no user should be able to accidentally brick their entire system just because some internet troll told them to type some magic words :P massive security flaw
Way to lazy to find a source but IIRC one of the Sudo devs said this was horrible because it's "like Sudo" but not 1:1 so people will make assumptions about it that will lead to security issues
Like that time they made their own Powershell imitation of curl? (before deciding it was an abomination and finally including stock curl, but not removing the old Powershell commandlet because of backwards compatibility so now curl and curl.exe are two different things and you'll want the latter)
FYI this has already been a thing for a long while thanks to an open source third-party implementation, and also works on Windows 10. I use it all the time, it's very similar to Linux's and I've never had any issues so far. Not sure if Microsoft's official solution will be any different/better.
I believe so, yeah. I used to have a script that would start a local Cassandra service and that's what I had to use (because I didn't want my live-in session of cmd to be admin 24/7.
It feels like a potential security nightmare. If your desktop at work is compromised and you have your domain admin come over and take a look; they might decide not to elevate the whole session, exercising appropriate caution and protocol in doing so, but just wing it with a quick sudo !! because the previous command didn't go through.
I don't quite remember if this works properly, but I think !! should expand to sudo "previous command" at least in bash.
it uses the UAC flow so it’s closer to right click > run as administrator than runas, so you will be required to enter credentials in the UAC dialogue (not the terminal) unless you are using an admin account (which at any workplace taking security seriously you should not be)
and in powershell it’s $$ to execute the previous command :)
it’s an entirely different implementation which is integrated into the windows system and settings itself not just a ps script. read the link in OP for more.