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ummthatguy ummthatguy
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Draw me like one of your French girls, Mon Capitaine!
  • "Jack, if you don't mind, I'd like to strike another pose."

  • Nearer my Q to thee
  • Ah, much better. I was lazy and picked up the first one I saw.

  • Meanwhile, O'Brien's taking notes on his process... for reasons
  • No worries, we all pull from each other's work.

  • Meanwhile, O'Brien's taking notes on his process... for reasons
  • Thanks. The key was finding the right screenshot of Scotty looking all pensive and glazed over.

  • Meanwhile, O'Brien's taking notes on his process... for reasons

    Still rolling with the Titanic theme.


    Draw me like one of your French girls, Mon Capitaine!

    Nearer my Q to thee
  • They proceed to play some classical music, an instrumental version of "It's the End of the World as We Know It"

  • They each got a little better, but still
  • That or Robert Beltran complained he had little to do toward the end of the series.

  • Damn it Burnham, you stole that phrase?
  • Maybe her ancestors are from Philly and the phrase just stuck with the family.

  • Nearer my Q to thee
  • I forgot O'Brien is a cellist. Also surprised his playing doesn't conjure up some alien phantasm because he hit their resonance frequency or some shit.

  • They each got a little better, but still
  • Still would have made more sense.

  • They each got a little better, but still
  • That one never made sense. Even Odo and Kira was a bit off, but not as bad as those two.

  • They each got a little better, but still
  • And those kids lived happily ever after... with no assistance, in an unfamiliar environment, never to be heard of again.

  • They each got a little better, but still

    I'm flying!
  • I'm currently prepping something that also uses Titanic. Funny how that shit works out.

  • rule
  • I'd figure Chakotay for either a Paladin or a Druid
  • You might be on to something. Man's got the pipes to move a Vulcan.

  • I'd figure Chakotay for either a Paladin or a Druid
  • Sounds about right.

    Edit: If you must have a role for Kim, I suppose bard works.

  • I'd figure Chakotay for either a Paladin or a Druid
  • Good call. Everyone in the party rolls their eyes whenever he mentions "the bones of my people."

  • Sidebar: Giancarlo Esposito needs to play a badmiral or snarky Vulcan
  • If we're talking about the theme song, I like it for what it is (minus seasons 3-4; excepting the "Mirror Darkly" diversion). If it's the casting choice, he could totally play a snarky Vulcan badmiral.

  • I'd figure Chakotay for either a Paladin or a Druid

    s2e9 "Tattoo"

    Edit: Would Tuvok be considered a Warrior Monk?

  • Well, aren't you just the cutest wittle EMH?


    Sidebar: Giancarlo Esposito needs to play a badmiral or snarky Vulcan

    Bonus Admiral "Gus" Buenamigo



    The Doc likes to watch

    s2e7 "Parturition"


    Being Chief of Engineering is tough, but it has its perks

    s2e6 "Twisted"


    Pickles and ice cream ain't gonna cut it

    s2e4 "Elogium"

    Just to be clear, my wife's not pregnant, nor does she exist. I'm married to my work and my memes. It's complicated.


    "Or like when someone plays too many scratchy lotteries? Or like when someone eats too much chocolate cake?" - John Mulaney

    s2e4 "Non Sequitur"

    Everything after "Harry Kim" is from a scenario elsewhere in Trek canon. What other fun examples of hidden identity did I leave off?


    Next thing you're gonna tell me they often reused a cave set or ran the same footage of a Klingon Bird of Prey explosion

    The TNG shot is from the inside of a Dyson sphere somewhere in the Alpha Quadrant, whereas the VOY shot is from the inside of a Starfleet R&D hanger on Earth.


    You broke your little slips

    For context, Picard says it in reference to the ever encroaching Borg and his vow to stop them. As for Quark, he was upset at the drastic reforms taking place on Ferenginar at the behest of his Moogie's influence over Grand Nagus Zek.


    Everything old is new

    s7e24 "The Dogs of War"


    "I can see the station. The Promenade. The bar. Morn's chair, the darts, the holosuites." - ummthatguy Baggins

    Bonus Weyoun and Damar hanging out in the background during the celebration party:



    For science


    I'd rather watch Emmisary Live


    What's colder than cold?

    s7e19 "Strange Bedfellows"


    In appreciation of the Super Mario Bros Movie (1993)

    Confirmation of on set drinking whilst commiserating over the shitshow during production:

    "Bob used to get special whiskey sent from England—single malts—and we would drink those copiously in his caravan." - Fiona Shaw (Lena)


    A little off kilter, but they seem happy

    s7e4 "Take Me Out to the Holosuite"


    Stay, Mr. Woof. You might learn something.
