EDIT: la compañere? Shit, back to square one.
Le compañere? Maybe. Articles in Spanish are rigidly male or female, the gender sometimes determines the difference between identical words.
El radio: the metal radium / La radio: the radio (AM, FM, shortwave, etc.)
El cometa: the comet / La cometa: the kite
Here in Argentina, we tend to use the "e" ltter at the end. To be fair, only people who use what we call inclusive language use it.
It ends up being "no-binarie" which makes more sense.
"We" as in the minority of people. "Inclusive language" in spanish is one of the dumbest things I've seen in the past few years and it's (thankfully) not very widespread.
Jokes aside, I think the correct one should be "binaria" because it's "persona no-binaria", where "persona" being a female-gendered word still includes everybody (persono doesn't even exist).
Precisely. It is “el género no binario” or “la persona no binaria”. It has nothing to do with the person, just the nouns. As “binario/a” is an adjective, it has no gender on its own.
Native speaker here and no, that wouldn't be correct as a general rule. The most typical would be talking about or someone else like "yo soy no binario/a" and "yo" would be a he or a she depending on who is saying that. If you're talking about someone else it's "el/ella es no binario/a" for example.
Also a native speaker here. You can also just not specify "el/Ella" because the context isn't relevant. I.e. "es no binaria". You can also just pluralize the person to get around gendered wording, I.e. "ya llegaron" for "they have arrived" rather than "el/Ella ya llego" for he/she has arrived, but this is informal and may sound odd to someone of a different dialect from me, but I think this should at least be intelligible to Latin american Spanish dialects
I'm digging how Japanese is just context based. The same sentence that says "He's cool" is the same as "She's cool" and "It's cool." What changes its meaning is the context you're using it in.
But they have gendered first person pronouns. Like Watashi is neutral, but Atashi/ Atakushi/ Atai /Uchi is only used by women. Ore/ Jibun/ Boku/ Washi is mostly used by men
And for secondary personal pronouns Temē/ Kisama are only used for men, but those are very rude.
As a native Spanish speaker, I must tell something: that's the de facto (I think) right way to do things. Most people in my IRL environment, including myself, disprove the use of the "e" (although we don't care about the "@").
Clarification: That's IRL in my own POV only, maybe someone has a POV that is exactly the opposite. IDK
But don't you dare mention the e or @ or heaven forbid the dreaded x, because accomodating identities not traditionally considered in a language's common form is "white people shit"
Every single American born person of hispanic heritage, every first gen Spanish speaking immigrant I have ever known or met, as a friend, momentary acquaintance, or as a social worker helping to aid the homeless...
...every one that I have met in the real world either thinks latinx is laughably stupid (as in they literally laugh when the topic is brought up), or they are visibly confused when they read or hear the term.
And of friends and acquaintances, I know they ranged all over the political spectrum.
I wish no ill will on whoever came up with the term, but it just is not sensible to anyone who is not terminally online.
Hablo un pocquito español, so... as far as I can tell, there is at least existing precedent for the e ending, but I'll leave it up to the actual members of the language group and its culture to come up with a term (hell, there may be many different local or regional ways to accomplish it, as Spanish varies considerably by region and locale).
Actual members of the language group and culture did come up with a term, they came up with the x, and the anti-queer-machismo undercurrent in Latine society drove the lot to hysterics about the end of the spanish language and the gringoification of Latine culture.
Every time I see someone try to excuse this shit they'll spin some variant of "let them decide what term to use", and I'm like, why isn't the same right afforded to the queer folks who came up with those terms?
What about the greater Latine culture gives them a superior right to the Latine queer community to decide what letter to use? Why is not listening to the language community in question suddenly ok when it means overriding what the Latin Queer community outright told y'all they wanted in favor of appeasing los machismos who are all suddenly heads of the spanish academy and grammar experts as soon as it's convenient to be so to shout down some gay math nerds who wanted to be clever and punny in their chatspeak representation?
The Anglosphere didn't have the right to tell our queer community what they were gonna be called, why should we respect the hispanosphere trying to say they have that right?
The e is really used (at least in Mexico)
The @ was used in my times (millennial) but it was mostly to avoid writing twice: niños y niñas -> niñ@s but the e really incorporates a neutral plural
x I've only seen it from corporations and white people
Might have seen more of it if y'all stopped being allies with the bigots who terrorized the latine folks that came up with it into silence.
Seriously, the "inclusivity is white people shit" is so strong even queer PoC have internalized it to the point of trying to justify the absolute vitriol a single letter got that "just happened" to be one queer latine folks came up with to represent themselves.
It was meant as a text only placeholder and the poor enbie math nerd who came up with it is probably traumatized for life because of the machismo fuckasses that made hating it their entire reason to be.
"non-speakers", "not ours" as if you have any right to decide or judge.
Clinging for dear life to "it's not disgusting bigotry! ItS jUsT oUr CuLtUrE!", unless you're out here admitting you have the weakest spine on the planet and immediately turn with the social winds, how other people speak a language ain't gonna change how you speak it.
Only way you could ever accuse it of harming latin culture is if you fundamentally believe being inclusive to queer folks is destructive, in which case, you are literally the exact low-down slime I was warning about in this whole thread, and I welcome you to the stage as the freakshow example you deserve to be seen as!
Gendered languages are quite confounding; one day I hope those languages become more accommodating to those who realized they didn't identify with a gender and threw it away. Or worse, got their gender pickpocketed in a seedy part of town, because some tossers were quite desperate!
I've asked the following question before and I've never gotten a good answer - why do the words need a gendered suffix at all? Why can't the final O and A letters simply be omitted from all words that aren't inherently gendered? Like the word for library is 'bibliotheca", so why can't it just be called "bibliothec"?
I’m not going to intuitively know what gender a chair is
There's phonological rules. Just don't try to ask a native speaker about them we have them internalised and thus intuit everything, actually look them up.
i know that every time 'latinx' comes up online it gets spammed with 'rich white libs made it up' replies but i've also seen deep in those comment chains people claiming to be latin american trans people and that the term was created by the latin american trans community itself.
also, typically those replying with the above knee jerk 'white libs' response tend to be far right when i dug into their histories. on youtube and reddit over the years, that is. haven't seen this discourse on lemmy. also i don't have any sources for the origin of the term, just thought you might want to reconsider potentially being hateful to the latin american trans community if that wasn't your intention.
and tbh, even if it was some dem focus group in new york that came up with it, it's pretty easy to see that trans people might take the above kind of response to that term as one rooted in hatred.