It wasn't any specific game for me. I grew up with a PC and always saw how much more they could do than any console. And when I discovered emulation, it was pretty much over for anything that wasn't PC.
Similar. Had a Colecovision when I was a kid, followed by a second hand Commodore Vic-20. Hands down the Colecovision had better graphics, but all you could do is play the games you bought or shared. Next was a Tandy 1000 TX, and I don't think I ever looked back.
I did have an original Gameboy, that I bought with my own money, and that was pretty cool, but still it was simply a matter of playing the games they sold you. In the shareware scene of the 90's, even the Gameboy was horrendously limiting.
For me it's never been a performance issue. Most of the time I've been using old PCs, and the latest console would technically be more powerful (back to Colecovision vs. Commodore Vic 20). It was a matter of flexibility and variety.
This may sound like heresy, but I think some games are better on handheld consoles and some are better on the PC. Really depends on the vibe you're wanting.
StarCraft for example. Definitely better on PC, almost impossible to play on console.
Mario Kart or Zelda or many of the Nintendo games. I just either want to play them with friends or just chill on my bed and play them. Sure you could make some kind of PC setup to work the same way, but consoles are very user friendly.
Steam deck. I've been floored by how great it is, and with a dock it's easy to set up with multiple controllers or a mouse and keyboard. Literally all the benefits of a (handheld) console, and all the benefits of a PC, including the ability to play a huge backlog of old console games.
I switched to playing subnautica on steam deck because the full PC setup was too much for my phobias. Now I can actually enjoy the game instead of spiking my panic. But like Factorio, what a mess on controller imo it's so much better with kb/m and the ability to quickly switch windows to look stuff up. I used to be team PC 100% but since I got the deck I've been branching out and even some PC games are just better on it
The only way I ever played StarCraft was StarCraft 64, the split screen multiplayer was cool but absolutely hands down the worst way to play it. I don't know how they managed to make that work at all honestly, I know there woukd have had to have been a lot of concessions to fit it on the cart, but still, kinda impressive to me. I realised just how bad it was to play after playing wc3 a few years later.
Sunshine+Moonlight has taken over most of my console use, there's so much less screwing around with games needed these days, if you're not modding they tend to run well out of the box in my experience, seeing so many games with native controller support + local multiplayer is fantastic, steam input fills the gap on a lot of the others. That said though nothing really beats the pick up and go of a console, my GameCube still runs perfectly after 20 something years, I can emulate them (and do for some games, metroid prime trilogy is better on m+k, but that's the Wii version of the trilogy) but I don't feel the need to tweak things endlessly on the native hardware.
I played through the entirety of Hollow Knight on my Switch on the commuter train.
Now the Steam Deck exists and I could do the “PC” equivalent of this. But honestly the Switch is a bit lighter so given a game that runs fine on both I’d probably still pick the Switch.
Also I have played Mario Kart and Smash Bros 2 player in the middle of nowhere, using the detached joy cons. It doesn’t happen often, but it has happened. I have a small adapter that mimics the Switch dock well enough to have it go into TV mode, and I sometimes carry that and an extra pair of joy-cons.
A lot of deep genres are impossible to port to work with a controller. Sadly, this nowadays means that a lot of those games don't see a lot of good entries.
There's no such thing as the superior platform. The pc vs console war is long dead
If I enjoy a game, it doesn't matter whether its on pc, my phone, or some console. I've had a blast with the ds and the wii (still my favorite consoles to date), Ive also had a lot of fun on pc.
Any game released for a past console generation whose PC version still just works on modern systems. I like my classic console collection but I'm not jumping through hoops to connect an old console to a modern display. I just play the PC version or possibly even emulate. Yeah, Windows can be a chore at times but Steam Deck brought 90% of console convenience to PC games.
To me, strategy games, mainly the real time ones. Command and Conquer, Age of Empires, Warcraft, Rise of Nations. Not only that, a large number of games had online multiplayer (which I never played back then because dial up), with every player on their own machine and screen!? HOLY SHIT!!!
Oh, even better than any console for the longest time, a significant number of PC games could be SAVED ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME.
Then there was emulation, where even old '95 computers could easily run the majority of SNES/Mega Drive (Genesis) games and back.
Back in the day a pc was easier to get than an Xbox. I just had to figure out which $60 pci video card was good for games then boom, better gaming and in glorious 1024x768. Then I figured out pc games can have mods and that was the end of consoles for me.
PC is superior in many ways, and console is superior in some others. It depends on what you value. The only reason my wife plays on PC is because I helped her get everything set up, but she didn’t need any help at all to play on the PlayStation. If you just want to play games and don’t care about tweaking things or getting the best graphics, consoles are better because they’re simple. I like to tweak and tinker and get the best graphics I can and play with mods, so I’ve always been partial to PC.
Binding keys to talk shit in chat on TFC. Hitting k and having "Pullllll" drop into chat after bouncing someone in the air with a rocket and finishing them with a shotgun blast was peak gaming.
Warframe. Played once on PS4 for a couple hours and thought, meh. Played it on PC and poured 800 hours into it. Mouse, keyboard and high refresh rate make a night and day difference in action games or any game that requires camera movement. And that something consoles will never have no matter how much they improve.
Borderlands 2, specifically the mechromancer class.
It has a perk where you get more damage each time you unload your full clip, and it resets when you manually reload.
In PC the reload action is its own key.
But I had a potato PC and was only able to play it at low settings. When I got a PS4 I bought the game again to play it with nice graphics. It quickly got very frustrating since the reload action is bouns to the same button as interact! So each time you tried to talk to someone, to get into a vehicle, or even pick up something from the ground you got into the risk of not aiming well enough and reloading by accident which resets your buff!
Mods, so Stalker, bethesda, etc, hell Fallout London just release and it's fantastic, I doubt it will ever be ported over and it will probably cost something.
Just wanted to mention, mods are non-official. Meaning they will never be ported over to console (bar a jailbreak and concerted effort, or acquisition of the mod or mod team.)
Dating myself a bit but it had to probably be the first Half-Life. It wasn't only about realizing how limited and awkward a gamepad is, but the mods opened my eyes too.
I still to this day don't see the point of consoles. They're just a way for companies to try and silo off customers and get everyone on proprietary hardware.
@alessandro They both do different things well.
Consoles play games. That simplicity is slept on until you spend an hour or more trying to configure a game on PC or diagnose a persistent "crash on launch." No modularity but cheaper initial cost.
PCs offer modularity, multiple controller types, mods, and free online multiplayer. Also better, faster adoption of things like higher framerates. Also offer higher performance and increased modularity at the cost of higher prices.