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Congratulations to SetsNeedtoFeed for their Pic of the Week!


Photo of the Week

Since there has been a shake-up in mods, we will finally be going back to featuring the Photo of the Week! It'll be a fun way of featuring the photo with the most likes at the end of the week.


-In order for your photo to be considered for Photo of the Week it MUST be OC only (Original Content).

-On Fridays, the most upvoted original, marked [OC], photo posted between Friday and Thursday will be the next week’s featured photo.

-The weekly photos will be saved for an end of the year run off where the Photo of the Year will be displayed as our community banner.

Submissions will begin this Friday, July 26th, 2024 and the first winner will be announced on August 2nd, 2024, and we will go from there.

Good luck and have fun. Any question feel free to reach out!

Happy Shuttering!



Photo taken at teamLab SuperNature Macao


This squirrel is LOUNGING


The crazy geology of New Quay and Birds Rock in full view

New Quay Head, Ceredigion, Wales.


Carcans Plage


(Cropped from a bigger picture) Guess the movie


Aliens. We were watching Aliens and I took a group pic and this nightmare was in the background.




I met a turtle


Ex-Banned Books I Got to Put Back On The Shelves

I am a library aid for my highschool, these books were once taken off the shelves and legally banned.

However due to many authors and publishers threatening to sue (and some actually following through), 36 of the 176 books banned have returned.

Hope it continues. And sorry if this breaks the politics rule even if it doesn't show a politician.


I'm hiding.


"I am healthy & I am wealthy" πŸ’§


A different kind of boys-night-out


Carancho (Caracara plancus) - Reserva EcolΓ³gica Costanera Sur, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Deciembre 2023


Floating seashell


NicolΓ‘s Mihanovich

NicolΓ‘s Mihanovich, an abandoned cruise ship sits moored on the bank of Rio IguazΓΊ, Puerto IguazΓΊ, Argentina, at the apex of the borders between Argentina, Paraguay and Brasil.

It was originally designed as a luxury ferry between Argentina and Uruguay, but plans were made to turn it in to a floating Casino. The plans stalled, and now the ship sits, largely abandoned

Image description: An abandoned cruise ship sits moored on the bank of Rio IguazΓΊ. The riverbank is steep, and covered with greenery. The ship itself is 6 stories in height and white in colour, but discoloured by water stains and rust


Mountains in Baguio

[OC] Mountains in Baguio


@[email protected]




Roslagsbanan at night -

Unedited but shot with a mist filter screwed fitted, just resized.


Some of the most dramatic coastal scenery I've ever witnessed

Ynys Lochtyn, Llangrannog, Cardigan, Wales.

Classic Windjammers (OC)
  • Compared to their wooden counterparts, windjammers may not be quite as elegant, but I find some of them quite attractive. E.g. Christian Radich.

    That ship, btw, was the star in the 1958 film Windjammer. Shot in Cinemiracle, it is well worth a watch.

  • Classic Windjammers (OC)
  • Huh, never knew this was where the RPG term spelljammer came from.

    I've never run or been in a spelljammer campaign but have always been interested. I just thought they "jammed" together magic and age of sail ideas and that's where they got the name from lol.

  • NGC 4490 - The Cocoon Galaxy [OC]
  • NGC 4490 is a galaxy colliding with the smaller NGC 4485 galaxy, and both are about 25 million light years away. This image was taken with a monochrome camera through filters for luminance (all visible light), red, green, blue, and Hydrogen-alpha (656nm), which were combined into a color image. The Hydrogen-alpha was combined with red (described below) to make the HaLRGB image. The pink Ha regions are star forming nebulae within the galaxies. This got cropped out of the final pic, but I ended getting some gorgeous diffraction spikes on this star near the edge of the full FOV

    Places where I host my other images:

