked with me. I really like the beginning part of RPGs and VII got several of those with how disconnected it is at times.
    1. DQ XI (Switch)
    • I loved every second of XI and would probably rank it higher if the post-game wouldn't do what it does. While I really liked them later on, the Hero and both twins started off quite bland.
    1. DQ VIII (3DS)
    • The game itself is still really good, but it never grasped me with its story as the ones above did at times.
    1. DQ IX (DS)
    • IX never clicked with me at all. Having only silent no-names in you party already started off bad, but the overall story wasn't my cup of tea either. I generally like class systems, but this one didn't do it for me either.