This. I personally have no plan going to usa now and in the future. Unfortunately some Canadians may still have to go for work related trips. Just be aware that you may or may not need to register in the new "Alien Registration Requirement".
They actually set this up pretty far in advance though. For instance, I'm from Texas, where any IDs issued since October 2016 are complaint. It's impossible for me to have a current ID that's non-compliant.
So from my perspective there won't really have been any changes since 2001 in my flying experience.
They never asked to see my phone at the border. But the last time I crossed they were getting a hell of a lot more aggressive. They got less aggressive when I became a Canadian citizen, but when I only had my Lebanese passport they almost always brought me in for more questioning. It was kinda bizarre. They probably aggressively searched my luggage, but I can't be sure of that.
They got less aggressive when I became a Canadian citizen, but when I only had my Lebanese passport they almost always brought me in for more questioning.
This but with passport origins instead of skin color.
My checked luggage used to be searched when I went to usa. I knew it was searched because tsa would leave a pamphlet inside my luggage saying that it was searched. I believe they have stopped leaving such pamphlet but I won't be surprised if they still search luggages.
Bingo. If anything, use of a burner phone will be purposely misconstrued as "suspicious", and used as justification for more thorough screening.
"You just got it last week? That's weird, we usually only hear drug smugglers using new phones. You're not smuggling fentanyl, are you? OK, so you won't mind if I take a look through your luggage to be sure, right? Maybe I should send you to secondary screening for an x-ray."
While technically true, they weren't kicking out foreign visitors for being critical if the president.
I used to train people in a specific culinary technique, and i had clients from all over the world, including Muslim clients from the Middle East and India. Most had no problem visiting, but one was stopped at the border and heavily grilled.
His visa said he was here for vacation and educational purposes, but when they went through his texts, they determined that he was here for business purposes, and threatened to confiscate his cash, and reject him from entering the country.
After a few hours, he eventually convinced them that he had considered his training with me to be educational rather than business for his visa, and it just an honest mistake, with no nefarious purpose, and was finally released so he could visit me, and get his training.
This was about 10 years ago, and I don't remember who was president. It was either Trump or Obama.
I got a secret for you. Grapheneos has a duress password feature, if you type it in, it completely wipes the phone. Give them that password and act surprised when the phone shits itself
That is a good option. I am actually quite careful about what I use my phone for. I still on occasion use Google maps, but i turn location history off and I always delete previous searches.
I am aware that this does not remove them from google's database, but it does make your movements not immediately obvious.
Also i would delete browser history and log out of all social media accounts (and disable remembering usernames/passwords) and even uninstall some apps in order to make who you interact eith less immediately obvious. Once you clear the border fully you can reinstall everything at your earliest convenience.
FWIW the US is claiming that the researcher had confidential information from Los Alamos National Labs against the terms of his NDA. They claim the researcher admitted to taking the information and attempting to conceal it.
I honestly hope this is the explanation. If we're starting to deny entry to the country simply due to criticisms of domestic policy decisions, we're going down yet another dark path.
I was at the conference he was supposed to attend - the Lunar and Planetary Science conference. There were a lot of people showing Los Alamos data there.
My company isn’t organizing any off-sites to the US for my remote first company anymore because of this shit lol. I think partially because nobody outside of the US would even go
My partner is a scientist and has to travel to the US for work later this year. We're both dreading it, given all these stories of people being detained at the border.
Don't carry digital data across any border, even if encrypted. Many countries have totally different standards over search and seizure at their borders to when you have gained entry and sometimes far worse for non citizens.
Things are still gonna get worse, we're not gonna get through this until their actions hurt so many people that enough of them get fed up and it leads to one of those belgrade or hungary sized protests
You’re talking about a country that largely lives with its head in the sand. America is notorious for avoiding the news, especially world news. The fact that any is ingested as all is likely thanks to social media. (Im talking large strokes, middle of the bell curve behaviors). As long as the family unit is ok, people generally think they’re ok, and live with blinders for anything outside of that. This life approach has existed long before Trump was even a blip in politics.
Remember, inertia is a seismic, global driving force of action for much of humanity.
I think it would likely take everyone’s personal house burning down in tandem to inspire mass action and those who still had houses would still function via the force of inertia propelling them through their daily habits, ignoring everyone else.
I say that as an American. I don’t like it, but it’s true. That and liberals a very un unified and tend not to like each other. A lot of gatekeeping takes place there rather than uniting and doing, always has. It’s a scattered, messy, un unified party.
In addition, there was another post made in response to a “do something” rant that I think sums up the other piece in play.
“I don’t know how to start a riot.”
Which is a fair point. How? Seriously. And where do you find people when your full personal circle is 2-7 individuals (if you have friends at all, it’s a major problem people seek therapy for these days). and half of the people who are friends with are either MAGA or a dissociated young man who spends all their free time behind a screen engaged in escapism.
We’re kinda screwed on the psychology side over here.
You know having a freshly wiped phone right before getting searched would make you just as suscious, right. They would assume the worst about you, and either deport, or just detain you to a black site for months. Just use a burner.
No explicit source, but it's common sense and within their abilities, keep in mind recently changed rules around searching in general have changed recently...
Border agent: I'm going to search your phone give me the password.
(eventually you agree because it's a burner)
You: Here you go
Border agent: There's nothing on this phone, no email, no pictures, nothing? What are you trying to hide?
You: Well it's a new phone I just got
Border agent: And you haven't logged into anything yet?
You: Ya.
Border agent: looks like you're trying to hide something, this isn't normal behaviour
You: start looking nervous as the border agent's tone changes
Border agent: You're looking a little nervous now, are you hiding something?
You: no, just trying to travel
Border agent: Goes away and talks to someone, then comes back and says, sorry were going to deny you.
They can deny anyone for any reason. It would ultimately come down to how you handle the situation, but DO expect to be grilled about it if you haven't set it up to look real.
If you really need to go to the US - Don't bring any electronic devices with you through security or while transitioning through borders.
Leave your devices at home. Bring a single function camera with you if you want.
Once you get across the border ... buy a new or used phone. If you have friends or family waiting for you, ask them to get you a phone, maybe even an old phone or get them to buy a used phone that you can use during your stay (pay them to get it of course).
Set up your new phone - load your data through cloud based systems ... if you are organized enough, you can set up a cloud based password manager to handle all your other data services.
Then when you leave, reformat and reset your phone and either try to sell off the phone you just bought, give it away or just toss it.
Turn off your phone before going through customs or tsa. They can’t compel you to give your password out, but biometrics don’t fall under that category.
For those of us with GrapheneOS, you could maybe set up a different user profile solely for travel? Hopefully they wouldn't look closely enough to see that it's not the real one
Yup. That's a possibility. I work in security and would tell them it's just how we do things. If they send me home I will spend the week with my family instead of sitting in stupid training all week.
I thought that was basic opsec. Burner phone with a week of use, paid in cash on you. Real phone (if you need it) in a bag, battery removed and separate by any means. That's not just crossing borders, that's anything longer than a city bus.
Dude, I practice opsec crossing county lines sometimes, what's your excuse? This is how it's always been, you all are just realizing how a dude from Queens and Jersey sees the world. That's all that dumbass is. He's no better than his roots.