    Flickr | Instagram


    • TPO 6" F/4 Imaging Newtonian

    • Orion Sirius EQ-G

    • ZWO ASI1600MM-Pro

    • Skywatcher Quattro Coma Corrector

    • ZWO EFW 8x1.25"/31mm

    • Astronomik LRGB+CLS Filters- 31mm

    • Astrodon 31mm Ha 5nm, Oiii 3nm, Sii 5nm

    • Agena 50mm Deluxe Straight-Through Guide Scope

    • ZWO ASI-120MC for guiding

    • Moonlite Autofocuser

    Acquisition: 27 hours 37 minutes (Camera at half Unity Gain, -15Β°C)

    • Ha - 128x360"

    • Lum - 464x60"

    • Red - 152x60"

    • Green - 150x60"

    • Blue - 123x60"

    • Flats- 30 per filter

    • 24 JimmyFlats per broadband filter

    Capture Software:

    PixInsight Processing:

    • BatchPreProcessing (with premade JimmyFlats)

    • StarAlignment

    • Blink

    • ImageIntegration

    • DrizzleIntegration (2x, Var Ξ²=1.5)

    • DynamicCrop

    • DynamicBackgroundExtraction

    duplicated each image and removed stars via StarXterminator. Ran DBE to generate background model. model subtracted from original pic using the following PixelMath (math courtesy of /u/jimmythechicken1)

    $T * med(model) / model


    • BlurXTerminator

    • ArcsinhStretch + histogramtransformation to bring nonlinear


    • ChannelCombinaiton to combine monochrome R, G, B stacks into color image

    • SpectroPhotometricColorCalibration

    • BlurXTerminator (correct only mode)

    • HSV Repair

    making clean Ha

    loosely following this guide

    This basically subtracts any broadband signal from the Ha pic, leaving only the Ha emission, which is then combined in with the red and a little bit of the blue channels

    • PixelMath to isolate just Ha

    Ha-Q * (Red-med (Red)), Q=0.75

    • PixelMath to add Ha into RGB image

    Red = $T+B*(Ha_Clean - med(Ha_Clean))

    Green = $T

    Blue = $T+B0.2(Ha_Clean - med(Ha_Clean))

    B variable = 0.6 (this controls how strongly the Ha is added)


    • ArcsinhStretch + histogramtransformation to bring HaRGB image nonlinear

    • MLT for large scale chrominance noise reduction

    • shitloads of curve transformations to adjust lightness, contrast, saturation, etc (with various luminance and star masks)

    • slight SCNR to remove some greens

    • LRGBCombination with stretched Luminance

    • DeepSNR

    • more curves

    • ColorSaturation to slightly desaturate the Ha regions (they were very pink compared to the rest of the galaxy

    • slight noisexterminator

    • LocalHistogramEqualization

    • even more curves

    • Resample to 75%

    • DynamicCrop onto just the galaxy

    • annotation

  • [OC] Reject modernity
  • Cannon prices skyrocket as [email protected] users scramble to own one.

  • Bled Grad in Slovenia [OC]
  • Damn, I met a Slovene on Lemmy

    a blessing from the lord

  • Stairs (OC)
  • Stewart Hicks (architect and YouTuber) made a video on Brutalism that's pretty funny. I felt a little called out.

    My favorite architect is John Portman. Though his work wasn't really considered brutalist but there's some overlap in the styles.

  • Thomas the Pirate Engine.
    • Punishing mild workplace infractions with literal torture?
    • Punishing poor performance with limb removal, as well as sapient beings being sold involuntarily. Also more walling up.
    • Lives every day hoping that management continues to find him useful so he won't be scrapped.
  • Elephants
  • Original before I tried removing some of the people.

  • Atlanta 1864
  • For non-Americans and people who may not have paid attention in history class (or simply don't remember), CptEnder is referring to the Battle of Atlanta during the American Civil War. The photo is of Confederate fortifications against the Union.

    I haven't seen this photo before - do you know if this is before or after Atlanta fell? Looks like maybe a before, to me.