I bought it a few years back but never got that far into it but have seen some YouTube plays of it at the time so I'm curious what's new. I spent like 400 hours in factorio before bothering to launch a rocket so need fewer games going before starting one of these types. Hopefully Captain of Industry isn't planning a full release anytime soon.
I'm 300 hours into factorio without launching a rocket. The factory must grow and I want to see full belts of every item in the game. I also bought satisfactory way back and had a lot of fun with it for like 70 hours but then just stopped. A few days ago I had just started it back up and made a new world. Now I hear the announcement about 1.0. Maybe it's worth revisiting. I like the build system in satisfactory (in particular the conveyor belts) in comparison to factorio, but early game is very grindy with the biomass generators and all.
Yeah, I've had it for years and never got super far (well beyond the beginning, but not to the really late stuff). It never clicked for me like Factorio has. Satisfactory is a factory game, but I'd say the biggest thing is it's an architecture game first. The factory is the reason to build cool buildings, but building is the primary focus of the game. If you don't like that then you won't enjoy it probably.
I can definitely see the appeal of the game, and I've gotten enjoyment out of it. The biggest hurdle for me personally is how long it takes to make things. In Factorio even early game I can plop down stuff from the overhead view very quickly and get something running. Then once you have bots you can just set down a blueprint and it'll be done in a few seconds. Satisfactory you can't do this. Even the blueprints are pretty small and can't have connections automatically link between them, so it'll always be slower. I just wish the process of building was streamlined, because I love factory games and I like the concept of the game. I just can't actually enjoy playing it for long.
Also a already running server may need to forcibly be shut down. I only shut "screen" down and the "FactoryGame" kept running. I didn't expect that at first so it took me a while to check.
Oh shit, I went in on this game ages ago back when it first went into early access. I've been feeling some real gaming ennui lately, guess I'll have to figure out the Epic Games Store long enough to give my life to a factory.
Thanks for the heads up! Not only was it better than the Epic Games Store, I ran into some crashing that required launch arguments to fix. I dunno if EGS even has that, but it was super easy on Heroic.
I do own the game but sadly I could just never get into it, I have probably thousands of hours in the factorio but the building just isn't satisfying ironically enough in satisfactory for me.
Especially in the early game, it takes so much fucking longer to get to Coal Power than it should I am sick and tired of being ripped out of my flow of building the factory by needing to stop and go collect some goddamn leaves manually. Even when i finally get stable power, the unlocks are just tedious annoying uninteresting and everything is constantly trying to pull me out of just focusing on building.
The building itself can get frustrating because uneven terrain and issues with SNAP placement can mean things don't quite line up perfectly and you have to keep trying again. That's easily moved past tho it didn't bother me too much in Dyson Sphere program so I can work past it.
There's a lot of little things I can complain about but for whatever reason the overall gameplay just did not click with me like it did in other Factory games
Satisfactory doesnt tickle the pattern recognition part of my brain the way Factorio does. In Factorio I can make a beautiful, perfectly symmetrical Nuc plant with integrated reprocessing, and a perfectly opimized red circuit build just ripping along with full speed modules and beacons. I can really visualize the perfect layout far better than in Satisfactory. In the latter, I found exploring the worl more interesting than building the factory.
I feel all of this so hard lol. I have 3000+ hours in Factorio and still clocked over 1000 across my four Satisfactory saves. The early game and mid is soooo frustrating that it takes me ages to grind through, but the movement, aesthetics, and being able to crawl around my builds like a hamster keep me coming back.
1.0 has some sweet-looking improvements that’ll help all this (Dimensional Depots), but they’re gated behind such late-game tech that I fear I’ll either burn out before I get to them or have nothing left to do with them once they’re unlocked.
Space Age will probably be out before I get there though, so there might be some mods available to help with that by the time I need them
Non-trivial development costs for a niche market. The website has said there's no mac version planned for a year or more. Most games don't bother with mac releases and that trend will only increase now that Apple is firmly decoupling from the PC hardware ecosystem.
They've been saying nodes could change and have been recommending a fresh start with 1.0 for months.
It sucks your new factory didn't work out, but this is what happens when you're playing an (formerly) early access game and you don't pay attention to patch notes.