Correct! One of the most important tools we need to obtain, the most important weapon we need to arm yourself, isn't obvious, or simple, or easy.
It's Messaging.
Want to spend your time bitter? Apathetic? "I-told-you-so"?
I don't blame you.
But you're not actually working towards a solution. If all you have to say is "I told you so," or "what's the point?" or "everything's fucked" - I get it. But you're not contributing to the conversation any more than the people in this comic have been for the last how many years. You're not helping any more than they were.
We need messaging. We need to be willing to fight these battles. Not fighting the embittered trolls, but spreading truth. Sharing solutions. Making plans. Fighting this. Apathy. Pointlessness. Accelerationism.
Spread free platforms. Spread free ideas. Have meaningful conversations with your friends and families and coworkers. Try again, and keep trying. In little steps, in great acts. Don't let the shock paralyze you, the size overwhelm you. Don't get washed away by the flood of hate. This is the second best time to act. Your opportunities are growing by the minute.
Life is about to get very, very hard for many people. Many of the obvious targets will suffer, but it's pretty clear that nobody is "safe". Even the poster boys are under threat of retribution for stepping out of line. And everyone, everyone is facing the inevitable economic downturn that is speeding toward us.
But hardship shakes beliefs. It changes minds. Things will become personal for even the most detached, apathetic, or privileged. And when politics become personal all bets are off.
But don't bother if you're not going to try. Really, really try. Think about yourself, and the world, and the person you're talking to, and really try to make them see.
Take - and make - your opportunities to change minds. Don't be afraid, but be careful. Don't be polite for the sake of politeness, but be kind, be considerate, even be gentle when you think it will help, but don't be polite.
Whatever they can say to you can't compare to what is being done to you or about to be done to everybody. Whatever they say can't be worse than their complacency.
Your one and only goal: stay on message. This is bad and it needs to stop. Here is how it affects you. Here is how it affects your family. Here is how things are going wrong, and why.
More than anything else, we need each other. We need solidarity, community. We need to genuinely start asking ourselves: how do we win? And then make the answer happen.
We kneel beneath the weight of wealth and tradition and fear. But despite the growth of AI, at the end of the day the people we kneel beneath are people. Humans decide what happens next. They are human. We are all human. We can decide what happens next.
i'M tOo LaZy To bE bOtHeReD WiTh BaSiC CiVic DuTy, So i BeLiEvE aNyOnE oNLinE wHo TeLLs Me ThAt bOTh ParTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe?
LoL_!!!_ 🤣🤣🤣
i'M sO pUrE!!! 😇🤪🤩
Millions of self-destructively lazy, stupid mediocre people shouted in unison (again):
Vote for a woman? When PIGS fly!!!
Or if Biden had remained in the race:
sLeePy JoE! LoL!
I mean you can exist in this world if you want to. It is more fun than the truth which is sad and boring.
Most people really do care and have good intentions, but are too overworked and too uneducated to pull apart the propaganda that's being pushed to them 24/7.
The oligarchs didn't win when Trump got elected the second time. The won when they got control over the media. That was a while back.
Stupidity and ignorance are way too widespread. It should not take a genius to figure out that trump and the GOP are pretty much against the working class. I’m not saying democrats are saints, but at least Biden tried to cancel student loan debt, and somehow that got looked at negatively??!?
Are you sure? I checked around and couldn't find much about this. Cable and broadcast news don't seem to be reporting it, and none of the major newspapers. It's not supported by X or Facebook either. I don't see a lot of books about it on my Kindle. I mean, that's quite a conspiracy theory you've got going there. For it to work, a small group of people would have to somehow hold over half the wealth of America and use it to elect politicians with so few scruples that they'll appoint anyone to powerful offices. Even that is assuming they could somehow pack courts with compliant judges who are willing to declare that corporations are people and money is speech. Next, you'll be telling me that a median salary is unlikely without a degree that costs almost as much as a new car, but that it doesn't matter anyway because a median salary can't support a family in the same standard of living they were born into. I can't imagine people would tolerate this kind of thing. We'd have to be living in some kind of dystopian, authoritarian plutocracy like a bad 1970s sci-fi.
Hungary didn’t crack down on education? Our scores are still competitiv-ishly high in Europe! Our teachers are unfortunately paid in animal crackers though, like most important jobs! The teacher, doctor, bus driver scarcity is just more apparent than some others
In our system Viktor Orban have bought the media with stolen public funds! And the opposition parties and much of our economy…
We only really have one brand, its our own! Its the 3rd of our largest export! According to us the Serbs only stopped trying to reunite parts of Yugoslavia because we stopped exporting our animal crackers to them, so their country fell to ruins!
USians are so racist you have to explain bad things using the words "Russian" and "Iranian" next to them. Like, you have Fox news already for half a century don't you? What do you mean "Russian style disinformation"? You guys invented it before the Russian Federation existed lmao
The US has only had 1 president who wasn't Christian and that was Thomas Jefferson who thought the Bible had been adopted by to many political ideologies that tainted the better moral frameworks.
Every president after has been directly and only Christian. No Jewish, no Buddhists, no separation of church and state ever allowed.
Not that i lile swearing on the bible, but considering this anywhere close to "our Law is based on the sharia, thats why a woman's testimony is legally just half as useful as a man's" is kinda dimb.
Turn it up
Listen to the shit they pump into your head
Filling you with apathy
Hold your breath
Wait until you know the time is right on time
The end is near
I vote for "Ivanktober" because that's the creepiest of their familial relationships I can think of off hand. It'll really augment the spooky vibe of the season.
Spooky season has been canceled due to being witchcraft and satan worship. You will instead be assigned a pew at your local evangelical church for reeducation.
Ah, no, i thought more about that there were different types of slavery (african, british, etc.) that somewhat worked with society but US took of every type the worst parts and made it an inter-generational instead of a limited-time thing.
I hope these fuckers are happy now. They got what they wanted. Or just ignored the problem and now that it's not going away they've finally realized that maybe they should have voted differently. Or at all.
If you think they're rethinking their choices, or are even aware of any of the problems, you are a god damn child. They live in a bubble and think things are better than ever.
But Americans who voted for Kamala will suffer too, unfortunately. I don't understand, why if people voted for Trump, the country just after that gone authoritarian, downhill. It could be prevented with strong rule of law.
I mean most of us were acutely aware of it since November of 2016 and perhaps even before, but yeah. So far the awareness seems to be more of a punishment because we can see the train wrecks coming but can't seem to convince the drivers of the car we're in to actually stop parking on the tracks.
Perhaps blissful ignorance may save our mental state.
I avoid news a lot more than I used to because all it does is cause distress about things I have no control over. In his first term I at least had the hope that the shaky guardrails were there to keep him from going too far, but those are gone now and I'm fully aware I live in a country under a fascist regime with no opposition from anyone with the power to do something about it.
By the way, there were sanctions against Russia in 2014 because of occupation of Crimea, and that gangster fascist state significantly started to use psy-op techniques and weponizing of corruption against Western countries.
But people still should have personal responsibility, anyway.
No I think it's more likely than not that there's a small extremely dedicated group of terminally online progressives who are wholly unaware of how bad they make basically every liberal look.
Except on reddit, which is clearly astroturfed to hell from some organized group. Probably multiple.